Black Holes aren't real! Math Proof!

So... mathematical proof for the existence of the black holes is not correct, but mathematical disproof of its existence is correct. Why?

There are direct observations of Novas, but there are also observations of black holes. Novas and Super Novas so far coexisted without problems with the black holes, as far, as I know.

There is no direct observation of a black hole. All the observed data is indirect and being interpreted as if a black hole were present. Because of this indirect method used, alternate fact based interpretations could be used instead.

The mathematical disproof is more readily accepted as a description of phenomena that we have observed. Such as a star going Nova.

In the latter example the phenomena came before the math. So the math is merely modeling a phenomena already observed to exist.

Not so with black holes. The math came first. So it was fiction right from the start.

I could mathematically describe the orbit of a purple polka dotted pink elephant orbiting Ganymede. Do you honestly think that will come into existence just because I have the math for it?

Black holes can't be observed directly, because of their nature. They are not letting any sort of particle or energy out. It seems, that some ship will have to go to the nearest black hole to prove or disprove once and for all if black holes exist.

I'll just say it again because I have to remove the "send email" option from this topic, lol, but

I think that assuming the equation disproving black holes applies to every single super nova is a bit presumptuous. But what do I know? I'm not a scientist.

I'll just say it again because I have to remove the "send email" option from this topic, lol, butI think that assuming the equation disproving black holes applies to every single super nova is a bit presumptuous. But what do I know? I'm not a scientist.
And just remember, Santa isn't real either.
