Rainman and Creedo time locate in Rumania:


Epochal Historian
Rainman and Creedo time locate in Rumania:

No, Ray, what I'm doing here, is using triphased windows.

What I've done with this legal prototype housed in holographic resistance pressure, is to shoot three windows.

Not a single window, like most o.s.es have done.

Each one is transparent, so you can add data onto one layer and still work the next one over it, be able to work all three windows.

Ray,...Ahhh' Creedo, we are in a grave yard and this is getting creepy. They are exhuming someone out of the ground!!?

Creedo; Yes That's Mary Korzguri......And' while she was alive, she was a very pretty lady.

Ray; They can't see us here, can they?

Creedo; No we are faized so we are slightly out of their frequency, so we might seem like a burp in the time space matrix to them.

Creedo;Oh there she is now, they've uncovered her and she's awake, but can't move.

Ray; Christ, you mean she's alive,....that girl, woman is really alive.........Why'd they do that!?

Creedo; wait a second Ray, watch and you'll see what's happening.

Ray; Is that blood around her mouth and her eyes look so red????

Oh God they're going to put a stake in her heart, Ohhhhh God, is that gross.......

Creedo;She's a vampire, a real one Ray.

You see hundreds of years back in time, these were known as the box sitter conscripts, which was the result of the vampire plagues, in the middle ages.

When you find these, you can only dig them up, drive a stake through their hearts and then cut their heads off!?


Ray;What' we're in Germany?

Creed;Yes, what your going to see is the old German competitive vampire clans.

Ray;They gather and then seem to bag, well catch a few travelers late at night,........ I'm seeing?

Creedo;Yes' these are very advanced beings.This is as these are aware and highly motivated creatures, a step above man, in development.

Ray;Oh sh*t, Creedo' that one sees us and looks as if he's, wait, he's turning away.

Why'd he do that?

Creedo;Because he senses something about one of us that has stopped him.


Creedo;If he did not, even in hyperspace, we'd both be dead.

Creedo;If you take the first transparency of Mary being uncovered and dispatched compared to these young and agile vampires on the second transparency, what do you see Ray?

Ray;I see that their stiles are different.

What's this mean?

Creedo;It means that the first of the set is part of a set plague.....However, the second of the set, is an active above clan, that lives this way.

Ray;Aren't vampires really dead, you said live?

Creedo;No Ray, they aren't dead, but function at a much lower, more efficient energy level.

Ray;What's the purpose of showing me all this Creedo?

Creedo;Motivation Ray, things are not what they always seem, nor intent, the same.
Vampire anatomy and physiology 101

Vampire anatomy and physiology 101:

Creedo;I want you to project a three phased deep field, in the air here, with your tri-windows projection unit?

I want a girl, a young vampire? Here' I'll give it to you from mine and she is pretty, but naked from the waste up, but don't be embarrassed.

Ray;Okay I got the copy in air, via transplantment and sheeeee's........there.

Oaky, Creed, the background is trees and she's in a violet background, kind-of purple.....?....Is this right?

Creedo;Yes this is right Ray.........No leaves in the trees, however?
We're going to call her Suzy The Vamp and she is only an example as we are goping to take a tour here.

Ray;I've donned these long dinner stile gloves and these give me a back photonic pressure holo-interface?

Creedo;Yes Ray, they do.

Okay looking from her left, blow her up a bit and we've got a three quarter view of her, looking at her right side, infront of her.My mitts are on and I will show you a few things.

Going to her left side and magnify the left breast?........More, More........There, that's fine.

Okay Ray, what were doing here, is topography her physical prolactin response.

Vampires are not living as we are. And they work from a lower energy level.

However the pineal gland and amligias.The Pineal is also the finishing gland in some vampires, as this gland gives the features of completing to mature psycho response.

So Ray, take your hand and place it on her breast, holding the breast with your four fingers, now with you thumb and forefinger and you can feel her breast, gently rub her nipple and we will track her physio-response.

Ray;Aint this a little perverted, sick I mean?

Creedo;No, were acting as med students here, get this out of your mind.I want to show you something?

Ray;Okay'......... here goes and the background kind-of changed to a darker shade of violet and her mouth dropped open.Little set of canines dropped down........Hmmmmm?eyes widening and her purples have gone almost pin-point.

Creedo;Ray, topographicle body order, would you?

Ray;She's putting out a body-wide pheromone.

Creedo;In the loins and other body glands?

Ray;On the chemical chart, it's like a humans, but somehow fracted differently.

If I didn't know better, I would say she's ovulating?

Creedo;The prolatin response in vampires is very interesting, as this response, also incites the hunting response, which the vampire needs.

Okay Ray, I'm going to now change this to a half vampire and a half vampire is?

Ray;A half vampire is a person whose parents and or ancestors were bitten by vampires.
They themselves are not vampires, but on occasional moon rises the RNA complex which stores the vampire cell soup, comes into being and certain genetic memories, from the distant past parent inputs, come into being.

