time and motion - is the mathematics understood?

maybe it would be easier just to get something to travel faster than the speed of light... and do the ol' slingshot time travel method. I'd prefer it, and the maths are probably easier.
maybe it would be easier just to get something to travel faster than the speed of light... and do the ol' slingshot time travel method. I'd prefer it, and the maths are probably easier.

Except the laws of physics, at least as they are (very well) understood today, you can't accelerate to, let alone exceed, the speed of light.

E = mc^2 only applies to massive objects at rest. Massive objects in motion have momentum and in Special Relativity the momentum is added to the equation. The full equation for massive objects in motion is:

E^2 = (mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2 where "p" is the momentum

You have a bunch of squared values in each statement of the equation. You might notice that the equation looks an awful lot like the Pythagorean Theorum of right triangles: a^2 + b^2 = c^2. If you thought that then you are spot on. It is the Pythagorean Theorum. The Greeks find their way into almost all of phsics through that "simple" but true equation.

Rather than go into a lot of math proof just take a look at this video. I searched and found it to be the best and most easily understood explanation on the Internet:

You might notice that in this mathematical proof that we don't have to deal with the issue of, "As a massive body's velocity increases so does its mass." Though it is true, it isn't necessary to deal with the issue in offering mathematical proof that a massive body's velocity is limited to less than the speed of light. In every experiment ever performed relative to proof that E = mc^2 is true for moving objects the above referenced ratios have in every case been found to be true to the limits of the measuring equipment's abilities.
Things are in constant motion ,hence if the whole universe was in constant motion would mean that an object may not possibly ever see the same point in space 2 times in its entire orbital existence.
Now if everything took a piece of space time with it, that would create quite the problem. Nothing would actually be moving.
however,if you bend,fold or warp time and space to move threw it to travel to a certain period of time, and being that everything in space is on a constant move.You travel 2 days in the past, from that point of origin,our solar system traveling at 540000miles per hour is 25920000 miles away from the location you are at.Earth has not been there yet. Now to say that earth has a chunk of space time with it means it is in all locations at the same time.Not possible.It might be in the same spot 2 times if it makes it around the universe once, however they are finding out that it may be bigger then one universe.More of a multi-verse.Much like solar systems in a galaxy.So the actual chance of earth being in the same spot twice is possible, but not likely. i must disagree with the chunk of space time traveling with earth.Even though we find signs of time moving slower around bigger objects. Time is time,Moves forward always.When you break it down, the real clock is the universal clock.Which means point A to point B.We do perceive correctly in the fashion of a start to finish concept.
That being said,the space time dragging you with earth is a pipe dream concept.Common sense indicates that it is not connected to an imaginary field and yes if you were to travel in time using some fold, No the planet would not have been there yet and you would be stranded in space unless you had means of travel.Even an hour would still put you 540000miles away.
Jean Blanchette

That being said,the space time dragging you with earth is a pipe dream concept.Common sense indicates that it is not connected to an imaginary field and yes if you were to travel in time using some fold, No the planet would not have been there yet and you would be stranded in space unless you had means of travel.Even an hour would still put you 540000miles away.

No, it's not a pipe dream concept. The Michelson Morley experiment does show without any doubt at all that the Earth does not move through the ether as was once believed.

It does suggest that time and space are extensions of matter. And locally the time and space appear to be connected to the earth. So get the notion out of your head that we are moving through space. No one yet has devised an experiment to measure this perceived motion. So until someone does, we have to abide by the rules given us, if we are ever to proceed with scientific advancement.
No, it's not a pipe dream concept. The Michelson Morley experiment does show without any doubt at all that the Earth does not move through the ether as was once believed.

That's not quite the correct interpretation, but it is close. As Einstein pointed out, there may or might not be an "aether" prevading the universe. Lorentz proposed a state of absolute rest (and motion) as measured against the luminiferous aether, which is assumed to be a rigid medium at absolute universal rest. Einstein, through Special and General Relativity, shows that there is no absolute state of rest thus the aether cannot be at absolute rest.

