John Titor said dates wrong? The third world war is coming

Mike M

Temporal Novice
Hello everyone, I feel if my English is not very understandable, since I do not speak English. I've decided to do this since I saw videos in which he said that something would happen on September 13 in addition to the dates 22-23 according to Wikipedia on September 13 are "important" in the United States dates, what most attracted my attention is that on 13 September it is Sunday, and as john titor said: "The important of the United States Sunday" I think that it was what he said. It is necessary to emphasize that my sources very attentive to the elite personal I confirm that since February the elite have left the United States. My conclusions were as follows: John Titor warned and something is happening and coincidence that all over the country call for their gold, does approaching World War III? and the country in serious economic problems...

In the video Madonna "Madonna - Bitch I'm Madonna ft." Nicki Minaj"from min 1:35 also show a series of"messages". Appear the words "threat", "N.Y.", number 22, "colorless" and "rescue me" and September 13 is: 1788 – The Philadelphia Convention sets the date for the first presidential election in the United States, and New York City becomes the country's temporary capital.

new lines of moment is being created every moment when another line was supposed to be created....creating an infinite possibilities balancing the infinity of the existence..............

I'm really fascinated about time travel and I agree that's possible (who's me to disagree with Einstein, huh? :LOL: ), but I've to say I don't believe in John Titor existence. Searching about it we can have a lot of information proving he was just the biggest fake the internet already had and his creators are extremely rich right now due to the brand "John Titor" be so famous and they have its rights, so....well, I hope the WW3 never happens anyway :)