Creedo;Good Ray, you got it right on the button.

Okay' same lady, but well change her from Vampire to half vampire.

Now add a rare moon rise and on the second transparency windows back, what do you have?

Ray;Can I overchart this onto the vamps physiological chart?

Creedo;Yes' go ahead.?

Ray;Okay, her guanine differs, but some of the other markers, are reminiscent.

This means,.........ahhhh??

Creedo;That a bridge exist between the full vampire and the half vampire always.

Ray;Then this is a disease?

Creedo;No' only a marker of traits connected by RNA.

Ray;How so?

Creedo; DNA is only a changeable design with reference to how a cell matrix would be designed and creatreewd from demand, from the primary directive of the cell reporduction telophase.

RNA is a replicant soup.Not the design.

However RNA reflects back to a phase of the DNA complex, which rewrite the cell construction sequence and then some parts of this sequence are remembered by the cell itself.

The RNA actually signals a rewrite of the primary DNA complex, so that some potion of the cell replication sequence, as far as these vampelike-like sub-traits are remembered.

Ray;So people who carry this half vampire trait, in some cases have no idea they even have it and the people who do exhibit at least some of these traits, pass it off to a full moon rise, or their imagination being a little fervent.

Creedo;The nipple response, on the half vampire, during no moon Ray?

Ray;It's not there..... I mean on the side chart the chemicals that compose DNA aren't there.

Creedo;Now nipple prolatin responnce to the amiglia complex, on a half vampire during those rare moon rises?

Ray;Hey there is something in the replication back-pressure response, as you say.............?

Can this ever go full circle and a half vampire reverts back to a full vampire?

Creedo;In very rare cases it has been recorded as doing so......But by and large, no.

There is some response during full moons, but the cell complex memory, which is houses in the gene traits of the double helix, retain the full cell descriptive memories.

The cell when that active chemical era is over, will revert back to its own full self description.

Ray;You've mentioned a time-wave will sometimes trip these active physio-immune responses to partially revert back to also being a full or semi-active vampire?

Creedo;This might happen for two reasons?

One, direct genetic tampering, such as sending a technician to gather some of the intended donor's cell materials to a lab.

This might be a specially designed creature, that bites, takes a sample and sneaks out, but does not whole infect the half vampire host.

Two' a time=wave might in some respects, disturb the geographical chemical balance within an active cell.This disturbance to where if someone went into that person's past.
They found that they did come from village that was once attacked by a vampire plague, then what is known as a chemical trip mechanism, might have taken place within that person's cells?

Ray;Then this person was subjected, to say,......a time travel invasion and their DNA RNA design is only responding to a slight shift, in quantum spatial waves?

Creedo;Yes very good Ray, Very astute and precise way of putting it.

Ray; I've got one question.

My stroking this vampire's breast.

I want to know, since we have greatly broken past the barriers imposed by traditional computer O.S. Platforms.

Creedo; Yes Ray?

Ray;Could this sexual erotica transmit to a realm vampire woman?

Creedo;I guess,........you,..could call it erotica?........In a way.
But this would seem like stimulation to her and she may not ever develop a vector, in order to get, or come to you.

Who knows Ray, she might like you and you might develop a true friend.

Ray;I need this???!

Creedo;Some of them are given a way worse name than they disserve Ray.

There is, was a balance there and allot of them realize this.

Don't worry...?

Homework, Vampires 101:

Homework, Vampires 101:

Rainman:He said I could have the computer.

One black box the size of a small jewelry box.

A three phase hologram windows, three layer projector and a touch and photon pressure screen.

They don't have anything like this, in this century and it's all mine.

Creedo's file, particulars.:Library attendance,........Hmmmmm, this guys reads or read voraciously at one time.

One hundred and fifty books at one setting.

That's not real, no human can do,...could have done this?

Aviation Week And Space Technology; He has used these in rapid fire redundancy, till he knows aerospace, like he knows the back of his hand.

A super-techie?

Ray hooks up the computer.Do a simulation on Creedo's reflexes please.

Dennis;Ray' you want this auto-searched A.I.?

Rainman;Yes that would be fine.

Printout active holodisplay>>The coffee cup is on the edge of the table.

Rainman:Okay puter, (Dennis, I mean), slow extrapolation replay,... please.?

Creedo bumps the cup filled with coffee, the coffee begins to fall and is half way to lap level.

The hand moves in under one tenth of a second, one twenthfouth to be exact.

The hand opens and shapes around the cup of full coffee, without spilling a drop.

Rainman:Dennis' is this put on, or an inherent trait?

Denis:This may be an inherent trait, as while Creedo does posses marital arts, books and has read them, he is not an avid Do_jo or Reiki attendant.

Rainman:Your opinion,... Dennis? Answer;...A natural ability.

Dennis please reply the mouth opening scene on the virtual vampire holo-med?

