What could lead us down a path towards civil war?

I will succeed from the subject matter of predictions, as Pamela Moore had already tainted this subject, so made the timeline in all probability change.

What I don't know, is did both the Montaukians and the Qubalist, both change the timeline?

I know in a car, there is what is known as Dwell.

If you start to turn dwell too much out of phase, you can go back into the same phase.

This is why evergril repeating the same circumstance from the book, as prediction-like, might have consequences to it.

In Pamela Moore's earlier post, she had said items, "Could this be John Titor"?

It was almost as if Moore were looking for a pan-ni-icle route, to apply John Titor.

The timeline will skate, if Titor did actually appear and we are reacting to it. This is why I'm trying to keep away from the saids, "Well' John Titor was here, so this and this must now happen"?

By the way, did anyone here see that six hour old copy of a posting board, that somehow came here out of nowhere?

I mean like this posting board copy was six hours old, didn't have half the post on it that it should have.Did anyone besides me, also see this posting board copy of this board?

No' Im not kidding, actually saw it.

Re-“You can make any assumption you want, but if you're not a United States citizen, then you are not really qualified to make an accurate assumption.”

For starters I said “Anarchy …maybe! … Civil war ... no way!”

And my reasoning for this is simple.
A civil war suggests an organized rebellion against the status quo, and that would also imply some kind of organized civilian rebellion complete with ranks, organizers, foot solders and a “Credible strategy”.
Civil war implies an attempt at organized change.

Is that really possible in the USA? … I doubt it greatly. You’ be labeled terrorists and locked up by Homeland Security before you even chose a name for this rebellion. That is the sad truth about it.

BUT you can all go nuts and cause LA style riots all over the country but I would call that “ANARCHY”.

Look I’m not happy that my country is involved in this disgraceful war against Iraq and was from the beginning (where are those WMD anyway) and I may not be a US citizen but I am more qualified to make an observers observation then you do.

Anyway I’ll make any assumption that I care to.

It is my right!
>>>>For starters I said “Anarchy …maybe! … Civil war ... no way!”

And my reasoning for this is simple.
A civil war suggests an organized rebellion against the status quo, and that would also imply some kind of organized civilian rebellion complete with ranks, organizers, foot solders and a “Credible strategy”.
Civil war implies an attempt at organized change.<<<<

Unfortunately, the civil war already happened and we lost. Your own words describe exactly what has happened via the religious right. They did not like the direction this country was going in, and made such a credible difference, they can be said to control all branches of government, especially so since the passage of the Patriot Act. They're new at this game right now. Give them time and it is not only just possible, it is highly probable that a very credible end result would be a variety of "Waco-type" events to root out "extremists" or so-called "doom and gloomers". The religious right is determined to set up its highly defined view of how life should be lived, or ended as the case may be. The effects of their "morality" has had broad reaching results already, and "political correctness" has taken evolutionary steps--even to reluctance of teaching evolution in schools for fear of reprisal by conservative trusteeship.

The "survivalists" are unlikely to be the targets of these "purges". It is much more likely that they will join in the hunt for it is their own conservative group that helped put these "populists" into power in the first place. I must admit that it would be the perfect time for a timetraveler to visit, for, if there was ever a transition made that was poles apart from what we call "freedom", it has been in the last few years. History may show that the transition from democracy to "theocratic aristocracy" was a quiet revolution that hastened the onset of the clash of civilizations with diametrically opposed and rigidly fixed doctrines that have co-existed for millenia--only to be forced into action by the hegemony of Western religious thought. With hindsight, a timetraveler would have to be very careful in pointing fingers. Without hindsight, any intimation that their particular belief system could be the cause of world war, would BECOME a reason to wage total war.

In a very real sense, at least to me, Titor was way off on this one. But, cryptically speaking, he could also be seen as carefully neutral in speaking of the players involved. To be fair to those that strongly believe, the jury is still out on this one too.

Well said! (I wish that I could write like that) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I agree with everything that you said there.
I think that this is happening here as in the UK with varying degrees. The "New World Order" some might say.
For my way of thinking "the jury is still out" in JT –isim but his described "civil war" ... I find that unrealistic. A new political party with a new philosophy is always on the cards but those who control the media would downplay them or even crush them. Lets face it ... the media has a lot of control in the USA (here as well).