Here's an excerpt from his dialogue "Dialog about Objections against the Theory of Relativity" Dialog about Objections against the Theory of Relativity - Wikisource, the free online library

Its fortunes have taken some turns, and overall one cannot say that it is dead now. Prior to Lorentz it existed as an all-pervasive fluid, as a gas-like fluid, and other than that in the most diverse forms of being, different from author to author. With Lorentz it became rigid, and embodied the resting coordinate system, respectively a privileged state of motion in the world. According to the special theory of relativity there was no longer a privileged state of motion, this meant a denial of the Aether in this sense of the preceding theories. For if there would be an Aether, then in each space-time point there would have to be a particular state of motion, that would have to play a part in optics. There is no such privileged state of motion, as has been taught to us by the special theory of relativity, and that is why there is no Aether in the old sense. The general theory of relativity also does not know a privileged state of motion in a point, that one could vaguely interpret as velocity of an Aether. However, while according to the special theory of relativity a part of space without matter and without electromagnetic field seems to be characterized as absolutely empty, e. g. not characterized by any physical quantities, empty space in this sense has according to the general theory of relativity physical qualities which are mathematically characterized by the components of the gravitational potential, that determine the metrical behavior of this part of space as well as its gravitational field. One can quite well construe this circumstance in such a way that one speaks of an Aether, whose state of being is different from point to point. Only one must take care not to attribute to this Aether properties similar to properties of matter (for example every point a certain velocity).

It's almost like the perceived motion through space is actually motion through time. So maybe the Michelson Morley experiment was actually just showing local time flow is uniform without physical direction.
First we cannot say that E=mc² is absolute true as :
- the theory of multiverse exist (at the same space-time next to each other or whatever..)
- we do not know what happens at the micro multi-dimensional boson size
- we do not know what happens at the macro probably multi-dimensional black hole size

But I'd just like to re-say that as the universe expand we are smaller so our speed related to the spacetime we belong is not constant... What referential should we use ? Take a look at this speculation I made :

Build something really long and fast, then in it, put something smaller but still big and fast. Repeat this operation until the smaller object related to the bigger's referential is faster than light-speed and eject it !
There is no problem of air-resistance until the ejection. And also no need to accelerate to the light and huge power.
Simply speed addition as you move into the train.

Surely someone ever thought about it but what about doing ?

Also can we say that we move in empty space as there is no resistance/relative/referential ?
Haha I was saying that yesterday, and look at what posted the author of the movie "la révélation des pyramides" (see my topic) :

Dedicated to Dr. Erik Gonthier, worthy and daring scientist who for having testified for the truth in the film The Revelation of the Pyramids, this day feels directly the effects of an "apostate" in its activities, Again thank youto him ...

« The absurd belief in authority is the worst enemy of truth »
Albert Einstein, Collected papers (1987. vol. I, p. 310).

In a famous letter in an article, dated September 26, 1905, the young Albert Einstein, at the age of just twenty-six years and employed at the Patent Office in Zurich in his capacity as a young physicist, laid the prolegomena that in a few years become the criterion of great scientific discovery. Under the name of relativity, he explained in a few pages what will now be called the Theory of Relativity, which would bring him worldwide fame and immortal. This flashy celebrity, as sudden and universal, supported by almost all media - which is extremely surprising that journalists can neither evaluate nor explain anything the validity and value of such proposal - covered without difficulty a few dissenting voices, sometimes very prestigious yet who stood here and there, however, challenging both the paternity of Einstein for the discovery and universal value of immovable and it in their opinion too quickly decided, even according to some imposed: they lied and they even falsified to cover the noise ... Once again, we tampered history, the history of science.

Since then, the reputation of exceptional discoverer of Einstein and the Theory of Relativity can not be challenged or impaired in any way by anyone, and the "great Einstein" now dominates - and for a long time seems he - History of physics - the queen of the sciences - of 'several light years' ...

Few decades and two world wars later, Albert Einstein - as it is of Jewish origin - will be eager to become the first President of the State of Israel, just created ...
He, however, firmly decline the offer and definitely separate from any politicized environment, saying each time as loudly as possible his pacifism and his disinterest for involvement in life politician.
What we are grateful to him ...
Banking Technique : loan ...

In a book entitled L’espace et le temps [tr:The space & time] (éd. Flammarion), the French physicist Jean-Paul Auffray (brother of singer Hugues Aufray) stated that what is called the Theory of Relativity was for the most part borrowed by Albert Einstein (1879-1955, Nobel Prize in Physics 1921) to French mathematician and physicist Henri Poincaré (1854-1912, no Nobel Prize), which - it - now - despite a very prestigious and exceptional scientific career - almost past trapping and official recognition to oblivion. He stated that he had also initiated the mathematical framework necessary for the presentation of that theory, and later developed among others by the Russian Hermann Minkowski (1908). Poincaré had only formalize, develop and enable experimental verification of formulas Dutch Hendrik Lorentz (1853-1928, Nobel Prize in Physics 1902), the famous transformation groups who suffer as students in higher mathematics.

