Anthony Timpanaro - Profile - P.O. Bayonne


Rift Surfer
The following is profile of Anthony Timpanaro former Police Officer of Bayonne, N.J.

Anthony Timpanaro works with Patrick McMonagle in Western Electric.

Anthony Timpanaro becomes a Bayonne Police Officer.

He rises to the rand of Detective.

He stops the 'McMonagle' house in his youth and drops off 'illegal fireworks' for the 'McMonagle's to use.

He introduced to and runs into 'McMonagle' over his pre-teen years with Father Patrick and occasionally on the street.

He goes to the 'McMonagle' house to interview 'McMonagle' regarding the apparent overdose of 'Michael Boyle' in his early teens. 'McMonagle' is stopped by Michael Boyle on the corner of 4th Street and Avenue C. Directly across from Steve's 4th Street Shop-Rite. Glenn Regan, brother in law to Patrick Boyle, is in front. Michael Boyle says 'Hello and asks him hows it going'. McMonagle respond 'Nothing much... Just going home" and proceeds home. Timpanaro states along with another Detective that 'McMonagle' was the last person scene with Boyle according to GLEN REGAN. Timpanaro inquires to drug use. 'McMonagle' states he does not do drugs. But you might want to ask the others from Henry Harris School. 'McMonagle' suspects 'fake' overdose by Michael Boyle anad setup by 4th Street Shop Rite and Glenn Regan. Regan goes on to have federal housing project with Patrick Boyle using HUD funds. Timpanaro takes 'McMonagle' in a Detective Car to Henry Harris School yard. He says these guys are friends of Michael Boyles as well. After initial incident, it is discovered that Michael Boyle takes prescription medicine from David Butler's bathroom cabenit and supposedly overdoses. Friends band together later to look for prescription bottles near First Street. Patrick and Ann McMonagle go to retrieve John from 1st Street Scene. Why did the kids have to search for the bottles instead of asking Ms. Butler or the Pharmarcy or by a Police Investigation is UNKNOWN. A serious case for a 'phoney' drug overdose is in order. Glen Regan goes on to "Quaterback" of Rocco's touch football league. After Waldron assault, Regan is heard to say "Get him off the field..." as if it was 'McMonagle's fault Waldron ELBOWED 'McMonagle' twice in the face and then HEADLOCKED him. 'McMonagle' could simply SWEPT ONE OF WALDRON's LEGS and broken the headlock and perhaps Mr. Waldron's head. But he did not. He waited for A REFEREE to stop the apparent attack BUT IT DID NOT COME. They happened to playing against THE BIG APPLE football team. Did Vinnie Bottino put A HIT on 'McMonagle' during the football game. Current evidence would suggest YES.

'McMonagle' is swept up in a sweep of THE TRESTLE off of Avenue A. (Now current site of A&P strip mall. A property rumored to be previously owned by JAMES SISK and HIS FORMER PARTNER DUGAN) 'McMonagle' is brought to POLICE HEADQUARTERS at 27th Street. His detained in THE GLASS BOOTH at POLICE HQ. He IS NOT ARRESTED or GIVEN HIS RIGHTS. He IS FINGER PRINTED and ASKED FOR ALIASES. He states an alias known as "Mick". (Fingerprints were most likely sent to THE FBI and were obtained ILLEGALLY and CAN NEVER BE USED AGAINST HIM in a case.) Timpanaro sees 'McMonagle' in the GLASS BOOTH. An officer comes in and says "We are calling all your parents." 'McMonagle' is brought home by Timpanaro. 'McMonagle' later finds out that NO COP EVER CALLED THE HOUSE.

'McMonagle' and college friend KEVIN RYAN, a co-worker of Kevin Ahern at the DTC at 55 Water Street in Manhattan, are down the shore in early winter in the late 80s. Ryan insists on going to a Strip Bar. 'McMonagle' warns him that the local don't like Northern NJ people in these bars in the winter time. Ryan is driving and insists on going INSIDE THE STRIP CLUB. Upon entering there are 2 men sitting at the bar near the entrance. After sitting down, 'McMonagle' realizes its TONY TIMPANARO and POSSIBLY GEORGE WIENGARTNER sitting at the bar. TIMPANARO approaches 'McMonagle' goes past KEVIN RYAN and says "I know who you are..." 'McMonagle' tries ignore TIMPANARO... 'McMonagle' eventually says "Good for you..." and returns to looking at the dancers. 'McMonagle' then insists to KEVIN RYAN on getting out of the place. The person believed to be GEORGE WIENGARTNER is says "Ok... Tough Guy... We'll remember you"... 'McMonagle' and Ryan get in the car and return to Bayonne, N.J. 'McMonagle' suspects KEVIN RYAN of 'setting him up'. GEORGE WIENGARTNER is a FORMER BAYONNE COP BELIEVED TO BE A MOB HIT MAN WHO KILLED Digilio. The local Italian Capo in Bayonne.

KEVIN RYAN was friend to BRIAN BRADEN who introduced RYAN to MCMONAGLE in front of St. Andrews. 'MCMonagle' was told RYAN would be in St. Peter's College with him and may should be "buddies". KEVIN RYAN gets 'McMonagle' into Bankers Trust Company. KEVIN RYAN is always with an 'Italian' looking individual he refers to as his "brother". He is believed to a MOB Handler. KEVIN RYAN is believed to be an "intelligence assest" of some agency. Who tried to manipulate and control 'McMonagle' 'McMonagle' over the years diagnosis KEVIN RYAN as text book example of a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR who can't tell the truth in the simplest cases.

Re: Anthony Timpanaro - Profile - Omission

In another incident at Bayonne High School, Detective Timpanaro mans THE BAYONNE POLICE STATION in the HIGH SCHOOL. Oh Yes! It's so BAD there they HAVE POLICE PRECINT IN THE HIGH SCHOOL. He and unnamed officer man the unit. (In the future, P.O. James Mahoney mans the unit although he one of the most complained about officers of Police Brutality. Hanging at the High School with your Daughters and Sons!)

'McMonagle' is in a gym swim. A large 300 pound plus student suddenly starts to make fun of his Mother. Claiming she does 'odd' things. 'McMonagle' defends his Mother's honor and gives the guy a bloody nose. The Students egg on the other students to ATTACK 'McMonagle' in FRONT OF THE TEACHER known as Mr. "W". (Mr. "W" is the head of the 16th Pool that goes to employee Denise Mycryki, Kevin McMonagle, Michael Waldron and other key figures in the story.) The "Fight" is abandoned by the LARGE STUDENT and the POLICE are called in. Who arrives but officer Anthony 'Tony' Timpanaro. Timpanaro escorts 'McMonagle' down the hall to the POLICE OFFICE. Who do they encounter but Timothy Mercer. Mercer states in front of Timpanaro 'In trouble again McMonagle..." 'McMonagle' replies to Mercer "I guess so..." In the office, Timpanaro and the other unnamed office laugh and ask "How did you beat that big guy up..." 'McMonagle' replies "I just punched him" and goes on to explain what the LARGE STUDENT had said about his mother. 'McMonagle' is released. (Timothy Mercer is still employed by the Board of Education. 'McMonagle' WAS NEVER IN TROUBLE before in the HIGH SCHOOL and SLANDERED Mr. 'McMonagle' in FRONT OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Mercer a ST. PETER'S COLLEGE graduate was a "friend" and "associate" of KEVIN MCMONAGLE.)(And why was Mr. "W" not investigated and prosecuted for ALLOWING AN ASSUALT TO BE PROVOKED AGAINST 'McMonagle' is unknown.)
