I think we are very very closer because I discovered!


Temporal Novice
Hello Hyperspace here with a strange trial idea

I really do not know it is good or not I just want to reveal

Here first of all we will try to prove multiverse

[Grandfather paradox solution required first]

Let X = total population of both multiverse because both will be same

X = X [before time travel]

X-1=X+1 [after travelling we go from one and came to another imaginary]

X-1=X+1-1 [after killing grandfather one will be removed from population]



so here we mathematically proved that time has multiverse which means wormhole thoery could be mathematically possible now I am just waiting for wormhole discovery

I am not a professional so if you find any mistakes please correct them and do not forget to post your suggestions

Or if we want to find the population of other multiverse it can be done by simultaneous equations ://

X= Earth

Y= Multiverse

Ps = Per second population increase

px - Per second population decrease


We will have to find Ps and Px

Or if we want to find the population of other multiverse it can be done by simultaneous equations ://

X= Earth

Y= Multiverse

Ps = Per second population increase

px - Per second population decrease


We will have to find Ps and Px
Earths per second increase is 4 and death is 1

in multiverse they are not exactly same some multiverse are maybe different in population environment and maybe species and your theory will apply on very rare chance that if the other verse and our universe are 99% same
Hello Hyperspace here with a strange trial idea

I really do not know it is good or not I just want to reveal

Here first of all we will try to prove multiverse

[Grandfather paradox solution required first]

Let X = total population of both multiverse because both will be same

X = X [before time travel]

X-1=X+1 [after travelling we go from one and came to another imaginary]

X-1=X+1-1 [after killing grandfather one will be removed from population]



so here we mathematically proved that time has multiverse which means wormhole thoery could be mathematically possible now I am just waiting for wormhole discovery

I am not a professional so if you find any mistakes please correct them and do not forget to post your suggestions
The X=X-1 shows the second unaffected universe by grandfather death it means ti e isn't on a single thread which completely proves multiverse existense!


But ... the time in different multiverse would be different ao number of people dying and born will be different so the population can not be same but we can do it by

X+1/-1= Y-1/+1
@PhysicsGuy-007 Thanks for your effort

But you do not understood what I want to say ok let take an example

If x=8

Then our final equation will be



Now I want to say our focus is towards those person who will be affected by grandfather death like you , your dad , your dad's brother ect.

Now if we take LHS as our universe and RHS as the past universe in which we killed grandfather without time then there isn't any change in the LHS (our universe) population it means our existence will not be affected if we killed our grandfather in the past and travelled back to time

The time will itself create a new timeline to conserve our identity!

Now there will be some questions arising to you!

Q1.If time flows different then how could the population be same in both universes?

Answer-Yes, the time flows different and the population will surely be different but after grandfather death only few persons were affected like of you, your dad, your dad's brother or sister, your mother marriage ect. So we just have to find what will happen of those people not of the whole population that is why I have placed the same value in both!

Q2.Is the formula I found really working or not?

Answer- The equation I found is completely working as it doesn't break any law of physics or mathematics and also proves what we need we can trust this equation and can take this as a official answer to the grandfather paradox.

Thanks for your efforts I appreciate you for your works and Now I will try to focus on your thoughts to make my theory more powerfull more working and simpler If you have any other questions you can surely ask me!

Hello Hyperspace here with a strange trial idea

I really do not know it is good or not I just want to reveal

Here first of all we will try to prove multiverse

[Grandfather paradox solution required first]

Let X = total population of both multiverse because both will be same

X = X [before time travel]

X-1=X+1 [after travelling we go from one and came to another imaginary]

X-1=X+1-1 [after killing grandfather one will be removed from population]



so here we mathematically proved that time has multiverse which means wormhole thoery could be mathematically possible now I am just waiting for wormhole discovery

I am not a professional so if you find any mistakes please correct them and do not forget to post your suggestions
As I've alluded to before, you have to define what you mean by "the multiverse". There are generally two types that are discussed.

One is the idea of bubble universes. On another thread that I responded to today I talked about "god" rolling 00 on his quantum die thus creating a stable universe. Another possibility is that his roll created a number of separate, stable "bubble" universes. In that case the universes are completely unrelated - they just happened to all be created on that single die roll and there is no spacetime linking them. You don't have a grandfather in any of those universes. Moreover, even though they are stable, just like your universe, there is no guarantee that the laws of physics are the same as ours. So bubble universes have nothing to do with your idea.

The other idea of the multiverse comes from Hugh Everett's PhD dissertation, supervised by John A Wheeler. That's the one where "you" could have a grandfather elsewhere. This is a dead end as well.

Everett, in his dissertation, was attempting to make sense of the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics. In the Copenhagen Interpretation if you ask, "Does a tree make a sound if it falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it?" the answer is, no it makes no noise. In fact the tree neither stands up nor falls nor is it quite or noisy. It is in a superposition of all those states until someone comes along and looks. It's the same nonsense answer as Schrödinger Cat. Schrödinger attempted to refute the idea of the observer's function in the wave collapse and super position by making an absurd analogy with a cat in a box that was both dead and alive until someone looked. To Schrödinger's dismay, Nels Bohr took his cat literally as proof of the Copenhagen Interpretation.

