The Geeks shall inherit the Earth

I am ready to exit. This concept takes the progressive nature of technology (the only valuable concept that liberals claim to espouse, but they really don't) and marries it with the free market capitalism that is the hallmark of conservatism. As an example, Obamacare is the biggest barrier to exit we have ever codified in law. It will NEVER work because of this, just like all other liberal "central planning" failed ideas.

Problems are continually being created
for the purpose of forcing unwanted solutions on the people.
Regardless of the political party, the same agenda is forwarded.
I don't want to get where the nation is headed.
Health has nothing to do with any of it.
But, since you mentioned the oxymoronic Obamacare,
I must express concern for a farming family:
they subsist on the $1K per month
that the government wants to force them to pay for insurance.