How my temporal displacement device (time machine) works!

Lussorio F

Temporal Novice
Hello readers of mine,


How I was taught and understand the way my temporal displacement device works. Is due to a bizarre property of quantum mechanics, you can coexisted at two points in this universe or somewhere else in the muiltiverse and then use the device to chose which point to be at. I'm no scientist but the device is housed in a compact box, uses a stabilized micro- singularity and powerful rotating magnetic field and a Bristol Array to produce the phenomena. The device does cause changes in gravity up to 2 to 3 times that of the earths, but that is more a byproduct, similar to the way heat is a byproduct of the combustion engine.

im not entirely sure yet. may i ask if you are a time traveler why this time to come back to? what is your goal of traveling to this time?

Hello Friends of EarthTR125.0121

Its great to be back!!! I hope to be able to linger for a little while. I greet Old Friends and the New. Hope to read all past posts and threads.

Lussorio please enlighten us a little more about the Bristol Array, I am intrigued.

Until Later Becomes Now

Again im wondering, both of you now, if you are time travelers why did you come to this time?

In my case my this is a unsanctioned stopover for personal reasons, I can't talk for Transient001 but I also don't know why he does not know what a "Bristol Array" is, considering hes claims to be a fellow time traveller. The Bristol Array is a tachyon particle mimicker.

Can you go back to 1993 if you choose to? An "uncsanctioned" stop? I've got a precise date, time and location, of where I will be on that particular day. All YOU have to do is go back, give me a message. Make SURE I listen and follow through with your message from me from this time. IF the "1993 Me" for some chance doesn't believe you, just say. Mongolian Grill, Stephen King, and don't forget tonight's the premier of the new show The X-Files. The date, my fellow so called time traveler is September 10th, 1993. The place: Scottsdale, Arizona. Address 7777 E. Main St. ( yes it's a real address, even today) Mods, just so you know this is a general address for what is now a gated community. I have not, will not give an apartment number for obvious reasons, but just so our fellow time traveler here can find me there in the past on that day, he will have to wait for me in the parking lot by the white 1989 For Mustang 5.0 LX. Simply tell me not to go out on my date, and find another job, that what I do doesn't suit me at all. Mods if this has violated any rule in anyway then delete, if not, then great, and I am calling you out Mr. Time Traveler. I hope you are one, however I do not expect you to do this for me. Not at all, but I like to gamble, so. :)

Im no time traveler my friends. I am an observer as I have always stated since I first joined this community in 2002, yes that long. With that already cleared up I would state my question again, Hoe does your Bristol Array works. Saying it is a Tachyon Particle Mimicker is like saying that my actual car has a Carburator. So...tell us what does these tachyon particles do for the machine to travel in time.

Can you go back to 1993 if you choose to? An "uncsanctioned" stop? I've got a precise date, time and location, of where I will be on that particular day. All YOU have to do is go back, give me a message. Make SURE I listen and follow through with your message from me from this time. IF the "1993 Me" for some chance doesn't believe you, just say. Mongolian Grill, Stephen King, and don't forget tonight's the premier of the new show The X-Files. The date, my fellow so called time traveler is September 10th, 1993. The place: Scottsdale, Arizona. Address 7777 E. Main St. ( yes it's a real address, even today) Mods, just so you know this is a general address for what is now a gated community. I have not, will not give an apartment number for obvious reasons, but just so our fellow time traveler here can find me there in the past on that day, he will have to wait for me in the parking lot by the white 1989 For Mustang 5.0 LX. Simply tell me not to go out on my date, and find another job, that what I do doesn't suit me at all. Mods if this has violated any rule in anyway then delete, if not, then great, and I am calling you out Mr. Time Traveler. I hope you are one, however I do not expect you to do this for me. Not at all, but I like to gamble, so. :)

(Dimension Theory Of Temporal Travel ) was explained by a technician to me along these lines, that for every decision or action that’s made, the alternative is played out in another reality. He when on to explain in the most simplest of terms, That the act of simply travelling back in time creates a new “world-line”, distinct from the one from which you left. So by going back in time you can change events but those changes wont effect YOU, or the world-line you came from. You just prevent another version of yourself from a (lag reality) undergoing the experience. However the (Dimension Theory Of Temporal Travel ) means there are already versions of yourself that haven’t undergone the experience you want to change. You can only go forward in time in the same world-line, not back without it becoming a new reality. There sadly a number of users on this forum that are not going to grasp these concepts due to being ill-educated in basic mathematics and science and dare I say lacing in common sense.

So from what you just said, it appears your time machine does not use the VGL time travel method described to us by John Titor. So how does your machine avoid materializing inside a solid object?

So from what you just said, it appears your time machine does not use the VGL time travel method described to us by John Titor. So how does your machine avoid materializing inside a solid object?
So from what you just said, it appears your time machine does not use the VGL time travel method described to us by John Titor.

Its just a compact version of Johns, he simply held back on certain facts regarding the true nature on how the device worked.

So how does your machine avoid materializing inside a solid object?

By operating it at 12,000 feet, I skydive down from about 12,000 and just before pulling the chute I activate the device. I then land in the required time destination.

(Dimension Theory Of Temporal Travel ) was explained by a technician to me along these lines, that for every decision or action that’s made, the alternative is played out in another reality. He when on to explain in the most simplest of terms, That the act of simply travelling back in time creates a new “world-line”, distinct from the one from which you left. So by going back in time you can change events but those changes wont effect YOU, or the world-line you came from. You just prevent another version of yourself from a (lag reality) undergoing the experience. However the (Dimension Theory Of Temporal Travel ) means there are already versions of yourself that haven’t undergone the experience you want to change. You can only go forward in time in the same world-line, not back without it becoming a new reality. There sadly a number of users on this forum that are not going to grasp these concepts due to being ill-educated in basic mathematics and science and dare I say lacing in common sense.
I've heard that theory before. No way to prove or disprove it. But on the chance you go back. Warn me anyways.. Who knows I could come home and find out I don't live there anymore. HA! I grasp the concept, but I don't buy it, not yet anyways. A skydiving time traveler. There's the line of the show right there.

On another message board you said that you can create a micro-singluarity at home using household objects. Please explain further. It seems CERN should be using the clothes dryer rather than the LHC.

I like the idea of getting to altitude without the climbing , sometimes. Glide ratio , fences , hydro wires , make flying difficult.

I would be more inclined to look at the microwave than the dryer . Using seven of them , six forming the outer edge of the field angled at 33° and one pointing straight down. The doors need to be tricked into operating opened. This array is needing a containment perimeter and wiring to simultaneously start. I assume that the spin rate of the lower six turns opposite the rotation of the second hand to go back in time.

That was just my guess using the little information given.

In Gumby episode 87 the use of future technology in the past was welcomed by the great leader , and gumburgers too. It must be okay.

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That last post was my sense of humour speaking. See , to convert anything to a helium compound then get that altitude , then remove the helium and reassemble back to original state would take fast moving atoms and a big area. You must have a helper building and staff that are helping you. A blimp could work as an upper base for helium extraction , reassembling point at altitude with the upper array controlling containment of all atoms.

Then there's Mr. Maxwell stating just under 300,000,000 m/s electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum which brings us back to the needing a vacuum.

The only thing known to be faster than the speed of that electromagnetic field is the negative or receeding distance between the electromagnetic field direction and it's impact target providing that the impact target is moving in an imminent direction towards the field. The absolute fastest would be two forwards most points of electromagnetic radiation approaching each other at imminent impact creating a removal , disappearance of distance.

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