Everett's paper posited the idea that there is no wave collapse. He looked at the math, took the math literally, did not insert any "arbitrary" criteria such as a classical observer (i.e., just shut up and calculate). His idea is you come to a point where you make a decision. Instead of some arbitrary wave collapse where all other outcomes disappear you instead create an infinite number of alternate universes, one for each and every possible outcome based on your decision.

In the case of the Grandfather Paradox, you can't travel back in time to visit and slaughter your grandfather. Instead, at the point of your decision you create an infinite number of new universes, one for each and every possible outcome. No matter what you do, no matter how clever you try to be and no matter how creative you become you never travel back to an older universe - you just create an infinite number of new universes. You change nothing, you don't slaughter "your" grandfather. Among all the infinite possibilities a sub-set of infinite outcomes are created where your grandfather gets wise and slaughters you instead.

The Internet meme "multiverse", I'm sorry to say, has nothing to do with Hugh Everett's ideas. Its fun for some but pure fiction.

Hello Hyperspace here with a strange trial idea

I really do not know it is good or not I just want to reveal

Here first of all we will try to prove multiverse

[Grandfather paradox solution required first]

Let X = total population of both multiverse because both will be same

X = X [before time travel]

X-1=X+1 [after travelling we go from one and came to another imaginary]

X-1=X+1-1 [after killing grandfather one will be removed from population]



so here we mathematically proved that time has multiverse which means wormhole thoery could be mathematically possible now I am just waiting for wormhole discovery

I am not a professional so if you find any mistakes please correct them and do not forget to post your suggestions
See i just found out a mistake i don’t know whether its right or wrong but we should eliminate two 3 from the population as the your grandfather will not be there (1 person) moreover no father (2nd person) and then no more your avatar( yourself in different verse ( 3rd person)

Question - Why do we need to solve the grandfather paradox to travel in multiverse

So for this we will need to make a new paradox… Similar like the Grandfather Paradox

Name - VerseParadox

See ,

In this paradox when you visit the verse you and your avatar will surely fight to prove who is the orignal . If we tell we are from other verse they will surely take us in some under sci experiments. So unfortunately you will have to kill your avatar first. Now suppose you kill your avatar. The Avafamily members ( Avatars Family Member) will argue that you are not the real one. So you’ll need to kill them too .

Limitations - Now imagine even one fourth of population going and killing their avafamilies there would be nothing left. And so we will find nothing but disappointment

So for this we will need to make a new paradox… Similar like the Grandfather Paradox

Name - VerseParadox

See ,

In this paradox when you visit the verse you and your avatar will surely fight to prove who is the orignal . If we tell we are from other verse they will surely take us in some under sci experiments. So unfortunately you will have to kill your avatar first. Now suppose you kill your avatar. The Avafamily members ( Avatars Family Member) will argue that you are not the real one. So you’ll need to kill them too .

Limitations - Now imagine even one fourth of population going and killing their avafamilies there would be nothing left. And so we will find nothing but disappointment
And one more question

Do you know that you and your avafamily ( including grandfather and all ) exist there

View attachment 2995

Sorry for bad handwriting

Plz do tell me if there is any mistake
I'm not quite following your logic but let's deal with the math.

1. 8*10^9 - [10^6] * 9 = Z+(10^6)


8*10^9 = 8,000,000,000 (8 billion)

1*10^6 = 1,000,000 (1 million)

8,000,000,000 - 9,000,000 = 7,991,000,000 [7.991^10^9]

Z = 7.991*10^9 + 10^6 = 7.992*10^9


But why complicate a simple addition problem? It's 8 billion plus 1 million in one place and 1 million less somewhere else. It's a migration problem.

Imagine the impact of +2 billion people? I can - so can you. In 2010 the population was about 6 billion. Now, 12 years later it's 8 billion.

But why limit your example to 1 million. Why not all 8 billion people? Or better yet, an infinite number of people? If you have a world that has time travel to the past where they already exist (or will exist) it implies that an infinite number of people can travel there. That time travel enabled world literally has "forever" into the future to decide to travel to that particular past. Everyone can do it. They could even first go to millions of other "parallel" universes and convince all of their doppleganger selves to get on board the time train and travel to that one world together. And each one of those millions of dopplegangers can travel to millions of "parallel" worlds and invite yet billions more dopplegangers to climb aboard as well.

Fortunately there is no theory that supports time travel to real alternate worlds where your double exists. The closest is Many Worlds but as I said before you don't travel to those universes. Your decisions create infinite new universes that never existed before. The "you" on those worlds are not YOU. They are simply alternate outcomes to the actions you took.

You're not going to go into the affective past and kill Hitler to save the world. You should thank god that you can't. During World War II somewhere between 60 and 90 million people were killed directly by the war. Imagine that you killed Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Tojo, the four world leaders who started WWII. World War II never happens. Those 60-90 million survive many, many years after 1945. Our parents, grandparents and great grandparents have 60-90 million new competitors for their hands in marriage. Meeting "that special someone" in many if not most cases happens by chance. Being in the right time and place in a world where there are hundreds of distractions daily that can stop you from being in that place and time. They meet someone else. To this day billions of children would be born that never exist in the real scenario. Virtually none of us would exist. That's the real impact of traveling to the affective past. (The affective past is an area within your past light cone such that actions taken in the past can affect you in the present, i.e. a few seconds ago someone shot an arrow at you and now, a few seconds later, that arrow can seriously affect you health, safety and well being.

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