Remember the Covenant?


Temporal Novice
Here is a quote from Samuel Kurinsky's 'The Eighth Day', only the words between square brackets are mine: The Hebrews wandered through the desert for forty years [and their shoes did not wax old on their feet]. So is it written. It is written that the desert experience brought the wandering Hebrews close to their Creator; that the great band of bedraggled stragglers shuffled through the sands of the Sinai desert and survived through the miracles wrought by Him; that they learned His universal laws through the great prophet who led them through the wilderness. It is written that a covenant was entered into between the people and their Creator, that upon acceptance of His divine ordinances, the wanderers were chosen to bear the burden of delivering that Law to a wicked world of iniquity and idolatry; that they were rewarded for assuming that heavy burden by the promise of a land to dwell in from which they would wander no more.... What universal laws did the Hebrews learn? What divine ordinances did they accept? What Covenant did they enter into? What Law were they chosen to deliver to the world? If you worship G-d, whatever form your worship takes, why are you straining to break G-d's universal laws? Have you ever considered that you might be better off remaining in real time? Living and dying in real time? Have you ever considered that the reward of Heaven may only apply to those who do not break out of G-d's universal law of futurity? Of forwardly progressing time? Would you sacrifice Heaven, and achieving the ultimate form, all for a journey to another time frame? And if your answer is 'yes', how on earth have you progressed thus far?
Perhaps there is a NEW covenant on the horizon? I know these are not your words, Chrio, but they cry out for a response:

Have you ever considered that you might be better off remaining in real time? Living and dying in real time?

One could logically extend this form of thought to cavemen warning each other "have you ever considered the gods may not want us to possess fire? Maybe we would be better off staying here, in the dark, living and dying on roots and grubs?"

If there is a "real" concept of sin, I would think that it is related to NOT using the talents and wisdom that God has bestowed upon us. Hiding the Light you were given, because you think it may offend some, while not considering that it may help more people than it offends.

Something to think about....

Kind Regards,

Your last statement, (How far have we really progressed?; is not of main importants.

The correct statement asked, in the face of what connections that this government has made; is what utility and opportunities are open to you?
The code for liability alievement, lies in the statues, that if mankind in his pristine sense, is interfered with, then letter and character of the practum of any bibelos, is therefore augmented?
I believe we as humans had a paradime quite some time ago. We talk about contact with extra-teristrial, or extra- dimensional life forms as taboo nowadays, but I believe that before this great paradime, it was in the norm. In a way, I beleive the bible does coincide with evolution. No one does truely know what time frame the bible is based in. Adam and Eve could of been two seperate cultures for all we know. Plus, the evolution of man, when matched to the scientific age of the earth, seems to have occured over night. No other species on this planet have evolved as fast as man did to my knowledge. Am I going to say that god took a rib from adam to make eve? Yes, but what does that truely mean? A devine work, or the work of a species that is as curious as us. You be the judge.
kidding aside, the sins were layed out in commandments.

Is that all??? Just those 10? WHEW! I was really scared I would have to answer for all those "self-pleasuring" events of my life once I cashed-in my chips! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Now I am the one kidding, of course. But this does illustrate one of the reasons I parted ways with the Catholic Church. It was all too convenient and easy for church hierarchy to add to the list of sins whenever they felt like it. No meat on Friday? C'mon! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif I'll accept that maybe I will come down with Mad Cow Disease, but burning in hell for all eternity? Naaah!

It reminds me of the joke where Ole (the Lutheran) moved to a Catholic region of Wisconsin, but continued to grill venison steaks every Friday.....ya heard that one? :D

Kind Regards,
What is man as realized in the traditional way, by powers that be, is now being divvied up?

Then part and parcel of the original contract, as said on the surface value of the bible, would then be augmented?