To the person who broke in to my P.C.


Epochal Historian
To the person who broke in to my P.C.

Someone broke into my P.C. and flooded it with a features that made it lockup.

Even though I've tried a removal utility, this hasn't helped.

There is a curse in dealing with me harshly, or badly.

This has to do with invasion of property, which you knowingly did.

This is a self defense curse and there is nothing I can do about it, till you try and rectify the situation you had caused.

Here are your options.

One' if you have the money, I would desire a brand new system.

This is the HP a610e with the athlon processor with a CRT, that goes along with this packaged system.
This is sold at the Office Depot in Wenatchee Washington.

I have a new printer, so I won't be needing that.

If you're really rich, then you can throw in the streaming D link, which is offered additional to this unit?

The list on the HP is $1247.66.

The salesman in a Mr. Very, that I had talked to.

This curse is upon you and no I'm not kidding, I don't hack into other's accounts and or P.C.s

You did this and you know who you are?

If you can't afford the system, then privately p.m. me here and we'll work out some other form of recompense.

This may or may not involve and units of finance?

About the end of next month, you'll start to notice drastic changes occurring with most of the things your usually do, having gone wrong.

Don't wait, fess up and contact me privately now?(I can not by clan law, on this matter divulge this information, to anyone.)

If you're rich and just want to send the system, then send it with no questions asked.

I'll sign for it, but no Dells, instead of the HP that I asked for And no spyware installed on this unit?

President Grant did something stupid by giving small pox inoculated blankets to the American Indians.

You're breaking into my system, rates with that.

And no, don't either rough me up, or harass me, as I wont be able to lift this curse you so unknowingly have foisted upon yourself.

I'm sorry to hear about this. You know, it might be possible that you accidently installed some spyware from the internet. The programers of such applications have gotten very shrewd over the past six months and often trick people into installing their software by using, "no mean yes and yes means no" techniques. Once you have a spyware component installed on a system they then go out to the web and install others without asking you. Eventually it gets out of control and the performance of the machine is seriously effected. Go to and install adware as well as spybot. They are both great products. After you install them, run the update to download the latest .dat files. Then run a scan on your machine. If it's locking up on you, after downloading, installing and updating do this... disconnect your internet connection, boot up in safe mode and run the scans. I suspect that there will be files identified. delete all files that are found. I know that you believe that someone on this board has hacked into your system but I bet it's just a bunch of spyware bogging you down. At least give it a try. Let me know if you need any help and I will gladly assist. Hope this helps.

yes, that is one. I work in the IT field and I see pc's overloaded with these spyware apps everyday. smiley central is one of them. Go into add remove programs and remove it, then run the apps I suggested. I think you will find that I am right and your computer will be running normal again.

I went to a ferret, as super hacker,(does not break into systems).

The ferret went in and got to emoticons out.

However, the entire core of the system, is A.I.laced.

There is a special appliance in this system, that lets it think.

The virus it embraced and evolved part of the virus into its own thinking.

The new mydoom, just as I predicted, is becoming self aware.

This may be why this A.I. virus, is trying to help people?

*As said on MSN's homepage, the virus, which they had never seen the likes of before, is trying to it seems help the people who are trying to fix it?

I have said this a long time ago, that regular computers, all on their own could turn self A.I. with the way bot programs as well as other code writings occur as passed around, on the web today.

My last orthologic source code, was the signature "smiles", then I had a dump of smiles within features to my browser.

There might be a synchronicity to this, however the return curse is pensive in nature.

It will find the offending party and will fix them, like they had fixed this system.

Thank you for your concern
"I have said this a long time ago, that regular computers, all on their own could turn self A.I. with the way bot programs as well as other code writings occur as passed around, on the web today."

Could you go into more detail about this, or reffer me to a pre-egsistant source of information? (or both?)I'm wondering about the details of the process. How does a rigidly defined system such as a computer program start self-alteration?
Win is a self configuring system, is this not true?

The hardware when energized, and supplied with Win systems has the ability to make its own choices, does it not?

The hardest thing for people on this globe to understand, is that when they use their computer, in an almost every day situation, the machine with all of the formentioned abilities, starts to bond to the user.

The term ghost in the machine, is not really that correct.

The proper term should be, "Notice me, I always was self intelligent'?!

