Darby, Your Thoughts on Boomer


Chrono Cadet
What do you think about author of The Postman (1997 movie), David Brin and his comments about "Boomer"?

Furthermore, he has a publisher who is also an author by the name of Karen Haber.

What do you think about author of The Postman (1997 movie), David Brin and his comments about "Boomer"?Furthermore, he has a publisher who is also an author by the name of Karen Haber.
I'm not familiar with the comments. Can you give me a URL reference so I can look at them?
As to Karen Haber: If the Karen Haber that you're refering to is the one who wrote the novel, among others, "Star Trek Voyager: Bless the Beasts" then she is not Larry Haber's wife. Her husband is writer Robert Silverberg.

Larry's wife Karen has never been known to have had any part in the Titor Saga. Absent any infomation connecting her to the Titor Saga I've always considered her off-limits to speculation in posts.

It's a fine line to walk when expanding the scope of the "Finda da Pope ina da Pizza" contest re The Titor Saga. Involving otherwise uninvolved family members of characters in the drama can and has crossed that line. For example, MOP owns this site; he set up the Celebration BBS and was SysOp/SysAdmin. Haber lives in Celebration. MOP and his wife own an Internet service company. A member suddenly dragged her name into the fray as a "co-conspirator" for no other reason than she is his wife, they co-own a family business and, God forbid, she actually posted on this forum a few times. MOP was so furious over this, and I don't blame him, that he seriously considered shutting the site down with no further notice. He didn't but cautioned that if his family were ever again to be dragged into the Titor Saga he would pull the plug without notice. We need to be very circumspect and cautious about whose name we arbitrarily drag into the conversation.


Please do give me a hint on the Postman. But absent a real connection let's let Karen Haber go in peace. :)

For example, MOP owns this site; he set up the Celebration BBS and was SysOp/SysAdmin. Haber lives in Celebration. MOP and his wife own an Internet service company. A member suddenly dragged her name into the fray as a "co-conspirator" for no other reason than she is his wife, they co-own a family business and, God forbid, she actually posted on this forum a few times. MOP was so furious over this, and I don't blame him, that he seriously considered shutting the site down with no further notice. He didn't but cautioned that if his family were ever again to be dragged into the Titor Saga he would pull the plug without notice.
Wow!! I've only been familiar with the Titor saga since late last year, but I've read more drama and intrigue on this real life forum, than I have in most novels.... Really is amazing, this ongoing story....

Wow!! I've only been familiar with the Titor saga since late last year, but I've read more drama and intrigue on this real life forum, than I have in most novels.... Really is amazing, this ongoing story....
And Mylo, my friend, the "amazing" part really isn't all that complicated. For your benefit I'll again post what happened:
MOP is not Titor. MOP is not part of Group Titor nor a part of the John Titor Foundation. He operates several websites. All but one, this site, are commercial vertures for actual businesses and one client is Disney. Disney Corp. originally owned Celebration, FL. Disney Corp built the town. A huge part of Disneyland and Disney World is "Tomorrowland" - Walt Disney's view of the world of tomorrow. Celebration, when it was built, was to have every modern electronic convenience - a planned community for tomorrow. The Internet was hardwired into every building. It was to have one of the original Segway outlets. It needed a community website and BBS, SysOP and SysAdmin. MOP already ran sites for Disney. He was pegged to set up run the Celebration website and admin/moderate the community BBS. On the BBS he had a hot link to this site. That's the connection. Not very amazing but that's what happened. A resident of Celebration found the link on the BBS and logged in here.

It was easy enough to find the address of the John Titor Foundation. It is a Florida LLC and the information is readily available on the Sunbiz (Florida Dept of Corps) website. So finding Celebration as Larry Haber's office location was straight forward. Discovering that Larry was the very first person to move into Celebration was discovered on the community website (Larry Haber was called Celebration's "First Person"). A perq of being, at the time, a top executive of Disney.

