Time Travel Fiction Website: TRICKSHOT


Temporal Novice
Hey all, I am new to these boards, but have been pretty active in the past on the Time Travel Portal and the Time Travel Forum (alas, both of which are now defunct!).

Anywho, I generally disdain contemporary time travel movies and fiction because they never do a really good job. There are a few notable exceptions of course, such as 12 Monkeys, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and By His Bootstraps, but these are the minority.

In an attempt to see the genre done right, I decided I would have to do it myself. However I don't consider myself a great writer, though I can come up with good ideas, I am however a great artist. I make this claim based on the opinion of others as well as my own, so I am not being a braggert, just stating a fact.

But I digress.

The point of this post is that I have combined my two talents and have decided to release my grand Time Travel epic in the form of what I like to call an Online Graphic Serial.

It is set to launch on June 6, 2008 at TRICKSHOT While the main site has no content as of yet, there's a couple of little teases there that are worth a little visit before the launch.

I hope you check it out, and I hope you enjoy it.