Temporal Novice
In the recent year I find the solution of time travel that is by heisenberg principle and by higgs field we can do time travel by doing the rest mass of particles to zero. When I did this in my  lab there is result of making positrons from electrons and it can happen too with humans as I have experienced this while sleeping I go to future there I saw everything changed,humans are controlled by robots ,stocks are on its height ,everywhere bitcoin transaction is there, humans for survival can do anything .

Means you travelled time Right? 

And one question first why you given the title SANSKAR SWAROOP. 

My guess that you are indian

He is just Bluffing Man ! What's the meaning of tracasting with Bitcoins when the humans are slaves of Robots ! and So just tell who was the first time travelller !

In the recent year I find the solution of time travel that is by heisenberg principle and by higgs field we can do time travel by doing the rest mass of particles to zero. When I did this in my  lab there is result of making positrons from electrons and it can happen too with humans as I have experienced this while sleeping I go to future there I saw everything changed,humans are controlled by robots ,stocks are on its height ,everywhere bitcoin transaction is there, humans for survival can do anything .
How does Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty and the Higgs Field, which mediates mass, equate to time travel by reducing the rest mass of particles to zero?  Photons already have a rest mass of zero which means they are forever traveling at the speed of light.  Yes, if you bring a positron and an electron into contact they will annihilate and liberate photons.   That does not equate to time travel.  It does, according to special relativity, mean photons don't experience time at all.  From their perspective (or more correctly, in their frame of reference) they are created and simultaneously destroyed when the universe ends.  That's not much help for a would be time traveler.  And that's also one of the reasons why one would not want to travel at the speed of light.  The effect is instantaneous - there is no time to give pause to "putting on the brakes".  You hit the speed of light and the universe, from your perspective, ends in that instant.

And, because you put Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty in play; the principle says you can never reduce the rest mass to zero, not even in principle.  It's not a observer measurement issue and it's not a measurement instrument issue.  It is physical law of nature and fully described by Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty.