Apparently Einstein did not hesitate to borrow Henri Poincaré even the beginnings of his own formulation: indeed, it outlined in a lecture given in 1904 at St. Louis in the United States, a year before the famous Einstein's letter: "According to the principle of relativity, the laws of physical phenomena must be the same for either a fixed observer, either a trained observer in uniform motion, so that we have and can not have no way to discern whether or not we are trained in such a movement."

This accusation of false attribution had been made in 1951 by the English physicist Whittaker, followed by the French historian of science Charles-Noël Martin (Einstein, 1979) and finally, by the philosopher of science Jean-François Gautier (L’univers existe-t-il ? [tr: Does the universe exist?] Collection L’aventure des sciences, 1994). In April 1995, the magazine Science et Vie [tr:Science & life] offered his columns Renaud de la Taille, who headlined Poincaré preceded Einstein. New and decisive attack in October 2003 in the prestigious journal of the Ecole Polytechnique "La Jaune et La Rouge" [tr: The yellow & red]: the book of Nobel Prize winning economist Maurice Allais, also distinguished physicist and our friend, entitled L’effondrement radical et définitif de la Théorie de la Relativité [tr:The collapse radical and definitive the Theory of Relativity]. Until recently, a conference where we were with friends (Henri Bodard, polytechnic and President of the Association Atlantis at this time in which I succeed) which was held at the Ecole Polytechnique, saw the latter conclusion in the same sense to an audience composed mostly of scientists and technicians of high value and high competence.

However, no media echoed these various challenged, these testimonies and strong conclusions, and almost nobody heard in public. Worse, no denial never appeared after these many and terrible accusations borrowing and plagiarism. Aside from the famous British newspaper The Sunday Times, for which the theory of relativity has already been stated by an Italian industrialist keen on physical Olindo de Pretto, who have written the lineaments two years before the famous letter from Einstein ... What is perfectly true, except for one which is not even mentioned: he was responsible for the synthesis of the work of Henri Poincaré by his friend ... Albert Einstein. Note that the latter, rather weak in mathematics (level of professorship in secondary school), asked his wife to resume the work of Poincaré's assertion checked by Olindo de Pretto, Mileva Maric, a great mathematician of Croatian origin: do you heard it or read his name - even just once - next to the one of its prestigious husband?
Science is sexist, like the rest!

It appears, however, after careful consideration, that the young Albert Einstein, far from supplanting the discoverers of the famous theory, had to play the game of media glory - indeed he became the global icon of intelligence higher - as a result of pressure from so-called pacifist internationalists and most importantly, Zionist groups - but it is not appropriate to speak publicly as it is politically incorrect: the History, the real, will make the decision. This is especially under the pressure of Hendrik Lorentz himself, who obviously knew the grandfather of Henri Poincaré Albert Einstein, the latter also received the Nobel Prize in 1921, not for the Theory of Relativity as we let people believe in general (the string had perhaps been too big), but his study of the law of the photoelectric effect.
Legitimate questions ...

However, shortly before disappearing, the physicist Robert Oppenheimer wondered if Einstein had not initiated the science of the twentieth century in a wrong track, even at an impasse.
For many decades, in fact, scientists around the world are trying - unsuccessfully so far - a synthesis reconciling the two sides of modern physics: the theory of relativity and the quantum, respectively developed by Albert Einstein, Max Planck (1858-1947, Nobel Prize in Physics 1918), and Louis de Broglie (1892-1987, Nobel Prize in Physics 1929 and 1949), I was approached.

Already in 1934, E. Carvallo was published a book whose title says: La théorie d’Einstein démentie par l’expérience [tr:Einstein's theory refuted by experience] (ed. Chiron, Paris), in which he questioned, acerbic: "Posterity will judge does not that Relativity was a moment Science back three centuries?"

