I just invented time travel! Wow!


Temporal Novice
I have just invented time travel and have realized a 4 year dream of mine. I thought I was going to have to wait until I was 50 years old to do it. I won't describe how it works because I don't have a patent on it yet, but I AM going to say that we will be announcing it to the public within 10 years and will have time machines in stores within 15 years.

I welcome any and all questions and no, I won't post pics. Not because I can't, but because there's too much for me to do to post a pic on my damn laptop. And to think, I beat out the 13 year old who was going to invent it!

Later bros!

FOOL! ONE the patent office DOES patent time machines because I just called them and they said yes! TWO I am not planning on keeping my invention a secret as I just said that we're going public with it! I just wanted TTI to be the first people who knew about it because I come to this forum off and on for the past 5 years!

[censored]! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
FOOL! ONE the patent office DOES patent time machines because I just called them and they said yes!

Sure you did, Antuan. If they patent time machines show me one such patent (other than clocks, watches and other mundane chronometers or theatrical props). You know, a patent for a chronology violating machine.

I'll make it easy for you. Just do the search here: http://patft.uspto.gov/
^Time Crime! Yes the patent office does patent time machines because I called them twice to make sure I was right. And I don't care if you build my time machine. That's why I'm going forward with it.

Why would you need to invent a time travel device when everyone else already have one? We look at it but never use them?
but I AM going to say that we will be announcing it to the public within 10 years and will have time machines in stores within 15 years.

Hmm. Could you provide something a little nearer to now ? Er.....just so we don't get zealous fans wondering if you're genuine for the next 10 years.
"FOOL! ONE the patent office DOES patent time machines because I just called them and they said yes! TWO I am not planning on keeping my invention a secret as I just said that we're going public with it! I just wanted TTI to be the first people who knew about it because I come to this forum off and on for the past 5 years!

The idea of someone 'building a time machine' out of spare Lada parts in their garage makes for a nice romantic story ( hey - See H G Wells )........but nobody is going to take it seriously unless at the very least your provide an explanation of the basic mechanism. And do so in good, sound, scientific terms.

Anything less is just, as Shakespeare said.....' a tale told by a fool, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing '
let me give you a little bit of background info on sprite...

once, he spammed me wanting to find a time traveler so he could ask him a question of the utmost importance.

upon asking him what the question was, his response was, "i want to know which female wrestler i will marry. i have to know!"

he also claimed to be an undefeated pro boxer, yet he is 5'4" and close to 300lbs.

i feel real bad for the guy, i truly do. but i also want everyone to know that he is full of it and playing his own little attention-wanting game. just trying to nip it in the bud.

sprite aint a bad guy at all. he just likes to live in a fantasy world.
It would seem likely that IF anyone did approach the Patent Office with a "feasible" time traveling contraption, one that really seems as though it would work...I am sure that the "normal" patent procedures might change just a tad.

Be wary of the "Patent Office" representative(s) dressed in black and wearing dark sun-glasses that come a knockin' on the door.
Oh come on now guys...of course the US Patent office will take a time machine.

Sprite don't listen to them, they are just jealous, and the nice gentleman you talked to at the "Patent office" will help you along the way. Normally they send a couple gentlemen in a van to come and pick you up. They do this so they can take you to a top secret sound proof lab with padded walls so you can continue to work on your invention in peace. If they refer to you as patient don't worry... that's just a secret code word for client, and the medicine they will give you is actually a compound that raises your IQ by 100 points. I also hear that sometimes they hire the WWE Diva's to work in the client lunch room to serve meals. :D