density/age a clue to distants


Temporal Novice
If an unusually dense meteorite were found it is likely that it was caused by exposer to near light speeds {the theory closer to light speed the denser an object becomes} it would be unlickly to have come from a very dense object or planet ,by thier very nature and very high gravity unlikly to allow matter to escape,..would it be possibly to figure out a mathematical equation to see how density and the age of the meteorite equates to the distants traveled?
Just because an object with dense matter exists, do we have to come to the conclusion that it traveled faster then light? Doesn't make much sense.

It would be like if I lived in the 17th hundreds and claimed that someone was a witch just because he knew to much.

See what I mean?

RE: \"density/age a clue to distants\"

Diamonds are pretty dense and they were formed in the absence of light and light speed. In fact, they were formed extremely slowly.
RE: \"density/age a clue to distants\"

fair comment...what if an unusually dense diamond were to hurtle into the earth would the same apply?
RE: \"density/age a clue to distants\"

so from your own argument we could discount diomond from the equation,so we,d be talking about metals and rock unless super dense diomond turns into somthing else?
RE: \"density/age a clue to distants\"

What is "super dense"? I mean how could I tell a regular chunk of nickle-steel from a super dense one? And wouldn't I want to FIND such an object first before I tried to figure out how it was formed?

Pun dejur: If I were fairly dense to begin with, would flying around at light speed make me downright stupid?