i got ran over yesterday...


Rift Surfer
well, i got ran over by my mother in law yesterday.

im still alive too, wewt...

im pretty sore, and i think i broke my back or tailbone, but im ok. just a tad uncomfortable.

so, i just wanted to let everyone know that everyone who told me i couldnt jump off a cliff, or wrestle a car didnt know what they were talking about. if a car can run over me at 30 miles an hour, and i can type this email to you, then you know anything is possible...

...or either i am one gigantic sucker.
She sounds more like a mother OUTlaw! :D

Sorry to hear this...I hope you are on the mend quickly. It might be good to go see a doctor!
Well you seem like a tough guy. I hope she didn,t do it on purpose but yes it does sound just like a mother in-law. I try to limit my visits to my inlaws to once a year and keep them at arms length the rest of the time. It works pretty good for me. When I do see them I just smile and say as little as possible and let them do the talking. It also helps not to live in the same down. When I got married we were only 22 miles away from the inlaws. Then I moved us 3 years later To 52 miles away. Then a year later I moved us another 30 miles away before they could learn of it. Just far enough they don,t want to drive. Then I bought us a house. Now they ask us to come and visit instead of just showing up. As usual I just smile and say "sure as soon as we can". You got to be sneaky with these mother inlaws. Get that checked out by a doc and heal up.
im fine now. backs a little sore and scratched up, but im fine. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

your alot smarter than me in the in-law aspect of life. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
I don,t challenge my inlaws and I go out of my way to stay friends with them. The only problem my mother inlaw had one time and I regret it is she brought her dog with her to visit me and let it inside my house to do as it pleased. Well I really thought that was rude. I said something and that soured relations for a while between us. But, we are friends again and she forgives me. But yeah living too close to the inlaws don,t work depending on the people involved.