Care package to

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LEGAL:Complicity can also be interprited as allowing a series of events to occur, that certain memebers of a group have full knowlege of before had, then so letting these circumstances transpire, eg, to occur on pourpose.

Variant problematics, T as a time changeing varible, as the nature of sociology can can outside of any foward looking guess.
Hense the reality of what is occuring, is not really the same as was guessed.

To AIC, as you sit there in your large Maytage Box, doing you calculations, as you, like a cat, like the ambient feedback of vibratory responce from plain cardboard.

The return of said object X, is only a half equation as you had measured it, within your recient post suppositions to the date of this post.

The other incomeing body, is was said to be accompaied by the Pleiadeans and is given as a contigual link, off of FIGUs The Michael Horn web site.

This is said as, that a large gravametic mass, so dense in magnetc structures, can stop the rotation of the Earth, so pourposely cuaseing catastrphoy.

Elimination of population, which is felloney homocide.

Darby:Returned U link as part of the board.

Carlos X, yes there is a time machine in your cubboard.

Pamela More, allieas Miranda Y:Your suppositions in change of frequency as state do go to higher realms.

However then at this realtive date, return to have the girl fall through the wall, as her frequency is not synchronized with surrouding events.

So the logical conclusion is, thart GIRL THROUGH THE WALL, has been flavoured and was taken conscript.

Time 02112:Memeber of the board, leads turned to U as circut complete.

Overall is state as that it is illegal by galactic standards, to farm masses of humaoid life, for one's own pourposes.
Yes but what to do with the adorniamatic perturbance of the molecular continuity? I must say, catastrophic to say the most belittled.<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">PANdaRUS~
"Time Means Nothing"
RE: Bert\'s a pervert, so stay in the closet.

If she sits on your face, this is your problem, not mine.

I never said that divisionist prinicples would further any sort of scientific logic.

After all, a hand job is still a hand job, even if it is off the top of one of Cleavland's tallest buildings.

This is why Pamela More is so well taken care of, drives a nice car, has lots of money, is loved by many, many sectors and listens to the Charlie's Angels opening theme, constantly while going to her office, in the industrial park, in Ohio.

She can dance, so don't ask me!
RE: Bert\'s a pervert, so stay in the closet.

So C (I know it’s you creedo), what you’re saying, is that Pamela slept her way to the top by giving high ranking execs hand jobs?

Why would that be any one else’s business but her’s?

I’m sure if any of what you said were true, she would want to keep it private and out of the national enquirer a.k.a. creedo

RE: Bert\'s a pervert, so stay in the closet.Re, math geometrical verification.

Rebuttal to TTA within post after this script:

>If she sits on your face,
>this is your problem, not

"She", is not a determinate handle, or personna.This title she could be any female, any where?
>I never said that divisionist prinicples
>would further any sort of
>scientific logic.
>After all, a hand job is
>still a hand job, even
>if it is off the
>top of one of Cleavland's
>tallest buildings.
**States hand-job "OFF" the tallest buildings in Cleavland.
Again does not entail any cognisanace, other that object B, pointing over a railing at the top of a building and expelling contents, off of that building.Again, no personna given here, could be any woman, at any place, any time anywhere.
>This is why Pamela More is
>so well taken care of,
>drives a nice car, has
>lots of money, is loved
>by many, many sectors and
>listens to the Charlie's Angels
>opening theme, constantly while going
>to her office, in the
>industrial park, in Ohio.
>She can dance, so don't ask

RE: Bert\'s a pervert, so stay in the closet.Re, math geometrical verification.

She? No persona given? What are you talking about; you specifically said it was Pamela. I know the game your playing, the divination and projecting your thoughts into others. Poor Daniel, have I not taught you that you’re meddling with forces that you’re bound to lose

And as for walking us through your perverted mind explaining how everything figures, only proves this (not to mention the user name is a sure give away :P), and how truly demented your soul is.