What was not anticipated by the John Titor Foundation is that we would find a back link leading from here back to Celebration. I found that link, quite by accident, on the old TOS/Privacy Notice page. It lead to Magical Mouse The Magical Mouse . MOP runs that site. There was a link to the Celebration website on Magical Mouse. On the Celebration BBS home page was a hotlink back to this site. The old Celebration BBS is long gone. Only the website itself remains. The hotlink to that site Official Website of the Community of Celebration| Located next to Walt Disney World | Celebration, FL. is at the top of the Celebration USA page on the Magical Mouse.

This is the original website that was contained in the hotlink on Magical Mouse. It, apparently, is no longer the "official" community website:

Real Estate For Sale and Rent in Celebration, FL 34747 (www.34747.com)

(34747 is the Zip Code for Celebration)

You'll probably notice that the site is no longer a general community website. It is now a local "Real Estate for Sale" site.

The original site was also cross registered as www.34747.net and www.34747.org. The Dot Org is now a restricted site and back-ups on the Internet Archive (from 2005) indicate that it is a private website owned and operated by the City of Celebration for the internal business of the City (the back-up, though restricted, indicate City Council meeting minutes).

Say no more, Darby. That is why I asked you. I will not mention her name again.

It's just very coincidental. I don't have a URL. People are feeding me a lot of information about John Titor to see if I can confirm or deny things. They want to know if I've ever talked to David. Well the answer is "yes". I have talked to David.

Having two people with the same name where one person is involved and another or another's family is chosen to help is a very typical psychological operation intended to confuse investigators.

I have also talked to Robert Silverberg. Man, this is getting really deep.

Do you think that a group of science fiction authors are behind this? Or are real time travellers working with science fiction authors to discredit themselves and cover their tracks?

About David Brin, he has often talked about the word "Boomer".
I gave Titor the nickname "Boomer" because all of the evidence, contrary to his assertions of being in his early 30's, pointed to him being someone who was born in the late 1940's to the late 1950's - a Baby Boomer. A person in his mid 40's to the early 50's. A "Boomer" for short. He apparently didn't like that assertion so he nicknamed me Tar Baby.
I still use Boomer at times to differentiate between the character "John Titor" or "TimeTravel_0" and the author of the posts. When I use "Boomer" I'm referring to the author and usually make that clear in the post.

I gave Titor the nickname "Boomer" because all of the evidence, contrary to his assertions of being in his early 30's, pointed to him being someone who was born in the late 1940's to the late 1950's - a Baby Boomer. A person in his mid 40's to the early 50's. A "Boomer" for short. He apparently didn't like that assertion so he nicknamed me Tar Baby.I still use Boomer at times to differentiate between the character "John Titor" or "TimeTravel_0" and the author of the posts. When I use "Boomer" I'm referring to the author and usually make that clear in the post.
Well, I'm using some linguistic software to match people according to their grammar, word choice, and other factors. Brin was born in 1950.
Brin/The Good and the Bad

"But surely you'll admit that it can also become a tar baby, a parasite, sucking hundreds, even thousands of hours out of your valuable life span. In effect, hours sucked away by a machine."

Our boy Kenny on this newsgroup is putting up a big passive aggressive fuss.

Say no more, Darby. That is why I asked you. I will not mention her name again.Do you think that a group of science fiction authors are behind this? Or are real time travellers working with science fiction authors to discredit themselves and cover their tracks?
Thank you for seeing the issue and respecting her privacy.
Do I think that a group of sci-fi writers are behind The Titor Saga?

In a sense, yes. It is a sci-fi story, many of us have long believed that it was a group effort (Group Titor), we have confirmation from Buzzmaker that a group did, indeed, write the book "John Titor: A Time Traveler's Tale" for the JTF. We also have the fact that many posts attributed to John Titor/TTO were actually posted by Pamela. She asserted that the posts were copies of emails sent her by Titor and posted with his permission. It leaves open the question as to their source and author.

Do I think that a group of professional sci-fi writers are behind The Titor Saga?