In 1962, physicist Jean-Emile Charon presents his ideas in a book entitled Elements of a unified theory of the universe, prefaced by the Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of Lyon, Henri Longchambon, a book in which he reinterprets the temporal paradox of Paul Langevin, on the contraction of time related to the speed and comes to the conclusion that we could travel to galaxies unless the time that separates the passenger and observer be amended by anything, which is promising and would be particularly interesting for the future space projects, and offers a view acceptable explanations for natural phenomenon known to give the UFO. The same year, the Soviet astronomer Alexandrovich Kozyrev had also proposed a theory linking the quantum relativity. In 1967, Roger Nataf, professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Paris, brought together in a book elements of incompatibility between the two theories. Whatever attempts to revise, modify, and - to be honest - to challenge or question the theory of relativity, it seems that the time is not ripe ... and it is not nearly so. Unless the past come to avenge our lies ...
In an article entitled Science censored, the laws of physics challenged, released in December 2003, Dr. Rochus Boerner American physics made the rounds of difficulties encountered by some scientists - even those enjoying however a very high reputation - meaning to publish studies about discrepancies when measuring the speed of light, these insights are immediately considered heretics by the ecclesiastical sciences and set aside - ostracized - not even whether or studied - a fortiori - the subject of referees.

Supposedly fixed speed of light is not the only one to be challenged or questioned, it seems, and notes:

"Whether the theory of relativity, quantum theory, the big bang cosmology, the existence of gravity or the second law of thermodynamics, field observations reveal their flaws. Publication runs systematically censoring scientific journals. "He says: nice location!

Boerner explains that the means implemented to deter those questioned generally spend two phases: total silence (no replies to letters, no availability for telephone communications, not communications work going in the same direction, not lab time, not lending library or documentation, no funding for practical checks, complete cessation of friendly relations in the environment - due to insidious pressures, etc..), then sanctions - more strong (and unfair) and if we insist that you want to defend the truth of the facts; blackmail at work (risk of recurrent mutations, referrals, theft of equipment, repeat layoffs, etc.)..

Consider some common examples, of course totally unknown to the public, even cultivated, or specialized ...

In 1961, the American physicist G. Bryan Wallace discovered that the radar measurements on the surface of Venus did not confirm the speed of light. He tried to publish his findings in the journal Physical Review Letters, but then met a very strong resistance referees [referees of scientific publications] and had to settle for a less prominent publication, dissemination almost confidential ... After a year, the article does not always appearing, he inquired about the situation from the publisher, who replied that this was normal, because someone had just ... lost the article!

It also tells how Lincoln Lab had used improper means and sometimes illegal to discredit, especially astray documents in order to hide the radar abnormal results, and refused to disclose the original raw data obtained by him, making and radically impede its investigation.

He has since published a book on the Internet, called The Farce of Physics. But Bryan G. Wallace died prematurely on 19 April 1997 without his discoveries and their implications ignored, be confirmed or refuted by the scientific establishment.

The American astronomer Halton "Chip" Arp, recently deceased, fought for forty years that the factual truth of his observations against the vanities and nonsense theories up appears: a waste! He had a landline at the famous Carnegie Institute of Washington Observatories: he was suddenly withdrawn without formal written statement, because his observations - and the articles he wrote for awareness - were in flagrant contradiction with the prevailing theory of Big Bang (due to the Abbé Georges Lemaître (1894-1966) and supported by Albert Einstein and his followers). Its findings challenge - and seriously - the way to know the escape velocity of stars (Hubble's Law - Edwin Hubble, American astronomer, 1889-1953 - redshift and fleeing the Doppler effect) and other training cosmological but also the age of the universe, and the concept of limit of speed of light imposed by Einstein's theory (he was able to measure the angular velocity of ejection of a quasar: 420 000 km / s or more ¼ times faster than the speed of light "authorized"!), etc.. In addition, it supports the theory being advanced verification - but nobody ever hears about - a plasma universe, whose characteristics are very considerably closer views of the ancients, the first chapter of the Bible - Genesis - and traditional representations (tree, caduceus, egg, mandala, crystal, etc.). ...

We're going through the following brief relationship, be aware of the savagery of internal practices among scientists ... which is nothing, in fact, a war ideological influence permanent as hateful and destructive military wars, political or economic, as well as useless, found almost everywhere besides.

