What can be real evidence of time travel happened

Re: What can be real evidence of time travel happe

Mother Shipton lived in the 16th century

The first known edition of Mother Shipton’s prophecies appeared in print in 1641, eighty years after her death. However, the most important editions of her work appeared in 1684, edited by Richard Head (this edition included the earliest biographical information about her), and in 1862, edited by Charles Hindley.

Mother Shipton’s prophecies are hoaxes, because it now appears that almost all of them were written by others after the events they described had already happened. For instance, the first record of her prophecy about Cardinal Wolsey dates from 1641, long after the man had died. Her prophecies about future technology, and about the world coming to an end in 1881, first appeared in print in the 1862 edition of her sayings, and Charles Hindley, the editor of that edition, later admitted that he had composed them.

The existence of Mother Shipton herself is uncertain. Her 1684 biographer, Richard Head, apparently invented most of the details of her life. In fact, she may never have existed outside of Yorkshire legend.

Museum of Hoaxes


Kind of puts a crimp in those prophecies, now doesn't it ?
Re: What can be real evidence of time travel happe

edited by Richard Head


:D Thanks Kerr!
Re: What can be real evidence of time travel happe

Actually, daydreamercutie, any TT claimer whose story revolves mostly around the things you mention is almost certainly a hoax. It's rooted too much in our present conceptions of the future.

The real future will probably be completely different than anything we can imagine. Just like today's world is completely different from anything imagined in the year 1900.
Re: What can be real evidence of time travel happe

yea, you're right einstein.. ^_^ now i get it.. ive been about 10 years late about this hoax thing issue... lol.. but how they'd do that to deceive a lot of people.. wow..they got the conscience..

i mean, i can start one, but .. don't have the conscience to do it..eitehr way, it was indeed intriguing, though...
Re: What can be real evidence of time travel happe

Modern words in ancient texts.

Such as: Internet, reaganomics, Soviet, DVD-player and etc.

Those words written in modern glyphs in ancient texts would convince me ;-)