Theory of Infinite Smallness


Temporal Novice
My name is William Bunker. I am from Massachusetts.

The theory of infinite smallness states that there is no largest or smallest particle. furthermore, it states that all things are made of the grouped electromagetic fields of a cluster of 'objects', those objects also being clusters.

A magetic signature of a cluster of objects can be taken from a radius, such as the exterior of an atom. It tells the average or total sum of the magetic properties of that cluster. It tells the magnetic signature at a radius, but not the identity of specific magnetic objects inside that cluster.

This can be compared to a topographical magnetic map of existance, and is an effective way of measuring things at a local size scale.

Infinite size also affects time. Size and time are both relative. A bowling ball 10 billion light years wide would take hundreds of trillions of our local 'years' to roll down an alley of comparable scale.

The regional speed limit is the speed of light. Light is actually moving infinitely quickly, and size is merely a way of dividing time. When moving at the speed of light, light appears to be going at the speed of light.

Just by being, you are moving at the speed of light, but in tiny groupings and vibrations of your molecules and atoms. You are moving at the speed of light, but the period of your movement is miniscule. Therefore, you experience relative time on the size scale that we see.

When moving in one direction at the speed of light, the period of your 'wave' of existance approaches the period of the 'molecules' of the next astronomical 'level' of scale greater in size.

If you move more quickly than the speed of light in one direction, you will break from the predictable path of 'vibration' of the astronomical iteration of an 'atom' [being approximately 10 billion light years wide].

By moving faster in one direction than the period of the wave of your scale, you will resonate with the higher wave. This would be like an electron breaking the pull of an atom!! I see it!! It is the multiple dimensions of the universe! This is scale translating into depth!! Amazing!!!
good post but im a bit confused about this

Light is actually moving infinitely quickly, and size is merely a way of dividing time. When moving at the speed of light, light appears to be going at the speed of light.

if this wher tru then would light from the sun, stars etc not be here instantaneously rather than talking time to travel the distance?
I rather like this line of thinking. Philosophically, it seems fairly sound. Scientifically, it may have relevance yet to be discovered.

What originally attracted me to this thread was that it appears to have similarities to a thought I have toyed with myself, which I like to call a theory of "infinite moments" (not scientifically, of course
The idea might seem 'obvious' to most and dismissed as irrelevant, but perhaps it is useful to someone, somewhere... more than just chewing gum for the mind.

It goes like this, starting from the question, "how does one define a 'moment'? just how brief is it?"... One cannot help but think of the fact that no matter how brief a time that can be conceived of, it can be divided in half, again and again, infinitely.

in one sense, a moment is an eternity.
being a sound engineer this idea buggerz my head all the time. its only the equipment i use that stops me from loosing it, but say for example your trying to make a loop of music, even though it may sound "in time" the loop can be infinitly corrected to be more precise! sometimes i spend so long thinkin of this i end up gettin nowhere.
i like the way u put it though! a moment is an eternity. u ever get that feeling that time slows down? for example in a car crash or something, everything seems to move in slow motion. maybe a bit of a digression
Welcome to the forum William:
The theory of infinite smallness states that there is no largest or smallest particle. furthermore, it states that all things are made of the grouped electromagetic fields of a cluster of 'objects', those objects also being clusters.
Are you familiar with Ken Shoulders' work on Exotic Vacuum Objects (EVO)? When you describe E/M charge clusters, it is almost as if you are describing exactly what Ken has discovered.

The rest of your post sounds intriguing, and from my initial read it sounds like we share some thoughts in common on a few subjects. Specifically your view (if I may paraphrase in my own words) that the appearance of the speed of light as a "barrier" is really a result of the MEASUREMENT of the speed of light, which can be quite different from the unmeasured speed of light.

Hope to have more discussions with you on this, and other topics.