Halton Arp sent when an article in the Astrophysical Journal, written after his observations of quasars made ​​telescopes at Mount Palomar and Mount Wilson, the editor of the magazine (1952 to 1971), the theoretical physicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar put outside of writing: "This is beyond my imagination" and refrained from designating referees. Shortly after that, Horace Babcock, director of the Carnegie Institute (which he directed from 1964 to 1978) brought Arp in his office and said in a commanding tone and not even acknowledge: "It is better for you t 'stop, and you begin to look for another job. "Flabbergasted, Arp had the reflex to request written reasons and confirming this decision. In a first step, the deprived hours of telescope and its joint work in various projects. Pressure from colleagues should be very strong, because in the end, no more person at his place of work spoke to him: not a word! A few years later, he received a letter from the impersonal Committee that assigns hours of research telescope, which he read with amazement: "We can not continue to give you the time [telescope] to research incorrect [sic] and compromising [re-sic] than you realize. The Committee feels [re-re-re sic] it is not reasonable to give time to research helping to establish the association between quasars and galaxies emerging."

That was all, and that was final. Now, nobody answered his telephone calls and letters he wrote, and nobody defended him or wanted to consider his situation, as well as moral, administrative, and legal, economic and family.

The astronomer Jack Sulentic observation shared the same fate ...

The great astronomer Fred Hoyle stated bluntly that "great schools, Caltech [the California Institute of Technology] or Harvard, set the mode it should think in all places."

It is likely that the plasma physicist promoter of plasma universe theory (he works Laboratories plasmas Los Alamos, USA), which pack in the face of the Big Bang and reports with fidelity and accuracy of link between mental and psychic, psychic energy, energy and materials, and between mineral and animal (among others), will forever remain unknown. Means of submission and silence? It is used by the army, and therefore fully constrained and subject to secrecy by contract and any breach is the loss of his civil rights and confinement for life without bullying words to his family and friends , not to mention the rest possible (fortunately that the United States is a democracy, otherwise what would it!).

In 1996, in a letter to the journal Nature, Ernest W. Silvertooth claimed to have designed an interferometer capable of detecting the absolute motion of the Earth relative to the ether (ether astrophysics called the hypothetical carrier substrate and the light vector, already envisaged by Isaac Newton as a result of his experiments on the light, and returned later with news of - among others - on the experiences of Léon Foucault pendulum). The problem is that the theory of relativity completely rejects the hypothesis of ether, and considers only the empty in its equations. In other words, if the ether proved to be a reality, that is to say an amount - and then shows up the problem of the missing mass of the Universe - whatever the Theory of Relativity should be substantially revised or even completely collapse, that seemed already sense the physicist Robert Oppenheimer in 1956.

In Experimental Detection of Ether and Motion trough the Ether, Silvertooth reported and concerning, according to his measurements, the speed of the Earth in the direction of the constellation Leo would be 378 km per second. He states clearly: "New unified theories predict small deviations of special and general relativity. If such deviations were discovered (eg the anisotropy of the speed of light [in that the speed of light is variable depending on the place it occupies in space]), then the way would be open to a new understanding of the spatial and temporal structure of the Universe. '

However, for many years, Maurice Allais, Nobel Prize in Economics in 1988 and high quality physicist, having undertaken to revisit the experiences of evaluation of the speed of light made ​​by Michelson and Morley, C. Dayton Miller, etc.. discovers that the regularity in the spatial distribution of the planets from the Sun (similar to what is known as the Titius-Bode Law), as well as satellites relative to their planet, is a general law to recognize, which requires the concept of the ether wave ... which earned him the taunts and jeers of the physics community, which did not oppose the facts, but mocked and squeaky displaced, addressing himself unable to to oppose the facts ...
We know this well, for living for some time already ... and have no treatment.

If the ether theory was confirmed, it would change from top to bottom the field of physics, chemistry, biology, psychology and medicine ... and could confirm some assumptions of the old magical practices deemed religious: in a word, it would trigger a profound technological transformation and spiritual humanity, probably upheaval and quickly reach all segments of society, especially those related to the irrational and delusional exploitation of nature. It is perhaps for these last two reasons that this theory - which is derived relatively easily, however the most direct observations - is violently opposed by the community, not the scientific profession, which would tend to keep quiet and remain cautious and discreet, but the formal association of scientists lobby for big industrial-military complex international trade globalists and other less reputable groups. Why? Because at the same time, the free energy - clean and unlimited - would be within the reach of one and all, and - you read that right - no limits! (see the movie titled Pursuit, starring Morgan Freeman and Keanu Reeves).

