I have found the perfect time/place to look for time travelers!


Temporal Navigator
Good morning everybody,

I was watching 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op07UzSCu4c on youtube the other day, and it clicked: This is the perfect video for us to look for time travelers! I'm pretty sure this is a very popular place for tourism among time travelers from the future.

How could I have not thought this before? I would so hop into a time machine to see this guy play live...

Anyway, good luck looking for time travelers on the video, I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple of them dow there. Let us know if you found any!

When I click, I get this: "This video contains content from Eagle Rock. It is not available in your country."

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Oh... that explains it.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr1A8w_RNlw It's easier to find a time traveler in this one.

Maybe they are on to me?

Just type "Queen Live" then... The original link is Freddie Mercury playing "Somebody to Love" with Queen...

Exactly this one!

Well Paula, since I never had the chance to see Freddie alive, I was thinking that maybe just like I use youtube to experience live shows of great artist, well, time travelers might go back in time to this concert whenever they feel like listening to a legend play live.

I'm sure someone in the future has already come up with some sort of Tourism Time Travel Agency, selling tickets to go back and replace


Exactly this one!
Well Paula, since I never had the chance to see Freddie alive, I was thinking that maybe just like I use youtube to experience live shows of great artist, well, time travelers might go back in time to this concert whenever they feel like listening to a legend play live.

I'm sure someone in the future has already come up with some sort of Tourism Time Travel Agency, selling tickets to go back and replace

Ok, so you're saying how cool it would be to get a time machine and get a job as a <insert job title here of the person who helps out bands on stage> ?

No, not really.

Picture this: you live in the future. Society has easy access to time travel and it's a very well controlled matter, since time traveling isn't what we imagine it could be today(2016). We were waaay off on the mechanisms of it. It's much simpler and doesn't really require all that much effort. At least for the future technology anyway. 

So, future society (let's say 2136) still has capitalism. So, of course, people will think of a way to capitalize over time traveling.

Do you know today's travel agencies? Well, the time travel agencies work the same way, but they sell tickets for you to go back to see historic events, participate even. It offers the most varied time travel packages, like music - where you can go see your favorite bands playing live, great war battles - where you go back and understand how the battle of the bulge took place, great historic events - where you can see live things like 

All this can be acomplished because:

a) They have mapped out these events througly. They will send you to "replace" someone that they already know won't be missed in each event. For example, that backstage guy. They already have a team of people that go back a bit before you and persuade the person to do something else, so you can take their place for just one song.

b) They can monitor you so you won't run away or try to alter history. You're basically sent back somehow as soon as you try to disrupt the timeline.

c) You're sent back as soon as the event is over.

That's it.

Lol, is this too trippy?

No , don't think it's too trippy....

Ever seen the lady they're pointing out as a potential time traveler in Charlie Chaplin.. um..video.?  The one that looks like she's talking into some sort of phone?

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No, not really.Picture this: you live in the future. Society has easy access to time travel and it's a very well controlled matter, since time traveling isn't what we imagine it could be today(2016). We were waaay off on the mechanisms of it. It's much simpler and doesn't really require all that much effort. At least for the future technology anyway. 

So, future society (let's say 2136) still has capitalism. So, of course, people will think of a way to capitalize over time traveling.

Do you know today's travel agencies? Well, the time travel agencies work the same way, but they sell tickets for you to go back to see historic events, participate even. It offers the most varied time travel packages, like music - where you can go see your favorite bands playing live, great war battles - where you go back and understand how the battle of the bulge took place, great historic events - where you can see live things like 

All this can be acomplished because:

a) They have mapped out these events througly. They will send you to "replace" someone that they already know won't be missed in each event. For example, that backstage guy. They already have a team of people that go back a bit before you and persuade the person to do something else, so you can take their place for just one song.

b) They can monitor you so you won't run away or try to alter history. You're basically sent back somehow as soon as you try to disrupt the timeline.

c) You're sent back as soon as the event is over.

That's it.

Lol, is this too trippy?
Isn't that the plot for Total Recall???  LOL

Haha we call this movie a very different name here in Brazil! lol, I would die and not know that this movie was called Total Recall...

In Brazil, this movie is called "The Avenger from the Future"