It was interesting to see the difference of the news reporting on the Iraq war from different countries.
Hey what can I say about Fox News?

I would sincerely like to meet a real time traveler from the future, if only to hear what the history books say about now. But never forget … who writes the history books … “the victor!”
This is interesting.

From: http://www.smh.com.au/news/National/Iraq-adventure-leaves-little-taste-for-possible-Taiwan-callup/2005/03/28/1111862325226.html

Iraq adventure leaves little taste for possible Taiwan call-up
By Peter Hartcher, International Editor
March 29, 2005
"Australia's ultimate foreign policy nightmare would be a war between the current superpower, the US, and the potential one, China.
Unfortunately, it is not an impossibly remote prospect but one that could break out over Taiwan.
Australia would be under pressure to choose sides. The Lowy Institute opinion poll shows the pressure of public opinion is decisively against Australia choosing the US side.
It is not that Australians hold the ANZUS treaty in low regard. Indeed, consistent with opinion polling on the subject for decades, a solid majority ranked the alliance as important for the nation's security: 72 per cent said it was very important or fairly important.
It is just that the public evidently does not want the treaty invoked if it would lead us to war against China in the defence of Taiwan. Such a decision was opposed, coincidentally, by 72 per cent of respondents.
The information in the poll cannot explain why, but it hints at two explanations.
First, remarkably, more Australians apparently feel positive towards China than towards the US, by 69 per cent to 58 per cent. And they favour the prospect of a free-trade agreement with China over the one Australia has struck with the US.
Second, the Howard Government's decision to join the US in invading Iraq has divided Australians and left a big majority - 68 per cent - feeling the country is sycophantic towards Washington.
In this sense, the Government's willingness to support Washington in the Middle East seems to have undercut the popular willingness to support the US in our own region.
But a government would not decide such a grave matter on the basis of popular opinion - the Howard Government defied public sentiment in deciding to join the invasion of Iraq - and nor should it.
A cogent Australian government argument in favour of supporting the US could even turn public opinion around. With such strong bedrock support for the ANZUS alliance, a government that turned a Taiwan contingency into an alliance issue rather than a China v US question might well win over the popular mind.
But for Washington policymakers this poll's conclusion is that the US does not have the hearts or minds of Australians if push came to shove between the reigning power and the rising one".
From: http://www.threeworldwars.com/blog/

"The modern press itself is a new phenomenon. Its typical unit is the great agency of mass communication. These agencies can facilitate thought and discussion. They can stifle it...They can play up or down the news and its significance, foster and feed emotions, create complacent fictions and blind spots, misuse the great words and uphold empty slogans.”
- Commission on Freedom of the Press, A Free and Responsible Press, 1947.

Yep .....!!!!

U.S. Readies for Draft
Dave Eberhart, NewsMax.com
Friday, June 25, 2004
Despite denials that the U.S. plans to re-institute the draft, the Pentagon has stepped up preparations for a new Selective Service System that could allow for a full-blown draft by next year.

Links for micro-industries > http://www.nabe.com/publib/links/miclink.htm note, add the search word, micro-community industry producing and see what you get?

Here's my views on this two topics.

One' If we conscript a drafted army, then the motivation might not be there, to treat the enemy humanely?

At the onset of this Iraq and Afghan war, I was very careful, to try and prompt government, that humane and fair treatment was the way to go, with respects to handling ones self in the combat area.

The whys of this are, if we abuse their prisoners, then they will certainly do worse to ours that they capture.

As far as I'm concerned, don't fight the enemy, unless you know seventy percent about them.

Remember a good part of western medicine and science, is by barrowed from Arabic republics.

So don't play a fool when having to deal with them.

It is just a dumb path to follow?!

Two, on micro-industry communities.

I say now, is the time to go to other forms of power and give them a fair try.

Not just go through the steps, but really try.

If you had to, you could virtually live off the resources of garbage and waste, that each community produces.

This would be recyclable items, and the like.

There is even a move, such as what if one were to repump power back onto a solar cell collector, by the use of a miniature laser diode, so increasing how much power solar cells put out for their power givening resource?

The ability is there, as a society we need to explore this and utilize this.

I don't really see a civil war as a result of these two areas, however the first problem area noted, not having respect from Arabs, even if they are diffenrt, is a dumb move?