Denis:The mouth opens and in rapid motion, a secretion occurs around the cusp of the mouth.

In one quick swivel, a set of top canines swings down, as if they would be attached to a tendon, sow lowering them.

Rainman:Denis' please replay me and notice if I had eye contact with this event of the movable canines and noticed this process?

Denis The Computer;...No, Ray, you did not.

Denis;Please reply scene from the movie Underworld, the female vampire conversation?

Denis;I don't have exact script, as the connection would take too much time, but I have exact like confidence and this is played now:>No, don't bring him here, this could be a disaster for our place and our kind.You have no idea whether this attempt by the lucan.(Stop)!

Okay, close in on upper tooth topography and what is apparent here?

Denis;With all available data held here, this could not be a member of known vampires, as the canines do not retract.

Real vampires depend upon the element of surprise, for those who walk the night and can seduce humans, in order to feed.

Rainman:Don't that beat all.

The parking garage:

The parking garage:

Rainman' I think when Boeing comes online with the new faster ships, that we will be running scenarios of controls, doing most of the in-flight adjustments.

Corporate head;Well' they will have to do something at air traffic in-flight routing, as faster ships mean more pile-ups when it comes to stacking them overhead.

Another corporate head speaks;We have to do something with ATC for the faster ships and an inrouting that will allow an almost instantaneous final, to landings, so that we can route passengers faster to their destinations.

The Rainman group ponders this over for a second and then Ray speaks.
Rainman;In my years as a controls expert, I feel that what must be re'done, is a faster uplink to the birds, already enroot.

There has to be some segregation here, as older ship's technologies?This is for those companies that either can't or won't buy newer ships, have to be routed to different landing and stacking capacities.

Corperate head:Ray' I want you and your group to come up with a power point, in-graphics presentation if you can and bring it here in two week's time.

I know that your the best here Ray......!Can you come up with something to take to the feds, so this enroot ATC issue, can get the possible funding that it needs?

Ray smiles and replies;We can do. Our group is one of the most innovative and you'll have either a rolling graphics or a power point, at the least.

Corperate head;Sally' tell Mike to have my Challenger warmed up at the outer strip and I'll eat in the air tonight.

I have to write my boy in Iraq.

He takes too many chances and some of those people in that.......

Sally replies.,Yes Mr. Johnson, Il'l take care of it.

Rainman at the flower shop:Those rose and a box of chocolates,..... the truffles.

Yes' put this on my card.

Rainman revs over the rental and precedes down two levels and the gate attendant, a tall woman in her early twenties takes the parking ticket.

Ray ask;The gates broken here tonight?

The tall girl gate attendant in uniform answers;Yes, there is a glitch in the relays and the gate won't raise, but manually.

As Ray looks at the girl's eyes, he notices they're off color, as an odd tint.

Feeling just a bit nervous, he reaches for a tip to give the girl.When he turns his head away, almost feeling uncomfortable he turns back with a five to give her, besides the parking fee.

Infront of him, there is no-one.

The parking garage is quiet, as nobody was ever standing before him.

The money is still in his hands.

The gate is raised and Ray pauses for just a second or two.

A horn sounds, Ray looks in his rear view mirror and says, ""shucks"" and then drives on.
Re: The stud farm

At the stud ranch:

What we have here,is a tease mare.

Roy;Well how's that work?

Phyllis;She, the mare stands on one side of this fence. Then the stallion is allowed to come near the mare.

The mare gets to present herself. The stallion achieves an erection.

Roy keeps nodding.

Phyllis continues.We have something similar to a large palmal horse.A technician covers the entirety of the phallus with a sheath.

This sheath enters the false mare palmal horse, with the tease mare being on the other side of the fence.She then entices the stallion to mount the fake horse.

Roy continues to listen.

Phyllis continues her narration:The stallion then commences to nuzzle with the b mare's nose, however' ejaculates into the cavity of the false mare.

Then from that point, the sperm is rapidly taken out and placed in frozen containment.

The agreed on mare specially chosen mare, is then artificially inseminated later.

Roy:You're talking fifty thousand, Phyllis, for this procedure; the whole nine yards?

Phyllis; After the legal agreements, plus a release is signed, then more often then not, a happy mare in eleven months down the line.

Roy;Beats them screwing in the woods, doesn't it?

Phyllis;That was avery crude remark. But yes, this is a much more controlled fashion of mating, than well, as you have said in the woodlands and the forests.

Roy;I have to speak to my head man here and we're talking three of my best mares.

But I want to see the papers once more,...... on those studs of yours?

Phyllis;This is fine with us, well have the papers and origination produced once our legal uplink has been established.

Roy;Thanks,.....ahh-ah?...... Phyllis.
Re: Phonecall, fishing:

The phone call;

Creedo;Ray, I've got a box of lures and the mountains sounds okay with me.

Rainman:You'll need waders.........Bring some thermals, as the water up there is mighty cold?

Creedo;Okay, you've got tackle?
