Possibilities of Titor's World War in 2015

I wouldn't connect Ren to Single Seven at all. Although Single Seven claimed to be a time traveler from 2063. I believe Single Seven predicted a terrible tragedy would happen to Art Bell's wife Ramona on the air. A prediction that later came true.
Ren mentioned Single Seven many times over and over to me and to Jimmy Church, especially on Twitter. I always assumed it was one of his made up characters until I saw this post. So, you guys are telling me a guy with that name really DID make a claim? I do remember a phone call to Art Bell (I believe) from a guy who was claiming to be from 2063. Thought it was eerily close to 2036. Is that him?

Yes. Art Bell was taking calls from people claiming to be time travelers. Single Seven called in and had a fantastic story to tell. And I think when Art mentioned John Titor, Single Seven never heard of him.

Yes. Art Bell was taking calls from people claiming to be time travelers. Single Seven called in and had a fantastic story to tell. And I think when Art mentioned John Titor, Single Seven never heard of him.
Yes, and out of the many time-travel claimants I have heard/read about, single seven was the one who always stuck out in my mind, as he claimed that from the time he allegedely came from, people used a lot of acronyms in everyday speech. Bearing in mind that this art bell show was broadcast in 1998, I found it quite fascinating. Today in 2015, young people use OMG in conversation, I've even heard people on the tv say "lol"..... whoever this Single Seven person was, he made a good prediction about acronyms.... In the near future, I can see dedicated "lol" keys on qwerty keyboards. I can see acronym's being taught to pre-school kids etc. Acronym's have already been added to the Oxford english dictionary, such as IDC (I don't care) & PMSL. Will be interesting to see how the english language evolves in the future..... hopefully, I still have another half-century of life to live, so look forward to what the future holds.

About ww3... John Titor said it would start by Russia nuclear bombing USA, right? Well... Right now Russia's president Vladimir Putin and USA's president Barack Obama is in a quite conflict... Wouldnt be to suprising if Putin would bomb USA if he doesn't get things the way he wants it... Let's just hope ww3 wont happen anyway...

About ww3... John Titor said it would start by Russia nuclear bombing USA, right? Well... Right now Russia's president Vladimir Putin and USA's president Barack Obama is in a quite conflict... Wouldnt be to suprising if Putin would bomb USA if he doesn't get things the way he wants it... Let's just hope ww3 wont happen anyway...
John said that he was fighting in a civil war and asked the Ruskies for help. I believe he or Alexander stated that help came at the last possible moment before they were KIA.

The whole world is at war, more or less, and it will not end in the foreseeable future. I do not believe there will be a war such as nuclear between the 'mega powers', as there is far too much money to be made off the limited warfare currently being engaged in. A nuclear war would ruin the wonderful worldwide economy currently engorging the pockets of those at the tip top. Don't worry about nukes in that way. It is possible, though, if a religious group such as ISIS may go off the edge and detonate a small nuke. But you never know.