All soldiers in the field, should have a complete Islamic cultural submersion, before they are ever allowed in that theater of combat.
1. FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders


3. Operation Garden Plot
The United States Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2

4.Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision

5. Let us never forget: Internment of Japanese Americans in Concentration Camps

Evedrgrl' your intimating as if this is going to happen, without fail.

Remember in early Hispanic history, that some of the Mayan, Aztec and Olmec cultures, finally got tired of the hierarchy telling the general masses what to do.

They decentralized...In otherwords, went back to nature and became natives in the brush and jungles, as it were.

They let all the advancements such as pyramids and thoroughfares, become jungle entwined and abandoned.

This may have been because the upper hierarchy was becoming too weird with the supposed normal peoples.

Look at the sacrifice wells, where they had found thousands of bodies, that were simply slain and then tossed into large open water filled lava-tube wells?

When the hierarchy got too weird, the normal folks headed for the hills , like wild animals.

You seem determined, like Pamela Moore, that this potentiality will happen, not maybe, or might happen??
Hi Creedo,

I just pointed out some facts. If Titor was a time traveler, he did change our Timeline. I have no doubts about that. That means things he predicted may or may not happen. I do not wish them so, however, I will not be like an ostrich and keep my head in the ground, so that I cannot see what is happening around me.

The information found at those links is factual and accurate. Let us be aware and educated as to the laws and conditions our government has set before us. Let us not be ignorant or uninformed. This is what our Founding Fathers would advise of us.

I am not Pamela Moore and I have told you that before. If she and I sound alike, then it is perhaps because we both believe Titor's story...however, I do not know Pamela, so I really don't know what she believes. I am making an assumption, because of what I read about her on the message board.

You may believe whatever you like, but I have given you the official word.
Lol...you go Creedo.

Anyway, I've been reading this thread and I have to disagree that the implementation of a draft would cause a civil war. That's too obvious.

No, the point I am trying to make is could something more subversive, more subtle, a trend if you will, lead us to an inevitible division?

I was suprised to read about the events surrounding Schaivo. And now that she's passed, it seems even more things have transpired to make me go hmmmmm.

In our country we seem to have a growing polarization towards two large groups of the population. Those who do, or try, to base their life upon some moral standard that has not been established by themselves. And another group, who feels that the moral standard is a work in progress, and something to be defined by themselves.

That's all fine and dandy. These two groups can co-exist pretty good together with only the occasional mud slinging in the press or campaign or what-not. The reason for this, is because the arbiter (read, government) has maintained, whether just an illusion or not, a neutrality of sorts.

But then Schaivo comes along. Now these two groups are at odds with each other. And the arbiter is called to the mat. And we see duplicated in what should be a neutral entity, a reflection of society. Now, this isn't just church folk vs. non-church folk. This is the powers-that-be, divided. And how is it said? A house divided against itself can not stand?

Now, maybe this is just the way it has always been, and I am an alarmist. (actually I don't believe there will be a civil war in my lifetime, but then again, lots of things have happened that I didn't think would). It's not uncommon for the legislative branch to be divided (what we call partisan), it's not unusual for the judicial branch to be divided (appeals courts in action), and the executive branch (depending on the elected) could go either way. But there is just something that caught my attention in this situation. And it has been a recurring theme. Division. Division about the 2k/2k4 elections, division about Iraq, division about Schaivo.
My question: Why is a site like that ok to you? Reverse the idea, you'd be ticked.

So what, you voted for Kerry and that makes you better than me? And because Kerry lost, the world didn't get to SEE that you are better than me? So you have to make a little sign telling the world that you are "sorry"? Do you really think the world hates Bush that much? Actually, I hope most of the world doesn't like Bush. I don't want the US to be like the rest of the world. I want the US to be like the US. That means cowboy the flip up when your poster boy loses an election and quit crying about it. Consipracy this, conspiracy that. Bottom line, the matrix has you. And I'm laughing about it.
Re: What could lead us down a path towards civil w

QUESTION: What could lead us down a path towards civil war?

MY ANSWER: Reinstating the Draft! I believe that will be one of the biggest factors...and I predict it will happen in the not-too-distant future.

I would be inclined to agree with you there, on both points.