Send a message to myself in the past


Temporal Novice

I really need to send a message to myself back in 1997. Not revealing anything of the future, but changes in the way I was thinking. Some simple changes in the way i was thinking would have changed so much for me.

I see one person saying on the forum that he knows of a working method, but not much information was given on the forum. Do anyone else know of a method to send a message, by mind or letter or any other form. I would really appreciate it.

HelloI really need to send a message to myself back in 1997. Not revealing anything of the future, but changes in the way I was thinking. Some simple changes in the way i was thinking would have changed so much for me.
I see one person saying on the forum that he knows of a working method, but not much information was given on the forum. Do anyone else know of a method to send a message, by mind or letter or any other form. I would really appreciate it.
As far as I know, nobody on this site can do this. I am assuming you came to this site mostly for this?

Actually there is no way to do this, sorry.

And as far as I know, also if that could be possible there will be two different possibilities:

1) (present)you send the informations, (past)you read them and change his mind, in that very moment, you create a parallel universe in which (past)you have made different choices, but since it is a parallel universe, (present)you will not see any difference.

2) (present)you send informations, and (past)you received them and use them to change his mind, (past)you will live a different life compared to (present)you and this lead to the fact that the (present)you will have no need to send any information to the past, so the (past)you will not change his mind and so on, in an infinite loop called paradox. welcome to the time travel.


You can't send anything to the past, and if you find a way to do it, you will find only a big paradox.

well, without mention any butterfly effect you may cause with this idea... (see the film "butterfly effect" to have a clue on what could happen)
