Lutec free energy system


Epochal Historian

The Lutec 1000 (Free Energy)

The Lutec 1000 is the first free energy machine to be developed to commercial stage anywhere in the world.

The Lutec 1000 generator will produce up to 1000 watts of DC electricity twenty four hours a day, every day, which will be stored in a battery bank and then inverted to AC power and connected directly into the home or business.

The Lutec 1000 draws the power it requires to run itself from the same battery bank. The average house in Cairns, Queensland, uses only fourteen of the twenty four kilowatt hours able to be stored in twenty four hours by this method.

The batteries will last ten years. The generator is expected to come with a conditional ten year warranty.

The magnets that are responsible for the generation have an effective life of one thousand three hundred years.

This product is non polluting. It will assist to bring down green house gases and therefore help cure our sick and dying planet. There are strong community health benefits. It will help slow the rate of use of non renewable resources, like oil. It will help reduce airborne emissions of gases and elements that ruin our forests and lakes.

No buying petrol or diesel to run generators. No having to depend of the sun coming out, no flooding perfectly good farm land to build hydro systems, no nuclear meltdowns or disposal problems with radioactive by-products, no high sulphur and nitrous content, foul smelling, coal burning.

Buyers can structure their repayments so that the power produced pays for their purchase.

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