RE: To Creedo...

Hey CAT, do you see what I see? I have 738 posts as the TTA, and you have 378. All the numbers that are present in the number of times we posted
. Trippy connection don’t ya think? Funny that I spotted it actually, on today of all days too

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it's preservation."

You're one sick pup. Frankly, I've copied the thread and emailed it ro Pam with a suggestion that it's time for her to contact an attorney.

Fun is fun and free speach is free speach. Libel, however, is not free speach and actionable in court. Whether she decides to contact an attorney is up to her.
Hey, TTA I see that with the number of posts!!! That means we are doing our jobs enforcing Time Travel! (High five pal!)

Yeah Baby


-TTA & CAT tag team champs

P.S. Hey Dan-O, it seems your gonna be getting some more unwanted attention at home. Did you change your listening at how I advised you to 2 weeks ago? Now you got a lawyer to worry about calling your house, and sending you a letter :O ohh oh big trouble now. But like always, you brought it upon your self.
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it's preservation."
RE: Care package to and so are you.

Attn. MOP, TTA and CAT.

The break-in to my system and placing the game Agent3 on my desktop, that really dials up agency numbers and addresses, was not funny.

If I were you, I would delete any reference to either me, my family within any of your past post?

I have one of the prototype systems, that are semi-self inteligent and you comeing into my system, might cause a whole lot more trouble than you had barganed for?

*Note security issue, modified Agent3 game has been doubly deletted.

Further note that system was instructed not to actuate agency pontentals, nor any modem dialup, unless authorized by myself.

Sworn, poster
RE: Care package to and so are you.

Daniel, your paranoia is clouding your judgment, or is it a ruse to divert attention that your in deep ya-ya

Still, accusing someone here of actually wanting to do something to you for spite, I don’t think anyone here (MOP, TTA, and CAT) would do something like that to you.

But then again, as I said. You have a history of making idle threats when the circumstances are not in your favor
. Poor Daniel, I had really hoped you’d learned by now. Whatever happens next, you have no one else to blame, but you’re self. Just look at all the unwanted attention you brought upon your self. I know you didn’t want that, but you didn’t really think about how to prevent it either. I’m sorry

RE: Care package to and so are you.

WHAT! And here I was beginning to feel really sorry for you Daniel! Thinking you got into all this trouble all on account of me and thinking everyone is out to get you! When all along it was just a little reverse psychology joke!

How lame of you! and to what levels of dishonesty and betrayal would you stoop! You fail miserably once again!


P.S. Go sniff your armpit and ask for guidance!
And here is your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great great, great, great, great, great, great, grandaddies, and what they are doing today:

And this accounts for your time travel and your math!

And they were smarter, they just clubbed stupid people to death for the sake of the whole tribe. (especially when the fire went out)!

Back to your caves, where you belong!


Smile, smile, smile!
You gonna smile now, bloop, bloop, had enough, bloop, bloop!
Yunk, yunk, yunk, yunk, yunk!
Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop!

Dear AIC, you are stiff in your belief system and an overregulaited academic.

Mommy says so science, is the scourge of those who see further, however fear of that certain window seat, for the expression of thoeries out of the ordinary.

Your works and views, especially show this AIC.

I've watched everything you have done, intensley.

Your cellular tower, is your septer of....

You need an exorcist!

I don't take threats!

You are done, and so is your arse!

You don't stalk me in this world!

RE: To AIC, explaination:

With reference to what you've posted only, within the public domain.

I'm not the stalking type and if I were surely wouldn't consider you any type of fair game.

These were comments on your thought processes only.

Stalk me in this world, is an old country vampire coinage of thought.

What you are insinuaiting about me is that some of my distant past relatives had been bitten by vampire and then bore children?

It's funny that you would term it this way.
RE: To AIC, explaination:

Oh, and keep up the static, what? Can't hear you!

I sure things will change in the future!