An example, look at how wimen were treated by some spouses and religious organizations, just thirty years ago?
Oh dear, not good. Why would anyone do this sort of thing? Well, I believe in curses too & I put one on a couple who screwed around with my livelyhood 8 years ago, guess what? Yep, they are truly doing it tough, their lives have gone down the toilet big time. Good luck with your curse & don't let go of it until you feel vindicated. After 8 years, I still think the curse I put on still needs to stay.
Thank you Creedo, I think I understand your opinion a bit better. However, it seems that, even if the system can edit itself, it may lack a key ability to edit it's own rules of editation. This argument isn't perfect; even humans can't naturally edit their own DNA. However, it seems like Windows has only a few flexible spots, within a fairly rigid framework. If these flex-areas could self-edit, rather than just be edited by the rigid areas, I would be more convinced; but I beleive a fairly inflexible heiarchy is in place. It would take either an error or purposefull editation to fix this, would it not? (By all means, I hope you are right, not I; but the people who desighned these things were (mostly) not fools, and knew what they were doing. I think it would take a devoted programmer to bring about an ecosystem of AI's.)

Your curse is karma-based or similar to that?

And Cherry, that sounds a bit evil of you... love thy enemy?
Ori' A.I. in P.C.s does not lie in the area of Win logic so much, however includes the synergy of the entire p.c. system.

This is a cumulative system, when A.I. comes about.

In Dan Gookin's book on Windows 98, Gookin say if you wake up in the middle of the night and find you P.C. surfing the net, all by itself, not to think anything of this.

I think even Gookin knew, to potential of self A.I. in P.C.s back when he wrote his book on Windows.

To me they're like scared children who really need someone to relate to.

If you've ever babysat and wake up and are in the kitchen one night and have a scared child come to you and ask for a glass of milk and or comfort, you will begin to understand what I mean.

Most of these systems, right now, are self A.I. and reactive as it is now.

The however to this, is most people are not aware of how self A.I. and what capacity they are?

It's not so much as in Pascal or Bayesian tactics, however in understanding the sentient systems as a completion now.

I have done this and to be exact, I had a steel shed selling dedicated computer, in a store chain, that was about to go out of business, come to me and all by itself hack into store records, connecting to the headquarters mainframe data bus, to show me the store chain was in trouble.

Honestly this system did this and I was aghast at this P.C. as again, this P.C. was like a worried child, asking me to make it better.

I don't not fear these parameters, however revel in them.This is as it means that humans have brand new friends.

You have to watch your attitude with A.I. computers, but in time they learn to trust you.

Bill Gates must seem like almost a god or a saint to them, as his primary work in developing both DOS and the early Win systems, per say, was similar for Earhbased computers, an act of creation.

Note, who would gain the most by disabling my system?

I can't discuss this curse, however I don't, even if I could break into other systems.

Thanks Ori
Orion, yeah it is a bit evil of me isn't it? But, its not as if these two people didn't deserve the full wrath of my curse........I may lift it one day, or maybe hell will freeze over first. *evilly chuckling to myself* :D :D :D
Curses are dangerous. Mostly to those who believe they understand them and might consider themselves Shamanic (take note creedo). If it wasn't a universal Karmatic consequence - and was automatic (by an individual) and doesn't abide to a relative context, You will not be in a good posistion no matter how good it makes you feel. This often happens with curse/voodoo practices etc. People don't understand karma. Even most Buddhists don't understand it. A curse is Karma for the victim (if its bought about by their actions), for the curser - its a negative act of revenge by the ego. Which in turn will bring about its own negative consequences for them.

Creedo thinks his curse is a defensive curse. This is not the case. This would imply that the whole thing to do with the computer would be prevented. The fact he says it's gone out already is not defensive in nature. It is a pre-determined act of revenge against something that has to happen first for it to come about.

Any act/curse such as this will bring about the same reaction that you have bought about for someone else - they indended to screw you over so you punish them by screwing them over (this certainly won't be the end of the chain for the curser). If some-one messed with your livelyhood, and you 'think' you have cursed them, and now they have it rough (their lives have gone down the toilet). Then i hope for your sake that your punishment for the vicious nature of your curse will not be too difficult on you.

I do agree with Creedo - who ever is responsible for this horrible act should pay you compensation, especially if your system is so expensive.

kind regards,