Project Looking Glass


Rift Surfer
Note: This is is not time travel per se, but it involves seeing the future. So, in a sense, it involves light time traveling, does it not?

I do not know if this was ever verified as a real project or if this is just a rumor, but it is still interesting. Some say the U.S. government has a device that allows them to see images in the future.[/URL]


This particular link shows some alleged information about Area 51 and Looking Glass, but I don't know where this would have come from.


This is what it supposedly looks like:


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Thank you for sharing! This is very curious to me. I had recently watched Project Bluebook and heard about this mysterious “absence” Eisenhower had during his presidency. At the time then there were strange happenings in our skies and it has been theorized that the Eisenhower has a meeting/agreement with those from another world. All of a sudden after that, anything UFO was classified with the highest security. Interesting that the project possibly could be named “Project Aquarius”.

The use of one of time’s most famous pieces of literature was written by an Aquarius. It is a philosophy that your sun sign determines one path of your past life with particular karma group. For instance, Aquarians have a past life with the futuristic society of Atlantis according to this interpretation. The symbolism used in the Lewis Carroll’s mirrors can be compared to the new research into parallel world neutrinos. Adventures in backwards time, reverse images and reflections. I use different photographic cameras constantly always pondering on how images/information stored in a reversed way through the lens. I like how one of y’all suggested that a photograph can reverse the information as a way rewinding time. I think this concept of mirrors is very intriguing. To think that there is a possibility to see the future using a mirror- plausible. Mystics refer to the use of mirrors when divining the future. There was always a scary story about how if you go into a dark place with a mirror and say some certain words that a spirit could come through.

As for the symbol of the white rabbit- I recently heard of a Mayan figure named 18 Rabbit. An important entity that advanced the society. Is there a significance? Perhaps these oral histories of eastern astrology have insight to the chronicles of our planet and those before. And those histories which remain traditions.

Thank you for sharing! This is very curious to me. I had recently watched Project Bluebook and heard about this mysterious “absence”
I like the show. Haven't seen the most recent season.

Eisenhower had during his presidency. At the time then there were strange happenings in our skies and it has been theorized that the Eisenhower has a meeting/agreement with those from another world. All of a sudden after that, anything UFO was classified with the highest security. Interesting that the project possibly could be named “Project Aquarius”.
Oh, wow. I didn't know he "disappeared". I need to watch that show again. Forgot about it.

As for the symbol of the white rabbit- I recently heard of a Mayan figure named 18 Rabbit. An important entity that advanced the society. Is there a significance? Perhaps these oral histories of eastern astrology have insight to the chronicles of our planet and those before. And those histories which remain traditions.
I do find it interesting that many mysteries involve rabbit symbolism, including Qanon. Follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole. I guess we can thank Alice in Wonderland, or is that just a part of the entire mystery? Sort of off topic, sorry, but it *is* called Project Looking Glass. Isn't there a looking glass in Alice In Wonderland?

I often wonder if Trump is using this technology.

Paycheck with Ben Affleck appears to use 2 Enochian Tables attached to a computer and a large screen tv to see future. The circuit boards appear to be of glass substance rather than fiberglass and gold-plated connections. Another white rabbit is the white rabbit in Monty Python Holy Grail. Does hollywood control the pace of our knowledge as a society as a whole. Those who know can find the hints. I grew up with a bird cage. I don't have a lottery ticket in it.

Can a camera capture tachyons? If tachyons move faster than light are they in the future or the past? Between a user hitting the button and the image getting to the film takes time. the photons/tachyons traveling thru the camera are when...past present future. In the black and white photo of John even John Titor appears to have something in his hand.

Your descriptions remind me of the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ. Their church is based on a book of gold plates in Egyptian symbols translated into their book, the Book of Mormon. I was baptized into that church this past Easter weekend. 7th Day Adventists have interesting outlook as well. And no one wants to aggravate the Hindu thousands of deities. Last I checked India has submarines. Wanderlust is traveling the USA with eastern teachings.

Browsed the link, and while I don't think that'd be much good for traveling or seeing into the future--it looks like an earlier attempt at a fusion reactor. The latest and greatest of the fusion reactors is going to be turned on later this year & uses similar concepts to what the looking glass was speculated to use.


Good news is that sustainable fusion is one step closer to microsingularities!


Regarding photo technology and displaying photons or tachyons or whatever form of energy on a photo what explains the concept of blur on an image. Is it energy smeared on glass or film? On John Titor image there is no blur of motion.

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