Time travel via Consciousness


Temporal Novice
Hello everyone, my name is Not Sure. I'm a skeptic. I don't believe any of these other posters experiences ( to be fair I've literally just stumbled upon this website), and I still doubt what happened to be was real. I'm just the type of guy who needs to see it to believe it in certain circumstances. I decided to create an account because it looks like most people here are pretty skeptical too, and I wanted to share my story because what happened to me was crazy no matter how you look at it.

I've stopped trying to be all serious about this, and I've decided to tell this story in a lighthearted way from now on. The experience(s) have impacted my young life in a pretty big way, regardless of whether any of it was real or not (spoiler alert: probably wasn't). It was, however, without a doubt the strangest thing to ever happen to me.

I'm not saying I stepped into a time machine, and am here from the year 105105. Honestly i'm not even that into time travel despite these stupid references. Do I believe time travel is possible? i don't know, i don't really care I suppose... I'm mean if was somehow able to time travel, it really can't be all that complicated.

All i'm saying is that I smoked a heavy amount of weed on three separate occasions, in which I tripped out so hard that I was under the impression that my future consciousness, third eye, my soul... whatever you want to call it, contacted me from the future with a simple message.

It's not like I saw a physical representation of my future self, and I wasn't exactly hearing voices either. It felt similar to dejaVu (sp?), but way more intense. It was as If i was remembering what was happening, as it was happening, like it was all starting to come back to me. I remembered what happens in the future, memories related to how this experience shapes my life. It felt like there was a second presence in my mind, an older wiser self, and it was as if our consciousness had streamed together. Its hard to explain. Ever heard of chronothesia? yeah idk

Everyone will say it was the drugs. I want to say it, but in the back of my mind it felt almost too real to be just some crazy drug trip. I've had those, this didn't feel like that. Truth be told I think I'd rather believe it was the drugs, and I went crazy for a second, vs the alternative. 

My story is so long I could literally write a book about it. Right now I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself, what do you guys have to say? want to know more? Idk who cares i'm pretty much over it at this point (happened 2-4 months ago, been a rollercoaster of emotions)

Well you state that you remembered experiences that will happen in the future. Have any happened? And no ive not heard of chronothesia. But there are more than one type of time travel. By way of machine, by way of mind, and by way of spirit. Yours is obviously the third. I've actually heard a story like this, a 40 year old man going back to visit a ten year old version of himself, and inhabiting ten year old hims body, having the minds of past and future selves forcing him as a genius child when he's really just a genius adult. Does this sound familiar? Is this similar to what's happening. And what message did he give you, you say he ck tacted you from the future with a simple message.

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No nothings happened. I actually posted on another forum a bit ago that had nothing to do with time travel. I felt that if I was right, it would have quickly gotten a huge response. I wrote a very genuine, thoughtful post and it didn't go anything as I predicted, which lead me to kind of brush off the whole thing. It was the confirmation I needed.

Basically my "future consciousness" told me to share my experience, my story. I "remembered" how well received it was, I was taken seriously because people saw I was being genuine, and this all somehow accumulated in basically proving that time travel is possible, without a doubt. This next part sounds egotistical but I was shown extreme wealth and fame. It makes sense though, if someone did invent time travel or was the first proven time traveler, they would be one of the most famous people in history and probably wealthy. I want to note that I'm not the person who aspires to be rich and famous, it wasn't my inner ego creating some fantasy, because all that stuff scared the hell out of me.

Hello everyone, my name is Not Sure. I'm a skeptic. I don't believe any of these other posters experiences ( to be fair I've literally just stumbled upon this website), and I still doubt what happened to be was real. I'm just the type of guy who needs to see it to believe it in certain circumstances. I decided to create an account because it looks like most people here are pretty skeptical too, and I wanted to share my story because what happened to me was crazy no matter how you look at it.
Welcome to TTI.  You don't have to believe.  If arguments are objective and not personal, it's all good.  Don't confuse skepticism with critical thinking, though.

There is something called a skeptical believer, someone who believes in time travel, UFO's, and all the mysteries of life, but doesn't automatically and blindly believe everything that is presented to them.  One has to sift through the garbage to find the truth, unfortunately.  At any rate, we don't mind opposing points of view as long as they follow the board's guidelines, so by all means, post away.

All i'm saying is that I smoked a heavy amount of weed on three separate occasions, in which I tripped out so hard that I was under the impression that my future consciousness, third eye, my soul... whatever you want to call it, contacted me from the future with a simple message.
Would you be willing to tell us what the message was?

Everyone will say it was the drugs. I want to say it, but in the back of my mind it felt almost too real to be just some crazy drug trip. I've had those, this didn't feel like that. Truth be told I think I'd rather believe it was the drugs, and I went crazy for a second, vs the alternative. 
They could have helped you access a part of your consciousness that you couldn't access before.  Consciousness and time travel or time awareness do go hand in hand.  I might even make a separate post about that. 

My story is so long I could literally write a book about it. Right now I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself, what do you guys have to say? want to know more? Idk who cares i'm pretty much over it at this point (happened 2-4 months ago, been a rollercoaster of emotions)
Give it to us in pieces! It helps ADD people like myself. LOL.  Some of us would like to hear it, and definitely do not worry about what others think of you.  You most likely will hear opposing views, but I'll make sure it's all civil. :)

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