A tear in space.. this is incredible.


Temporal Novice
I've been searching for months to find a group such as this to appreciate and understand what I have stumbled upon. I say stumbled upon loosely because this "project" of mine has been undergo for 8 years now.

I call it "GATUR" Geographic And Time Underwater Reallocator.

This has recently been perfected to a hair my brothers, it is a power few may ever understand.

I can not go into much detail for it has no patent. I am only telling you so I may get some sort of feed back or ideas as I believe this group can help me in my path.

The GATUR is a machine I have constructed completely underwater. It has a cabin capsule (where the pilot sits) attached to a gyro in the center of the pool of water. Spinning this cabin Counterclockwise results in something INCREDIBLE.

The pressure in the cabin combined with the centrifugal force results in a tear of space-time itself. A tear in space.

This.. portal, if you will, transports the pilot to different destinations forward in time.

My only problem currently is that I have no way of controlling where and when you will end up!

Like I said my friends, I have only just gotten this to work. A successful attempt on my behalf happened only a few days ago, but in real time it happened three months before.

From Phoenix, Arizona I blacked out in my machine on Saturday, the 4th of April. To my incredible amazement moments later I awoke in a train station in Columbus Ohio, soon to find out it was no less then three months later.

I can not begin to tell anything and everything I know of space-time travel.

Any feedback would be beneficial towards my cause.
First off, you're not giving anywhere near enough information to make a comment on and second, what you are describing sounds like the plot of a bad movie. In other words, we all know you are making this up.
Oh alright... let's see where this one goes, I suppose. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
This has recently been perfected to a hair my brothers, it is a power few may ever understand.
"If you can build it, you can model it mathematically."
The GATUR is a machine I have constructed completely underwater. It has a cabin capsule (where the pilot sits) attached to a gyro in the center of the pool of water.
You're gonna have to help us understand a bit better than this. So it is a spherical pod on the outside? And then there is an inner capsule where the pilot sits? Now this is where it gets confusing. There is water inside the pilot's capsule? And is the gyro inside the pilot's capsule? And why is the gyro there? What does the gyro connect to? It is difficult to visualize from the way your sentence is worded.
Spinning this cabin Counterclockwise results in something INCREDIBLE.
It makes someone nauseous?
What happens if you spin it clockwise? At what rate are you spinning it? (I assume that controlling the rate of spin is the reason for the gyro, but I could be wrong).
The pressure in the cabin combined with the centrifugal force results in a tear of space-time itself. A tear in space.
Wow. Pretty amazing. How do you know it is the combination of pressure and centrifugal force (and don't you really mean acceleration)? Did you model it mathematically? And what do you mean (i.e. please describe) when you say a "tear in space"? What does it look like? Or does your whole sphere just disappear from an outside observer who is watching it?
My only problem currently is that I have no way of controlling where and when you will end up!
You're lucky. I am a professional control system design engineer. "I'm the engineer, and I am here to help!"

From Phoenix, Arizona I blacked out in my machine on Saturday, the 4th of April. To my incredible amazement moments later I awoke in a train station in Columbus Ohio, soon to find out it was no less then three months later.
Oh boy, here we go.... now we finally get to the claims! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You may have picked the wrong city to make your claim. I came from Ohio, and my sister lives in Columbus, and so I know the city pretty well. Which train station did you "appear" in? And what date did you THINK it was? If I don't know the specific station already, I can have my sis or another friend go check it out.

The problem with your claim is that you started your "trip" on April 4th, and say you went "no less than 3 months later". That would make it at least July 4th. So I couldn't send my sister (or go myself) to the train station to watch you arrive.

So please hurry and write back and let me know which train station in Columbus and what date you "arrived" there! If it's not too late, I will make sure someone I know is there waiting for you! Heck, I may even make the trip myself and visit my sis while I am there! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

If that date has already passed (and I am banking that this will be your answer), then take another trip NOW, tell us about it TOMORROW, and we can verify you actually do pop-up into the future whenever you travel to! SIMPLE!

From Phoenix, Arizona I blacked out in my machine on Saturday, the 4th of April. To my incredible amazement moments later I awoke in a train station in Columbus Ohio, soon to find out it was no less then three months later.

To achieve the same effect, I also ultized liquid. Many times, in the past, I experienced the same thing. After operating the liquid containment field, I would spin in various directions. I couldnt really tell which direction it was, since everything was kind of fuzzy.

I would end up in locations of which I had no memories of how I got to those places. Hours, sometimes, days, I just could NOT recall any events.

My liquid containment field was constructed of glass, reducing friction as it passes quickly from one point to another. It worked much faster if I didnt eat, but depending upon use, it produced temporary sickeness and usually gave me a headache.