Let's do a brief overview on what is called the progress of science in the seventeenth century, it was believed that the universe was old about 5-6000 years (creationism requires!) In 1950, Albert Einstein discussed the structures of the Universe, assuming it to an age of one billion eight hundred million years. In 1957, the comparison with observational data leads to multiply the length by at least seven (one thing!).

Do not be afraid to conclude and predict: the Theory of Relativity is based on the error, it is false and fall of itself in some time ... when the operation will - finally - updating and demonstrated, then replaced by a real approach to reality ...

Confess that we also contribute quite widely, in spite of ourselves, thanks to films that we will realize in the line of LRDP, where our findings speak for themselves, without attacking anyone, which is always a good how to behave ... Finally, do not think that we are - Patrice Pooyard or myself - against science and against scientists: what we condemn is dogmatism and pseudo-rationalistic ideologies anti -Cartesian (Descartes as himself, had views less closed), imitation zététiciennes and septic tanks (!), which freeze dangerous and slow the progress of humanity itself, reducing the real to their low views and their flawed designs ... and thanks to their methods of communication and behavior obscene, not to say disgusting ...

(sorry for the length and probable translate errors)​

I see you are discovering the Einstein hoax. It is very odd that he gets the credit for the discoveries made by others. But who are the conspirators behind the hoax? Who is controlling our science? Better yet, who has the motive or the most to gain by keeping us all in the dark?

My own personal favorite is who invented the concept of Mass? It's used throughout our science without question? And it has properties that are just plainly ridiculous. Take mass out of all the equations and substitute the varying types of force, and then the equations make more sense.

The speed of light being a constant and E=MC^2 are also ridiculous myths as well.

The main problem I see is facts are being replaced with theories. That is the most ridiculous notion of all. With all the present measuring capabilities that we have at our disposal, we really don't need theories at all.
The believers, the one who can't go back to what they are told and believe. Because it is due to these beliefs that they are so powerful and rich.

The only way out is to drive a free-community of scientist and fund them. But that mean short-circuit the system and so...

Who is at the top ? The one who controls medias. They are also the one who controls education, building... and so much other lobbies.

Why ? Because they can't reveal the true because it would be assuming they are not so powerful (due to all other things that means as homeopathic medicine !)

Also I like this illustration :


But that are speculations and we do not need to know who do what, they are too powerful, we just have to hide, using thor or such things... Just ask for the true. And tell the fake. That's it.

But now what do you think about SPACETIME ?

Yes, it is speculation as to who is behind our political science. And it isn't possible to get a group of scientists to work together to solve the problem. Since they are all taught this religious political science as if it were true. You have to have an open mind to realize that theories aren't the path to the future.

But what about Spacetime? It has 4 directions. Anybody ever notice that there are 4 basic forces? Of course I don't agree with what are supposed to be the 4 basic forces. But it isn't hard to see that each basic force may be responsible for one direction in Spacetime. And each basic force seems to require its own coordinate system. Electric and magnetic force are only linked to each other by motion. Through observable fact it is apparent that they only govern 2 directions in Spacetime. So that only leaves 2 directions left. Gravity and Time. I want to believe that gravity and time are masquerading as the weak force and the strong force. Untouchable? I don't believe so. Those other forces are accessed each time we access electric and magnetic force. We can manipulate electric and magnetic force independently. And I suspect all 4 basic forces can be manipulated individually.

Motion isn't the only way for interaction. We also have amplitude and rotation. But nobody cares about assembling facts anymore. Since everyone is taught that theory is the only way to understanding.
ok, well done, Einstein and Jcpo for completely hijacking the thread. Wonderful technobabble, conspiracy theory crap:
it would be great if you could take this stuff to your own threads... I was enjoying a half sensible discussion with half sesnible people.. but no, you have to post 3000 word essays on why spagetti is really bannanas in hyperspace and its the new world order manipulating hair gel and forcing us to eat it via secret injection rooms invented by Opus Dea.
I do not need any approval I believe what I see and that is it. You can still believe what you are told but that is faith.

If you do not see that we answered your ask there. Don't ask then. It have nothing to do with new world order. It just have to do with people believes and hypocrisy.

Many know but nobody tells the true because if you do, then the whole rest of the people would turn you into derision and so you would not be able to know anything more and nobody will accept what you say. That is the way our world is ruled as it was ages ago when we discovered earth was globe. How many people had we to kill before we accepted ?

Don't be like them don't refute what is evidence and factual.

