3 Faxes Sent to Art Bell??


The "Fax 1" "Fax 2" numbers were inserted by Pamela, not Art Bell. That was just to keep seperate the order of the faxes as received - as purported by Art Bell.

The ordering makes sense within the context. When Art left the air to "retire" he was not much interested in his radio show. His wife was a native Philipino. The muslim terrorists were doing their thing and Art had made what they considered a blasphemous comment against The Religion. There were death threats out against both himself and his wife so he left the air. Sometime during that time Boomer sent the first fax but it was not acknowledged on te air by Art. Did he receive it and read it then? WHo knows. Art is an entertainer, not a reporter, What he said on the air on 29-JUL-1998 may or may not have been factual...not that it maters, really.


The fax with the skyscraper reference was dated 29-JUL-1998 and here's the complete quote:

You can alter history in the new universe that you have just created. Most of the time the changes are subtle. the oldest one was a sky scraper that don't exist in New York .

There's nothing there that can possibly be read to be a "prediction" or a historical reference. It's just a statement from him stating that the "missing sykscraper" (not destroyered or built and taken down - it doesn't even say that it was ever built) scenario is common. WHere does he possibly get his "the most common one" reference from? All along he'd said that his sociaety had just invented time travel and that they'd only made a limited number of time trips over the course of less than 2 years?

This was one of his failings. Once he started posting most of the time he had the story well scripted. On other occassions it was obvious that, in order to address something interesting or a specific question, he made it up on the fly...and it was contrary to the overall story that he's already told. The fax scenarios were early scripts and pre-Y2K. He got Y2K entirely wrong. He was an Art Bell lsitener who all too quickly fell into the trap of listening to Gary North and parroting his take on Y2K.

Where does he get his ""the oldest one" reference from?
Thanks for the clarification Darby. I know you have posted this many times already.

But I always thought that the fax mentioning 911 was the one provided by the QFlux sock puppet and the one that you and Pamela found in the archive never mentioned 911.

Quoting Darby from John Titor Fake dated 06-03-2008: "I just dont know which fax was accurate. Qflux's fax could have been altered to show John knew about 911"


Quoting Pamela Moore from 08-12-2007: "Someone deleted key words out to make it look like he knew about 911, or Art Bell changed it [later] to make it look like he didn't”.


The skyscraper reference was in the 1998 fax. And the context has to be considered. He clearly wasn't talking about 911 (or at least our 911). The context concerned subtle changes

You can alter history in the new universe that you have just created. Most of the time the changes are subtle. The oldest one was a sky scraper that don't exist in New York. Interestingly when you travel in time you must compensate for the orbit of the Earth since the time machine doesn't move you have to adjust the engine so you remain on the planet when you turn it off.

Now for the future you might want to know about..Y2K is a disaster . Many people die on the highways when they freeze to death trying to get to warmer weather. The gov. tries to keep power by instituting marshal law but all of it collapses when their efforts to bring the power back up fail.

There's no mention of a not-so-subtle disaster that killed thousands of people. And then in the very next paragraph he gets it entirely wrong (re Y2K). In that paragraph he makes six specific "predictions":

1. Y2K is a disaster. Completely wrong.
2. Many people die (from Y2K disaster). Completely wrong.
3. People attempt to escape freezing weather by migrating to warmer weather. Completely wrong.
4. The government instititutes marshal law. Completely wrong.
5. The power grid fails. Completely wrong.
6. "It" all collapses when power cannot be restored (society? the government? attempt to keep order? All of the former?). In any case, completely wrong.

He also made a silly error in logic in the first paragraph. How the hell does someone "alter the history" of a univrerse "that you have just created"? You just now created that universe. It doesn't have a history.

Frankly, as I said in the previous post, Boomer was listening to and attempting to mimic Gary North, who was a frequent Art Bell doomer guest between 1998 and 2000, just a bit too much.

So, in two paragraphs he makes a vague statement that could just as easily have refered to the Statute of Liberty or the Empire State Building and gets six specific "predictions" completely wrong.

As to someone at Premiere Radio deleting key words in the two "real" faxes? No. The transcripts were taken from the live recording of the show. I don't care for Art Bell but he didn't go back and have a show tape edited. He may have dealt with fruitbats on his show but he's not a fruitbat. As it happens apparently no one seems to have made a copy of the recording but there's nothing that would have prevented that. One such edit being discovered by comparing recordings and Premiere Radio would have had a show host with zero credibility. The transcript was made in December 2002 at a time when Titor as a subject was absolutely DOA. People were still posting here and on Anomalies but beyond that the topic would be a few posts on a thread on a BBS that were mostly about laughing at the Believers. When Titor was posting on Bell's forum it was a minor topic given the size and number of daily posts there. There's no reason for Bell to have even thought to alter a show tape over a minor topic on his, by then, defunct BBS. The Titor topic only came back to light on Bell's show following the August 2003 Internet spam blitz publicizing The Book.
Anyway, as far as I have ever been able to discern there was no third fax. Fax #2, submitted just before he stopped posting, makes a direct reference to Fax #1 from 1998 and makes no mention of any other fax. That doesn't constitute absolute proof of no third fax. It's possible that there was and I haven't been able to find it. However, I'm no longer of a mind to even try - it's been 11 years. I don't particularly mind posting facts from my notes taken over the years ending in about 2008. But I just don't have the desire to start anew research into yester decade's used fish wrap when there's no longer any mystery in it for me to explore.

There is more to the Titor story than meets the eye, Noze. Darby is not exactly being forthright with his statements. I would recommend taking his statements with a large grain of salt.

There is more to the Titor story than meets the eye, Noze. Darby is not exactly being forthright with his statements. I would recommend taking his statements with a large grain of salt.

And of course, you stay in your world of generalities and provide precisely ZERO specifics to back up your claim. Well done. Next thing you know, you will offer up a link to google and say "it's all in here, read it and do some research.":rolleyes:

If you are going to call out Darby, you had better offer some specifics that can be falsified, otherwise we brand you "hit and run".
