What About Frequency Travel Vs. Time Travel?


Super Moderator
Maybe I can coax Creedo into having a real scientific discussion with this thread title?

If I'm not mistaken, there were at least a couple people who agreed upon the fact that before we can hope to travel through Time, we must understand what it is. Understanding what is meant by the combined dimension known as SpaceTime is one way to approach it. Still another valid approach to understanding Time is to understand its physical multiplicative inverse, namely Frequency.

Everyone always talks about traveling through Time, but few ever talk about traveling through Frequency. I ascribe this to the general public's lack of knowledge about Frequency, and just how much science and engineering know about it.

Mathematically speaking, if you understand Frequency, and can understand what it means to "travel through Frequency" you will be in a better position for understanding Time and thus how to achieve "travel through Time".

So does anyone (Creedo?) wish to have a scientific discussion about the Frequency domain, and Frequency response? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi IS,
Frequency as a wave? or as the abstract thought of time as the number of occurrences that might happen of any given thing.
Not really. Frequency defines one parameter of a wave, but frequency is not the wave itself. I am simply referring to the physical metric of frequency, and how it relates to the metric of time. There is a known mathematical relationship between the time domain and the frequency domain. This relationship is actually one of the primary focuses of closed loop control systems research, design, and development.

We have learned to create systems of varying levels of intelligence by defining how these systems respond in both the domains of Time and Frequency. When we understand the context within which both of these metrics operate in our universe, we will then be in a better position to understand how to engineer both the flow of Time and the emanation of Frequency.

Back from wikipedia, this is what I know =)

SI units for frequency are Hz (Hertz) 1 Hz means the event repeats once per second
There are other units such as rads/sec, revolutions/minute

The time between two events is called the period. The reciprocal of this will give you frequency.

For the frequency of waves, F = speed of the wave / wavelength

This left me with a question.

Suppose I look at low frequency visible light, at a very high intensity so I can tolerate it, but not for very long... Then I crank up the frequency.(switch light bulbs) Why are higher frequencies harder to observe than lower ones if only the wavelength changes?

Also, does the amount of information in system increase at all when you increase frequency?
Everyone always talks about traveling through Time, but few ever talk about traveling through Frequency


interesting that you bring this thread up;

But i'm not sure i get what context you are talking about frequency, are you talking about universal frequencies - whereby you travel from one frequency to a totally different universal frequency. In which case you travel to a different universal point of 'now'. Which most people would probably perceive as time travel.

I'll assume you are just talking about TT in the one universe, however;

I believe that all moments have there own sub-freqency signitures (that are probably infinite in number - as defining a 'moment' seems above us at this time). What i mean is, within the one frequency of the universal time, there are sub-frequencies that make up all moments of linear 'now'.

Travelling through them would be like pulling space toward you with gravity amplifiers. When you turn them off - you 'ping' back with the space you've drawn toward you and subsequently entered. Not unlike speculated UFO operation. I just mention this to help get across my gist, Rather then a serious comparison.

Only i assume, as space and time are connected - you could also do this by selecting or navigating time frequencies in this way. Only you are selecting which frequency you want to lock onto.

You'd need an unbiased selection or navigation point to achieve this - which would bring you on to the subject of Hyperspace. Somewhere that bridges two time frequencies because it has none (specifically) of its own. A force behind the frequencies where it becomes possible to navigate them without being limited whilst within them.

when we get onto the subject of specific and intelligently controlled time travel (which no-one on the forum has really jumped ahead and speculated on), We'd need to think about these things.


Time travel is confimred as real. we can go forwards and backwards. Results are random and people are not returning....everything seems very chaotic and unpredictable.


How do we get to specific dates and times, how do we get our guys/girls to return?


When we time travel - what are we travlling through....we travel through moments of time very quickly - quicker then the observer. When we reach our destination, we reach a specific moment. What exactly constitues a moment ('now' of time)?
- how do we single out a specific point of 'now' to travel to?
And how to we signle out the point that we left to AND/OR want to return to?
whats separting us from timetravellers we have sent to the past or future? Frequency is, like everything in the universe is seperated by frequency. Frequency is energy. Time is also energy.

There must be a bridge dimension (i.e. speculated hyperspace or 'null' time), that can be used as entry/exits to and from frequcies of time. This would be true time travel, not just racing through space at high light speeds.

I think time and space can collapse in on themselves, but never serparated. I dont think travelling at faster then light speeds alone is enough to get the sort majestic or controlled time travel we are looking for.

Hyperspace seems like fantasy to most people, but i'm sure the notion of it will become more and more credible as people start to look for ways in which to intelligently time travel with purpose. With this people will start to also think - can this 'hyperspace', also be used to gain access to other completely different universal energetic frequencies. Do these even exist? and so the snowball effect ensues.....

excuse spelling,

Kind regards,
The time between two events is called the period. The reciprocal of this will give you frequency.

when you are dealing with the flow of time itself, isnt the 'period' between to events, an event itself?

Time must be a different sort of frequency or 'energy' to the sort of Hertzian based frequencies we know.

kind regards,