No. Boomer wrote well and at the college level - a cut above the average poster of sci-fi tales. That his writing ability was a cut above the average Internet BBS sci-fi tale writer isn't much of a compliment. It is measured against the total lack of fiction writing talent for the average poster of such tales. So being a cut above non-talent just means that he could craft a few fragments together and form a complex sentence or two in order to tell a story that at least made grammatical sense. It was very obvious that he had little or no technical background in the area of physical science. His best effort at posting anything from real physics was a correct copy and paste from some website of the 3d +1 representation of the spacetime interval between events in Special Relativity. But that was baby science. The equation is at its base nothing more than an extension the Pythagorean Theorum from 2 dimensions to 4 dimensions. It simply extends a^2 + b^2 = c^2 to include depth (making a 3d space) and time: ds^2 = -(ct)^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2. Posting of the equation did empress a few people but only a few people.

His techno-babble was actually rather laughable.

"My "time machine" is...powered by two top-spin, dual positive singularities, that produce a standard off-set Tipler sinusoid."

Completely meaningless techno-babble intended to impress but entirely devoid of content or meaning. "Top spin"? Did he mean "spin up"? There is no term in physics "top spin". "Dual positive singularities"? WTF is that? Certainly he wasn't referring to the charge on the BH's because he later says they pump up the angular velocity by injecting electrons. "Standard off-set Tipler sinusoid"? Standard to whom? Certainly not to his readers and certainly not to a physicist. What is a Tipler sinusoid? A professional writer would have filled in a few blanks with some definition. An amateur BS Internet tale teller would leave the terms undefined because it is much easier to defend the tale if those who would question it are not afforded definitions of the techno-babble terms and those who would support it are open to define the terms for the writer. Good for a BS tale but not a professional writing technique if the intent is to let the reader in on the meaning of the story.

Real time travelers working with sci-fi writers to cover their tracks?

Seriously? Contrary to Titor's hand waving dismissal of the subject, development of an actual time machine and all of the sub-structures that would allow it to successfully navigate through spacetime won't be easy, won't be done in a few years and won't be cheap. A lot of people on forums like this listen to Michio Kaku breathlessly...when he says what they want to hear. But when he tells them that time travel will require a Type 3 society - a civilization that harnesses energy from entire galaxies - a transition that will take us thousands of years and quadrillions of "dollars" in resources to accomplish they choose to ignore him. Why? Beacuse Titor said it will only take (from today) 20 years. So, while companies and government may waste money, is it reasonable to assume that they would develop time travel so they could come and play online and have sci-fi ghost writers cover their tracks? Cover them from whom? What? They have something to fear from us? They are time travelers. They come from civilizations so advanced that there would be absolutely nothing that we could do to or about them if they all suddenly popped out of the fog and said, "Hello! Take us to your leader." Their time machines have magic erasers on them. If a trip doesn't work out quite right they can always erase the error by repeating the trip and altering the outcome...or some such nonsense. No. Not real time travelers.

But that's just an opinion. Time travel could end up being nothing more than a toy that is used to play on the Internet. Your tax dollars at work. :)

Very insightful comments. Well then, could this John Titor group be a private group, former military, now in a militia, sworn to secrecy and inspired by the writings of David Brin? What if it is someone from The Diamondbacks militia?

A real time traveller would be more like a pilot who knows less about his plane and more about how to fly it. But, a time traveller expected to repair his machine in case anything goes wrong would have to know that machine as an engineer. And you are correct. John Titor doesn't know enough about his machine based on that silly arm-chair science of his.

It is in the works and has not yet started filming, which will likely begin later this year.

The script is finished and is based on the Titor posts and will be a major release production with a budget over 5 million. I acted as a consultant to the Cydonia Pictures Project and suggested some changes/tips regarding certain script elements and technical details.

Distribution has already been established and talent is now being identified. Suffice it to say, considering the budget for the film, well-known talent is currently being courted for various roles and cast will be added this summer. Theatrical Release should be 2014. Also, there will be "little gems" in the film for those who know the actual truth.