Why do you think that we are actually still doing the war ? Because we love so much the power ! That is it. You do no have to search deeper. So if you want to well understand physics and science you have to start your whole interrogation based on nothing. And so you should not believe relativity as true.

Einstein : Thx you for this explanation of your interpretation. But in which way time is a force ? What about light(extreme heat) ?
In a book entitled L’espace et le temps [tr:The space & time] (éd. Flammarion), the French physicist Jean-Paul Auffray (brother of singer Hugues Aufray) stated that what is called the Theory of Relativity was for the most part borrowed by Albert Einstein (1879-1955, Nobel Prize in Physics 1921) to French mathematician and physicist Henri Poincaré (1854-1912, no Nobel Prize), which - it - now - despite a very prestigious and exceptional scientific career - almost past trapping and official recognition to oblivion.

This has never been doubted or disputed, not even by Einstein.

Special Relativity, at its core, is nothing more than an extension of Newtonian Relativity with an adjustment for mass. Einstein gave both Poincare and Lorentz their due notice. Where Einstein, rather than Poincare or Lorentz, received the cudos was for his proposition that we abandon the ideas of absolute time, distance, mass, rest and simultaniety of events and the proof that this is the correct statement of how the laws of physics actually work in nature. Those ideas did not occur to the other two scientists.

New scientific theories do not arise in a vacuum. Older or even current but incomplete theories form the basis of new theories. Copernicus and Brahe extended Ptolemy; Galileo and Kepler extended Copernicus and Brahe; Newton extended Galileo and Kepler and finally Einstein extended Newton (and Maxwell). We actually publish scientific papers in journals so that other scientists can "borrow" other researchers' ideas. That's the entire purpose behind peer reviewed articles being published!

For all of this Einstein did not receive a Nobel for Relativity - either Special or General. His Nobel was for the discovery of the photoelectric effect, the basis for quantum mechanics. That idea was truly a shot out of the blue. It extended the whole of physics into an area never before contemplated in any deep sense of the word. And no one, not a sole, has ever accused Einstein of borrowing that idea from anyone else. Nor has anyone ever accused Einstein of borrowing his proof of the modern atomic theory from anyone else. When we talk about being relagated to obscurity the critics should account for the fact that when Einstein published his original paper on Special Relativity he simultaneously published four additional stunning break-thru papers. This all occured in the spring and summer of 1905. Each of those papers is a foundation for all of modern physics. Yet few outside of the physics community are even aware of the "other" four papers published during what is termed the Annus Mirabilis - Einstein's Miracle Year. (And for those folks who might be lurking and who have a PhD in any field - those five papers plus their defense only partially satisfied his dissertation requirement. A modern PhD is just a bit easier to obtain, yes?)

And read the articles that you submitted above a bit more carefully. What in God's name does the fact that Albert Einstein was a Jew have to do with anything? Yet there it is, apparently just begging to be mentioned by the writers, "Ah-ha - he was a Jew." This seems to creep into every article by such critics. The criticism of Einstein in such articles says a whole lot more about the critics than they do about Einstein.
are there actually mods on this site? what is the point of trying to have a discussion if anyone can bascially pour shit over every thread? If its not Titor, its genuine certifiable morons who believe they have 'the answer' and the spooky sound effects to back it up. Thank god you and a couple of others are her eDarby, or I'd be close to giving up, just when I was starting.
This has never been doubted or disputed, not even by Einstein.

Special Relativity, at its core, is nothing more than an extension of Newtonian Relativity with an adjustment for mass. Einstein gave both Poincare and Lorentz their due notice. Where Einstein, rather than Poincare or Lorentz, received the cudos was for his proposition that we abandon the ideas of absolute time, distance, mass, rest and simultaniety of events and the proof that this is the correct statement of how the laws of physics actually work in nature. Those ideas did not occur to the other two scientists.

New scientific theories do not arise in a vacuum. Older or even current but incomplete theories form the basis of new theories. Copernicus and Brahe extended Ptolemy; Galileo and Kepler extended Copernicus and Brahe; Newton extended Galileo and Kepler and finally Einstein extended Newton (and Maxwell). We actually publish scientific papers in journals so that other scientists can "borrow" other researchers' ideas. That's the entire purpose behind peer reviewed articles being published!