Hope you keep some aspirin handy, it helps with the after effects (of what I, and some others who utilize this device, call Old N0. 7 )
"The pressure in the cabin combined with the centrifugal force results in a tear of space-time itself. A tear in space. "

Where in the ocean is it being performed? the Bermuda triangle?
Because I do not believe there would be enough pressure in the ocean
in even the deepest trenches to perform what you are saying.

Are you starting a script? It sure sounds like a script.
I'll bet you are in kahoots with this guy. Your post is pretty long!
I just KNOW it must be a script! lol
Wow, I was definitely not expecting to get such a strong response from so many people, but I will try and answer all of your questions.

Ok, first of all no the pilot is not submerged in water, he is in an air-tight capsule UNDER water.
The gyro is not inside the pilots capsule. The best way I can describe it is a ball on a stick (the ball being the pilot's capsule) and the gyro is in the center of the stick.

As for the thick scientific and mathematic equations I can't tell you as much as you would like to know. I'd rather stick to simplified terms just for a grasp of the subject. No, the machine does not disappear, it is just that the pilot's molecular structure is changed and placed somewhere and some time different.

The "tear in space" as I said was the period of time from when I blacked out until I awoke in a different place. Obviously abnormal for this plain of existence.

Your last question makes it seem to me that I did not make myself clear enough in my opening message. Where did I end up? In a train station. How long was I there? I can not tell you. Yes, physically and mentally at the time but for how long? That is the question.
I merely had enough time to stutter incoherently and ask nearby people where I was. You can imagine the state I was in. An older man told me I was in Columbus.

I'll be happy to answer any other questions.
Your message is the closest thing I can come close to as describing my experience.

If you can, please go into more detail of your experiences.

Thank you.
LOL, he's talking about getting drunk. Anyways, why does the machine have to be underwater?

And how did he manage to drag it back to the water (let me guess - somewhere in Florida) from the train station in Columbus...or did this "tear" in the fabric of space-time fling him, sans his gadget, to Columbus?

Surely he doesn't want us to believe that he weilds supreme time travel power just because some watery tart threw a sword at him, does he? I mean, if I went 'round saying I was Emperor Chronos just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
I apologize for my first post, I just couldnt resist.

The amount of information you have given us so far is very minimal. To construct such a "craft", especially one that operates underwater, would require quite a bit of research, funding, and specific materials.

If, indeed, you have done so, many options exist to prove to this board what you have claimed.

Photographs would be dandy, and some schematics, a list of materials, and how much did you spend on completion of the "craft"?

You posted information that contains nothing for anyone to believe your achievement.

You have many blanks to fill in.

Every "claim" follows the same routine...

1. Claim
2. No 'Real' Proof
3. Can't Provide Proof ( ...for the same reason as the rest of the claims )
4. Thread gets longer without anything being established beyond science-fiction
5. Poster says they are leaving to travel to the great beyond.
6. They stop posting

...and then...

7. Return under a different screen name and make another "claim".

Drop the crap, and support your claim!!! This thread needs to stop right here if you are going to give a wagon full of excuses as to why you CAN"T provide us with REAL evidence.

If you cant provide the mathematics, more detailed SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE , then move to the fan fiction section.

You see, I can create any story, but without any supporting data, my claim would just be words on the screen. If you want 'me' to understand, you need to provide more than what you have so far...

Understand this... I want to believe you!!!!

However, you must realize that a new "claim" appears in these forums almost every day. I am certain, you must see it from my point of view, that I would be extremely skeptical of any "claim".

Until you actually provide some sort of hard evidence, above and beyond what you have done so far...you will not convince me, or anyone, of your accomplishment.
Hi Darby,
Surely he doesn't want us to believe that he weilds supreme time travel power just because some watery tart threw a sword at him, does he? I mean, if I went 'round saying I was Emperor Chronos just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Ahhh, the Pythons!!! Thanks for that nostaligia, Darby! If memory serves me correctly, that would be a slightly modified quote from The Holy Grail.


First let me say I completely agree with what OvLrdLegion posted. I was humoring you (to an extent) because I will always try to give the claimant in such matters the benefit of the doubt... but ONLY ONCE! The fact that you did not answer quite a few of my questions, and that you supplied non-answers for others, means you are going to have a rough road with me (and perhaps others) from here on out unless you "get your act together."

The best way I can describe it is a ball on a stick (the ball being the pilot's capsule) and the gyro is in the center of the stick.
This is why accurate technical language is important in all engineering ventures. When you say "center of the stick" I would naturally assume you mean the centroid (center of gravity) of the stick. But somehow I get the feeling you don't mean that, but rather you mean it is on the central axis of the stick, but at the opposite end from the pilot's capsule. Please clarify.

