Allright, let's go over the evidence again, shall we?


Chrono Cadet
Let's all go to, the site background is black.
Go to post by date.
Go to Nov. 2000.
Let's all read November's post, allright?

I'll go first.
On November 2nd, 2000, 1:00 am/pm doesn't say,
John states his basic systems for a gravity distortion system that will allow for time travel. His 6 statements sound good to me a lay-lady. I know how to bake a cake from scratch. Are these the basic ingredients to allow for time travel?
Nope! Right away I noticed a flaw in John's description of his time machine. There is no Flux Capacitor. Everyone knows you need a Flux capacitor to time travel.
Let's all go to, the site background is black.
Go to post by date.
Go to Nov. 2000.
Let's all read November's post, allright?

I'll go first.
On November 2nd, 2000, 1:00 am/pm doesn't say,
John states his basic systems for a gravity distortion system that will allow for time travel. His 6 statements sound good to me a lay-lady. I know how to bake a cake from scratch. Are these the basic ingredients to allow for time travel?

This is an unedited copy of the 2-NOV-2000 post:

unregistered posted 02 November 2000 01:16
Wow! Paul is right on the money. I was just about to give up hope on anyone knowing who Tipler or Kerr was on this worldline.

By the way, #2 is the correct answer and the basics for time travel start at CERN in about a year and end in 2034 with the first "time machine" built by GE. Too bad we can't post pictures or I'de show it to you.

No Problem!!......."Wherever you go, there you are, and I'll be waiting."

His initial post says nothing specific about his gadget. He simply references Frank Tipler and Roy Kerr as if they were unknown persons. To the average alt-sci forum poster who typically knows next to nothing at all about science in general let alone physics that might be true. But in the world of mathematical and theoretical physics they were and are very well known. It's generally called going for the low hanging fruit(bat). It's also contains his first failed "prediction."

Lesson learned: For God's sake don't reference as a source for John Titor material. The site is a joke.
Are these the basic ingredients to allow for time travel?

Now that we have the first post out of the way, does anything that TTO/Titor posted "allow for time travel"? The answer is that there was nothing in what little science that he posted that made a whit of sense. He copied and pasted items from other websites, changed a word here and there to make it appear to be his own words and posted an alphabet soup of pseudoscience. I actually did have one working physicist come on and post his thoughts. My criticism was both tame and kind by comparison. But Dr. Brown (Duke University Department of Physics) touched on every point that I'd already made.

Short answer: No. And keep in mind that TTO/Titor warned everyone not to believe his story.
Ok Darby, you pick the site. Then all of us that want to participate will go over it. It's been 14yr and people can't stop arguing. Let's all just look at the facts again and re-examine this cold case.
What if this place ends up closing down? I think it's appropriate since he posted here in the beginning that we look at it one more time in the end.
Nobody will re-hash this in a serious manner. It is a closed case in most minds (including myself). Now if something crazy were to happen, like say, the Russian nuke prediction next year...well that's a different matter.