For all of this Einstein did not receive a Nobel for Relativity - either Special or General. His Nobel was for the discovery of the photoelectric effect, the basis for quantum mechanics. That idea was truly a shot out of the blue. It extended the whole of physics into an area never before contemplated in any deep sense of the word. And no one, not a sole, has ever accused Einstein of borrowing that idea from anyone else. Nor has anyone ever accused Einstein of borrowing his proof of the modern atomic theory from anyone else. When we talk about being relagated to obscurity the critics should account for the fact that when Einstein published his original paper on Special Relativity he simultaneously published four additional stunning break-thru papers. This all occured in the spring and summer of 1905. Each of those papers is a foundation for all of modern physics. Yet few outside of the physics community are even aware of the "other" four papers published during what is termed the Annus Mirabilis - Einstein's Miracle Year. (And for those folks who might be lurking and who have a PhD in any field - those five papers plus their defense only partially satisfied his dissertation requirement. A modern PhD is just a bit easier to obtain, yes?)

And read the articles that you submitted above a bit more carefully. What in God's name does the fact that Albert Einstein was a Jew have to do with anything? Yet there it is, apparently just begging to be mentioned by the writers, "Ah-ha - he was a Jew." This seems to creep into every article by such critics. The criticism of Einstein in such articles says a whole lot more about the critics than they do about Einstein.

If you read it all you must have understood that you go in the same way as I. But you still think that this consciencium is good. For sure scientists know that, as I wrote but why is Einstein well know for ? And so why do the fact that he is Jew have to do with this is just because that is where the power come from : the first testament. But we must not go into this discussion I think.

The imposture denounced is that we can not know what is true other way than scratching a lot the crust of ignorance that instills.. That is to me a sort of process : refuting, appropriation, publishing, to keep powerful. And what we must not know we will not until they can make it acceptable by what they do make us believe.

You must read this again I think :

The American astronomer Halton "Chip" Arp, recently deceased, fought for forty years that the factual truth of his observations against the vanities and nonsense theories up appears: a waste! He had a landline at the famous Carnegie Institute of Washington Observatories: he was suddenly withdrawn without formal written statement, because his observations - and the articles he wrote for awareness - were in flagrant contradiction with the prevailing theory of Big Bang (due to the Abbé Georges Lemaître (1894-1966) and supported by Albert Einstein and his followers). Its findings challenge - and seriously - the way to know the escape velocity of stars (Hubble's Law - Edwin Hubble, American astronomer, 1889-1953 - redshift and fleeing the Doppler effect) and other training cosmological but also the age of the universe, and the concept of limit of speed of light imposed by Einstein's theory (he was able to measure the angular velocity of ejection of a quasar: 420 000 km / s or more ¼ times faster than the speed of light "authorized"!), etc.. In addition, it supports the theory being advanced verification - but nobody ever hears about - a plasma universe, whose characteristics are very considerably closer views of the ancients, the first chapter of the Bible - Genesis - and traditional representations (tree, caduceus, egg, mandala, crystal, etc.). ...

We're going through the following brief relationship, be aware of the savagery of internal practices among scientists ... which is nothing, in fact, a war ideological influence permanent as hateful and destructive military wars, political or economic, as well as useless, found almost everywhere besides.​
The great astronomer Fred Hoyle stated bluntly that "great schools, Caltech [the California Institute of Technology] or Harvard, set the mode it should think in all places."

It is likely that the plasma physicist promoter of plasma universe theory (he works Laboratories plasmas Los Alamos, USA), which pack in the face of the Big Bang and reports with fidelity and accuracy of link between mental and psychic, psychic energy, energy and materials, and between mineral and animal (among others), will forever remain unknown. Means of submission and silence? It is used by the army, and therefore fully constrained and subject to secrecy by contract and any breach is the loss of his civil rights and confinement for life without bullying words to his family and friends , not to mention the rest possible (fortunately that the United States is a democracy, otherwise what would it!).​

are there actually mods on this site? what is the point of trying to have a discussion if anyone can bascially pour shit over every thread? If its not Titor, its genuine certifiable morons who believe they have 'the answer' and the spooky sound effects to back it up. Thank god you and a couple of others are her eDarby, or I'd be close to giving up, just when I was starting.
Don't the name of your topic is :
time and motion - is the mathematics understood?

And don't the discussion is about now : taking back to our feet and go far from those theory that are incomplete ?
If someone was having any answer he would not be posting here or discussing anything.
If you need someone to tell you what is written in the books then why are you debating ?
Don't the most grateful discovered were going against the grain ?