Dr Who will be regenerated again in Chrismas special 2013

Huge, massive Dr. Who fan here, along with my son (even my car is called Clara :D ) ..... But can I just point out, I was wearing a bow tie before Matt Smith became doctor.... and mine are not clip ons :D

Am looking forward to both the next series and also the Christmas special..... The day of the doctor was brilliant too. Also if you have not seen it, have a look for the "Science of Dr Who." it is a one hours special with Prf. Brian Cox who does a brilliant job of showing the science behind the series..... some interesting points of view on time travel as well.....


I'm a fan too. I thought the Doctor's replacement was going to be John Hurt. But not so. Apparently John mentioned the new doctors name during the special that commemorated all the Doctors so far.

I thought that episode had a brilliant twist. John Hurt was 'The other Doctor' The one that all the future regenerations refused to accept. He was the one who ended the time war by killing everyone, friend and enemy alike. But not any more.... What a way to refresh the series for the next 50 years

I hope the next one manages to keep up the tradition. And of course 'My Doctor' was also in the Day of The Doctor. When I was my son's age, I had Tom Baker as The Doctor, and it was so good to see him back.....

It was also cool that the first doctor (John Hurt), who pre-dates William Hartnell has been seen and laid his ghosts to rest.... :D

It really was a brilliant episode.......

Dr Who has gotten too convoluted for me, as I only catch a few episodes. I grew up during the Troughton/Pertwee/Baker years and some of the Tom Baker adventures were my favourites. I quite liked David Tennant and some of his stories but the Doctor before and after him just irritate me.

I think it did get a bit soap opera ish, certainly with the Flesh, but hopefully it can now settle down a bit.

But I still think Tom Baker was the #1 Doc.

Jon Pertwee was cool, but I grew up with him being Wurzel Gummidge. I can't see him as the Doctor.

I agree with you there Phil, Tom Baker was the best for me, and some of his adventures the best ever: Ark In Space, Face Of Evil, Genesis Of The Daleks.

Didn't rate the Christmas episode very highly....Clara didn't do anything much except look pretty ..the idea of the place on the planet which was perpetually Olde-Worlde Christmas with everyone in Victorian clothes was very contrived and weak and a bit naff....the whole episode was pants really..

Didn't rate the Christmas episode very highly....Clara didn't do anything much except look pretty ..the idea of the place on the planet which was perpetually Olde-Worlde Christmas with everyone in Victorian clothes was very contrived and weak and a bit naff....the whole episode was pants really..
I agree with you. I didn't even shed a tear over this Christmas special. It was a very weak episode in my opinion.

I am surprised that the Doc has a following in America, Einstein. I prefer the classic Dr Who episodes of my youth. But some of the "new" episodes and stories have been interesting, like The Girl Who Waited. Maybe because it is more time travel and less fluff .
