The Death of John Titor.

Re: John Titor Lives!!!.

that his mission was a total success.

In the event that the Trolls, Mini-trolls, socket-pupets and debunkers fail in this subject...
the following is the Truth!!!

Quoting Earthnet 2050 and Charlie:
<REAL NAME DELETED> a.k.a. John Titor was born in Tampa, Florida in the year 1998. First official U.E.F. entries relating to John Titor are from a Sirian First Contact team in the year 2017. He was one of 64 people found in a survival community designated by the Sirians as STO-10026. Located in West Virginia, a region notorious for being a high STS area in the aftermath, explains why First Contact with this community occured <DELETED> years after the Pole Shift.

In 2024, Titor was accepted into the still young U.E.F. assigned to the department that would later successfully negotiate the Technology Share Treaty with The Visitors. This led to a senior position within the new U.E.F. Technology Research & Development Centre. The group’s first accomplishment was the construction of the Earth’s first Fusion Power Facility in New Sydney, Australia in 2029.

Following Council approval for the development of human time travel technology in 2032, Titor was a member of a scientific team of 6 humans who, with Sirian and Pleiadean scientists, designed & built the prototype Temporal Displacement Unit designated C204.

In 2035, after doubts were raised on some of the key fundamentals of the C204 device, (See Separate Summary on the C204), Titor made an unauthorized temporal incursion to the year 1975 earning him the title of the first human to travel through time. This was later referred to by many as the Titor Incursion (See Separate Summary on the Titor Incursion).

According to Titor, his failed attempt to return to 2036 landed him in the late 20th century where his mental degenerative condition began to take hold. His communication with the general public created a following and earned him a small degree of popularity although, due to his condition, what he said was a mixture of fact and imagination.

In 2039 using the new C300 Temporal Displacement Technology, a recovery team led by Charles Haynes was sent back to 2001 when it was discovered Titor was in that time period and communicating with the people of that time. The first two missions to retrieve Titor were unsuccessful. A third mission to 2003 was commissioned after an energy signature was detected from the C204 by equipment left behind by Charles Haynes in the previous mission.

Upon his return, Titor was diagnosed with the first and only recorded case of a neurological disorder resulting from time travel unofficially and rather inaccurately termed as Time Psychosis.

At last report in 2047, Titor was residing at a medical facility in New Melbourne, Australia.

End Summary.

end quoted from:
Link to TTI -page 25-
Re: John Titor Lives!!!.


You are cross-posting again. I have asked you not to do that in the past. Moreover, you have added absolutely nothing to this cross-post. Not even a reason why you have cross-posted it. This is bordering on anti-social behavior. Just because you believe what Charlie says is true (despite evidence to the contrary) does not give you the right to hijack threads.

Please stop this. Thank you,