At the risk of being accused of promoting a commercial product, I am not. This is not my project. There is an IMDB link

John Titor (2014) - IMDb

Content to the IMDB link is added continuously as events develop.

It is in the works and has not yet started filming, which will likely begin later this year.The script is finished and is based on the Titor posts and will be a major release production with a budget over 5 million. I acted as a consultant to the Cydonia Pictures Project and suggested some changes/tips regarding certain script elements and technical details.Distribution has already been established and talent is now being identified. Suffice it to say, considering the budget for the film, well-known talent is currently being courted for various roles and cast will be added this summer. Theatrical Release should be 2014. Also, there will be "little gems" in the film for those who know the actual truth.

At the risk of being accused of promoting a commercial product, I am not. This is not my project. There is an IMDB link

John Titor (2014) - IMDb

Content to the IMDB link is added continuously as events develop.
Thanks for the info. I wonder how successful this film will be (in terms of box office or dvd sales?) None of my mates or work mates have even heard of the Titor story.
"Also, there will be "little gems" in the film for those who know the actual truth."


Wouldn't the "little gems" be of more benefit to those who sit on the "fence" in regard to whether the Titor story is true or not? If people know the actual truth, then what other gems could outsparkle the alleged truth?

Here is the link to a short film about time-travel, that won a festival award. It is called "Time"

"Writer/director Liam Connor has crafted an engrossing tale focusing on character rather than action and it works perfectly. There are no outward signs that Time is anything more than a study of kids discussing what might happen if time travel were possible, but it draws you in and keeps your attention better than many big-budget blockbusters can. And like many good tales, there’s a twist at the end that reveals the true nature of James’ questions about time."


Thanks for the info.
Of course.

I wonder how successful this film will be (in terms of box office or dvd sales?) None of my mates or work mates have even heard of the Titor story.
The movie has time travel as a backdrop based on the Titor story.

Wouldn't the "little gems" be of more benefit to those who sit on the "fence" in regard to whether the Titor story is true or not? If people know the actual truth, then what other gems could outsparkle the alleged truth?
The purpose of the movie is not to convince, it is to give an account of the story that Titor recounted in 2000 in a meaningful and entertaining way.The gems were my idea and will (hopefully) make it into the finished product and are not necessarily meant for the general movie - going public, but rather a nod to those "in the know."

As I have come to understand, the Titor story (TT in general, actually) has many moving parts to it, and my small input will respect and demonstrate those parts.

Simply declaring a Time Travel claim a hoax does a disservice to the complexity and larger picture of our world. By including these aspects into the story, in some small way I hope to spark interest and curiosity in the general public. Again, this is not my project, so I must remain respectful of the producer's intent and vision for his work.


Here is the link to a short film about time-travel, that won a festival award. It is called "Time"
Thank you, I'll check it out.

the foresnics on the Titor fake are now officially more interesting than anything Titor actually said, or the whole boring Titor manifesto, and related milieu. It would be helpful to remove the topic from our timeline!

the foresnics on the Titor fake are now officially more interesting than anything Titor actually said, or the whole boring Titor manifesto, and related milieu. It would be helpful to remove the topic from our timeline!
I actually do not believe in deleting history just because someone doesn't like it. Titor was an urban legend and this is where it happened, so I believe if people want to discuss it, they can. I do not think @Cosmo1598825723 will destroy an urban legend. It is a cool story whether you believe he was a time traveler or not. IMHO.

I actually do not believe in deleting history just because someone doesn't like it. Titor was an urban legend and this is where it happened, so I believe if people want to discuss it, they can. I do not think @Cosmo1598825723 will destroy an urban legend. It is a cool story whether you believe he was a time traveler or not. IMHO.
oh I agree: I just meant that at that time (back in 2013) the whole Titor thing had become an immeasurably overdone bore that was dumbing down every single discussion. Titor has its place in time travel folklore. The statue can remain up!
