Looking for the way to get back to the early of April

So uncanny was my hearing, for the first time,
Sir Sly - Miracle
immediately after reading the two posts above
that I dedicated the song
to both Brian and Moonsstarr.
Which indicates there are no clear and sound ways to do physical time travel to the past. All the peoples in this forum are geeks or scums? I thought experimental ways can be suggested.
Actually, Brian, your having been gentlemanly gives me no complaint with you.
Your commiserating with Green1994 did not go unnoticed.
And, generally, I admire a man with determination.

Time travel (TT), from what I gather, is inexact.
I do not believe one can TT at will to any time of his choosing
much less for as long as he might like to dwell in another epoch.
What's more, there are natural laws that limit the extent
to which one can alter the past.

Try what is reasonably within your means. Why not?
Involved as is the undertaking you have described,
you will undoubtably return from your trip with some new realization.

Let me make clear, too, that I do believe in miracles.
Not only have I witnessed them but I am one,
insofar as I seem to have more lives than a cat
and, even, once flew headlong through steel with :confused: minimal damage.
That, however, doesn't make me superwoman.
I am not immune to universal laws nor causal order.
Though some argue the latter doesn't exist on a quantum level,
I attribute such things to reasons unknown.
The same goes for the impossibility of,
short of Lazarus' being raised from the dead,
affecting ends retroactively.

Hence, as you are not without virtue and talent,
I recommend you charm yourself back into your beloved's graces
and, again, seek the best use of your skills.
Just don't let it, anything nor anyone suck the life, blood and soul
from you. And, because I do care what becomes of you,
please keep us posted.

0 : -) MGby.

P.S. I think you'll like Ringside better.