Now let me point out some questions you did not answer:
1) "And why is the gyro there?" - In Other Words...what does it do? What is its purpose?
2) "What does the gyro connect to?"

I would also add to these questions new ones about the gyro:
3) Is it a single axis gyro, or 3-axis?
4) Does it only measure rotational rates (as most gyros do) or are their linear accelerometers included in the gyro package?

As for the thick scientific and mathematic equations I can't tell you as much as you would like to know.
This is the part you concoct so you can prevent someone from falsifying your story. Seen it too many times, pal. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt to show for it.
I'd rather stick to simplified terms just for a grasp of the subject.
And yet you can see from your choice of words so far that you have not provided terms that can help one grasp the subject. I'm an engineer. I can generally understand complex things, but not when people use confusing language to describe such things. Work with me here.
No, the machine does not disappear, it is just that the pilot's molecular structure is changed and placed somewhere and some time different.
5) Ahhh, then pray tell how the pilot gets back if he is transported out of the vessel? In other words, how did YOU get back from Columbus without your vessel and without a body of water to submerge it in?
The "tear in space" as I said was the period of time from when I blacked out until I awoke in a different place. Obviously abnormal for this plain of existence.
Not if you are heavily partaking in drugs and/or alcohol, as OvLrdLegion pointed out. Here are some other questions I asked you that are unanswered:
6) "What happens if you spin it clockwise?"
7) "At what rate are you spinning it?"
8) "How do you know it is the combination of pressure and centrifugal force (and don't you really mean acceleration)?"
9) "Which train station did you "appear" in?"
10) "And what date did you THINK it was?"
Where did I end up? In a train station. How long was I there? I can not tell you.
Note that I did not ask this last question. Please refer to question #10 above.
I merely had enough time to stutter incoherently and ask nearby people where I was. You can imagine the state I was in. An older man told me I was in Columbus.
You see, your story is already falling apart. You CLEARLY stated in your first post that you had some form of knowledge that "not less than 3 months had passed." This would certainly imply that you had more time than to simply "stutter incoherently and ask nearby people where I was." In fact, you MUST have either looked at a calendar or also asked people what the day/date was (and at that point they might have thought you were on drugs!).
An older man told me I was in Columbus.
11) "And then what happened? How did you get back to Phoenix in present-time?"
I'll be happy to answer any other questions.
You have not answered all of my initial questions, and now you want more? Still, I have added a couple new questions above to make you happy. Let's see you burn-down all these questions before we so hastily move on, OK? I've even done you the favor of numbering them. So you can simply answer them in the following form:

1) Answer: "..."
2) Answer: "..."

You get the idea.

I have a few questions too. coming here and telling people you have invented a magic gadget, what is your aim? supposing that people will believe you, then what? if you really achieved such a thing, wouldn't it be considered a revolution? so don't waste your time here. but the scientific world would require some real proof rather than words. if it turns out not to be true, which I believe so, how would you like people call you? think wisely, act wisely.
The whole story MUST be a lie since Columbus, Ohio has NO train station. The only one that still stands from 100 years ago is closed and resides next to the Spaghetti Warehouse on West Broad Street.

There is a Greyhound Bus station and walking around incoherently there would get you ignored or arrested.
>The pressure in the cabin combined with the centrifugal force results in a tear of space-time itself. A tear in space.<

>>"We often speak of pressure in terms of atmospheres. One atmosphere is equal to the weight of the earth's atmosphere at sea level, about 14.6 pounds per square inch. If you are at sea level, each square inch of your surface is subjected to a force of 14.6 pounds. The pressure increases about one atmosphere for every 10 meters of water depth. At a depth of 5,000 meters the pressure will be approximately 500 atmospheres or 500 times greater than the pressure at sea level. That's a lot of pressure."<<

>>From Phoenix, Arizona...<<

Let's see... you're in Phoenix which means you're in the middle of a desert, 400 miles from sea. Where did you find water to conduct this experiment? The above quote is a counter-reply to your reply so do tell.

>>It is my soulest duty to complete what is needed to be done. And I will.<<

I don't understand. First you say:

>>this "project" of mine has been undergo for 8 years now.<<

Which means you're "one of us" as in, not a time traveller from the future etc... this is something you built. Well if you built it, what duty has to be done?

>>Where did I end up? In a train station. How long was I there? I can not tell you. Yes, physically and mentally at the time but for how long? That is the question.<<

So a submarine magically appeared out of nothing into a crowded train station, right?

>>I merely had enough time to stutter incoherently and ask nearby people where I was. You can imagine the state I was in.<<

Were people asking you questions like "where did this submarine come from?"

Too many unanswered questions, not enough logic and not enough information. A hoax.