Zero Point Energy and Time Travel


Temporal Novice

Is anyone else interested in studying zero-point energy and/or electromagnetic devices in order to build a time travel device or time machine? I came across this story on Keelynet about a guy who built a short-wave radio that sent him back in time,
Some of the claims seem outrageous and unlikely, but I think there might be some truth to the story.

I think that the ether (which is essentially the fabric of empty space that is saturated with vacuum energy or zero point energy) can play a key role in time travel. One can somehow tap this energy by manipulating electromagnetic waves and warp time and space. There are numerous devices made by zero point energy advocates, such as the Moray free energy devices, Searl discs, and magnetrons which seem to be able to harness the ZPE. I would be interested to hear comments about these technologies that could potentially manipulate time and space.

backto1992, thanks for the post, I've never heard of that story before. I'm interested in claims, especially when they are more technically described. I think 'zero point energy' does exist. About 10 years ago this subject was considered more fringe being associated with ufos etc, but more and more this subject is being talked about by quantum physicists. I think Tesla knew about this energy, and tapped into it during some of his experiments, possibly the reason why the government was so eager to take all of his private documents upon his demise. I still don't understand why they burned down Teslas largest tower. It looked so cool, weather it was successful or not, it gives no reason for tearing it down. Think today it would be a great tourist attraction to the area.

-- Razimus
Tesla also openly claimed that he was in communication with aliens.

I think this rubbed a few people up the wrong way. Also the fact that the telsa coil and other inventions could be used to key into Zero point time - he knew that a lot of the theories he was working on were significant.

He would have made a lot of people nervous, even back then.
Zero Point. What is it? The following is my opinion. But it is based on my interpretation of observations. Let's take a look at a gravitational zero point. An object in freefall could be considered to be at a zero point. Freefall is a weightless condition. F = MA describes weight. In order for a weightless condition to exist, either mass or acceleration has to go to zero. I lean heavily toward the idea that the acceleration has gone to zero. That would imply that in a freefall condition we are not accelerating. That tends to contradict what our senses tell us as the freefall conditon plummets us toward the ground. So lets straighten out that obvious paradox. Lets go back to basic assumptions. One basic assumption must be in error if we are to make any sense out of this paradox. What if we are using the wrong reference frame to gauge our observations from? What if the reference frame we should be using is actually moving with the object in freefall? Objects tend to prefer an at rest state with respect to the reference frame. So in this instance, it is the reference frame itself that is accelerating toward the earth. An object in freefall is actually attaching itself to this preferred reference frame. That also implies that we can't pick and choose a reference frame. By observation we might be better off just choosing the ones that already exist. Now I don't know if anyone has noticed, but this is an example of a frame dragging phenomona. But with a slight difference. The reference frame is dragging the object. And this leads me to another basic assumption that just might be true. "Time and Space are extensions of matter".

Let's move on to another zero point. I discovered this one on my own and it has alarming applications. I was curious about the metals: magnesium and bismuth. Metals reported to be found in layered configuration in UFO crash debris. So off to ebay I went to aquire some magnesium and bismuth. I was fooling around one day with a tesla coil and a block of bismuth. I don't know why, but I grabbed a small coil of wire and hooked it up to an ohm meter. The coil had a small amount of resistance. But that changed. With the tesla coil firing into the block of bismuth, the coil resistance was now measuring a negative value. NEGATIVE RESISTANCE! I had tears in my eyes after seeing that. Science fiction has now become science fact. Negative resistance would be a property of exotic matter. But I had discovered a way to make it without exotic matter. Further research revealed the negative resistance was being created by a magnetically induced negative voltage induction field. The Casmir force? Probably. A negative energy field? Definitely! A necessary component of the Alcuberrie drive. But I wont be applying it to the Alcuberrie drive. I found another way. More on that later. It became obvious to me that the negative resistance was countering some naturally occuring positive resistance. Then I recalled that the earth is surrounded by a positive voltage field. And ground is the most negative to that field. I started to realize that maybe it was this positive voltage field that could be causing the resistance in wires. All I need do is balance the positive resistance with an equal amount of negative resistance to create a zero resistance condition. I did it. It can be done. A wire with zero resistance by definition is a superconductor. Another zero point. Zero resistance is a zero point.

Well that's it for now. I did delve into what the magnesium is used for also. More on that later. I'm off to bed...
I fell across that item about two years ago, and it struck me about the same way, a little shaky on initial inspection, but it makes sense in an odd way. I've got a couple of other stories in a similar vein I'd like to pass on, but I can't find the printouts I pulled off the 'Net. i'll repost the items in good order, no later than tomorrow p.m.

Sorry, but I made a hideous mistake a few days ago.

I cleaned up. Consequently, I can't find a damn thing. I'll have to re-surf the great 'Net to find the link again. But I'll find it. Promise!
Hi Truthseeker013, thanks for the reply to my original post. Yes, there have been many reports of "time slippage", a phenomenon when the present interacts inexplicably with the past. I have a friend who told me that his Italian mother once opened a door (at her home in Italy) to see an Italian soldier dressed in Renaissance style costume. She was very shocked to see this sight, and then the soldier vanished. Not terribly scientific, but I do believe that the past can inexplicably interact with the present because of strange fluctuations in electromagnetic fields caused by the atmosphere. I also believe that electromagnetism can be channeled to tap into the zero point energy which can yield large enough energy levels to warp space and time. My take on zero point energy is that it is minute fluctuations in "empty space", or vacuum energy. In every day occurrences, zero point energy is very miniscule and it has been explained by various quantum mechanical theories. Most established academics do not believe that ZPE can produce useful work, but there are many researchers and inventors (e.g. Paulo Correa, Tom Bearden, "cold fusion" researchers, etc.) who believe that there are devices that can tap into the ZPE. Also see an interesting definition at