Precognition or psychic ability (or just plain weird)


Temporal Novice
I'm on a few forums Bikes, my car brand, heath etc.. but this is the only one I feel 'comfortable' posting this... :)

I work in car spares and ask people their reg numbers ( equivelant to licence plates if you live in America) to get the all the information about the car from the governments database, engine number etc.....

Around 1 in 5 times I 'know' half way through the person telling me the reg what the car is... (strangely its often when its a that out....)

Now is this....

Precognition.... I'm subconsiously seeing the future albeit only 5 seconds

Slightly Psychic ability... my customer knows therefore I do.....

or Just a coincidence and I'm forgetting how many times I think I 'know' but I'm then wrong

Similiar things happen occasionally in other aspects of my life.....Now before you dismiss me as weird read my odd but true ghost story thread....

Now can any one suggest how I can use any of the above to win the lottery?

Perhaps you have subconsciously figured out how the first part of Vauxhall's numbering system determines the last characters, if there is a relationship there. Otherwise, it could perhaps be an instance of deja vu since it is a task you perform so often. If it is real clairvoyance, I'm unsure how you could use it to your advantage unless you could apply it to emerging patterns in the stock market, betting on the final score of a sports match halfway through, etc.

I was wondering about the knowing Vauxhall's system but they are issued in blocks to dealers by the DVLA (government) the first 2 letters vaguely represent a geographic area. My car carries a reg from a city 35 miles away as opposed to another city 15 miles away and was registered in my town (that doesn't have its own geographic code) but each issuing cities can have several codes! so any dealership in the surrounding area can use several codes covering a 50 miles radius

So I'm puzzled it is 50 percent of the time Vauxhall's though..... Odd

I'm on a few forums Bikes, my car brand, heath etc.. but this is the only one I feel 'comfortable' posting this... :) I work in car spares and ask people their reg numbers ( equivelant to licence plates if you live in America) to get the all the information about the car from the governments database, engine number etc.....
We all have psychic abilities. Some are more developed than others. Sounds like you have a neat gift.You should develop it more. Practice. :)

We all have psychic abilities. Some are more developed than others. Sounds like you have a neat gift. You should develop it more. Practice. :)
It hasn't really happened much in the last few weeks.... I think its because I realised and try to force it... i.e I'm guessing rather than 'knowing'..... but the car type did just pop into my head half way through hearing the reg plates....
Sounds like coincidence or deja vu to me. Though I find it interesting that it's also happening in other situations too. But hey, keep at it and maybe after some time you can figure out what it is.

As a psychic (or the preferred term of 'Sensitive') you can't use knowledge for personal gain. I predicted a score at the World Cup semi-finals and did on a live chat on Facebook and people were shocked and amazed as it was a strange score. Often psychics will have brief flashes of a possible outcome, but that also comes with images that they have to piece together.

I do think we all have some capacity for intuitive psychic ability, but there are many that ignore it or don't want to know as it's too scary for them. When people have the gift of foresight, it is one to respect and not abuse, because it can be taken away.
