Iran says may take serious action against Britons


Quantum Scribe
I used to think that perhaps we were being a bit harsh with Iran, and their nuclear intentions.
Their intentions are quite clear to me now.
They are a paranoid country bent on a military agenda.
Enough is enough, I do think they want weapons now.
There is no need for these actions that they are learning from the North Koreans.
I hope we are monitoring these two countries possible dialogues.
If they are trying to intimidate with their military now without Nukes agaisnt civilians,
does anyone have a doubt if they will ramp up their actions agaisnt militaries with Nukes?
I could be quite wrong, but the pattern seems clear.

Their words agaisnt Israel were not a charade. They are delusional.

lest we forget;

Two years ago;

Western intelligence agencies have reported an increase in the number of North Korean and Iranian scientists travelling between the two countries.

The increased co-operation on nuclear issues began last November when a team of Iranian nuclear scientists met their North Korean counterparts to study the technical and political implications of Pyongyang's nuclear test.

The Iranians are reported to have been encouraged by the fact that no punitive action was taken against North Korea, despite the international outcry that greeted the underground firing.

Do some research on their relations in this regard, that is disturbing.

& what does this say about us, think they are laughing yet?
Coincidentally, that is a posted today as well.
One last post, this is important enough for a followup.
- sometimes I don't like being right.
Take note and take heed, this is not the usual rhetoric.

As of today,

Iran to enrich uranium to higher level: Ahmadinejad

Ahmadinejad was more explicit. "By the grace of God, the Iranian nation will produce 20 percent enriched uranium and anything it needs (itself)," he said in a televised speech in the central city of Isfahan. He did not give a timetable.

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday Israel could not do a "damn thing" to stop the Islamic state's nuclear program, which the West suspects is a front to build bombs.

"The Zionist regime (Israel) and its (western) backers cannot do a damn thing to stop Iran's nuclear work," Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech in the central city of Isfahan.

I don't/didn't make predictions very often for a good reason.
Some things can change, sometimes that's not the case though.

'And to think some people here thought I was just being a hardliner. There's more to me than that.
His announcements were strategically in wait for holding hostages to slam a point home.

Read between the lines,
...will produce 20 percent enriched uranium and anything it needs
...a damn thing

Cursing in Farsi is not light hearted speech, use analytics in conjunction.

Israel aside, without ICBMS not a threat to the West?
Scientists have warned that Iran and North Korea could produce a weapon capable of paralysing Western electricity grids for months or years.
Worth being aware of in the very least.