Possable conflicting information given by Chrono


Epochal Historian
From linkhttp://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/showflat.php?I am from the year 2522

Questioner ask>"what do you guys think about the Pyramids in your time? any new discoveries"

Chronohistorian answers>already answered this a couple of times. an alien race called the transam built 3 of them to deflect or destroy asteroids that could destroy earth.
the transam are now dead \\

Please note Chronohistorians say on who built the pyramisd may differ from information given in the following copy below?


sample of copy followsUFO CONTACT FROM


By Carl van Vlierden

and Wendelle C.Stevens


This is a most remarkable account of a series of unbelievable (ongoing, -in-86) events experienced in full physical reality by a great number of sane, healthy, everyday peo­ple just like you. Unbelievable only by those who have never had first hand experiences like that described here. Entirely believable to the tens of thousands of Earth humans who have been involved in one way or anoth­er in contacts such as these. They will immediately recognize the familiarity of the nature of these unique contacts.