September 2024


The means of travel developed by the ITI is a machine. It is a "pod" which fits a single person comfortably. There are no plans for public use.

L. Grummond
So what you are saying is that H. Clinton becomes president in 2012?
McCain must win in 2008 for this to happen. Obama would automatically have the Democratic nomination in 2012 if he wins in 2008.
Hi Lyndzee it's Adam once again I just wanted to say how are you doing in general? I am doing okay for now I have two questions to ask you and other stuff too well here goes:

1. your team is called the international time initiative could you give me some background on it or just some information about it?

2. is your president a good one or a evil one does she does good in her office or is she a dictator of your timeline?

3. do you in your timeline have hologram 3d tvs and virtual reality or not at all?

thanks for your time and patience and thanks for listening I hope I didn't offend you with these questions sorry about that well I hope everything goes good for you and thanks for being honest and cool to me and thanks for everything answering my questions and giving me advice I hope you have a good day well I will talk with you later on see ya later!

The International Time Initiative was formed by a number of countries who had already been developing their own travel technology. The creation of the organization was led by the United States, followed by the joining of Japan and the European Union (under the directive of the UK, France, Switzerland, Belgium and Germany).

The current President is Deval Patrick who is running against Senator Paul Ryan of Wisconsin for the Presidency.

Virtual reality has become more popular, but is nowhere near commonplace.

L. Grummond
Lyndzee Grummond

What is the temporal divergence between
your time line and our here. The difference
will indicate weather your time line copy
ours step for step. However, if it is too high
your future will not be ours.
Hello. My name is Lyndzee Grummond. I am a citizen of the State of Virginia and government employee working in the Pentagon in the year 2024. This is our third mission in time travel and have chosen to travel to the year 2008 because of the similar situation of both of our times. Currently we are in the middle of an election for President of the United States. After a handful of elections between your time and ours, we have decided to use our third mission for a clear view of the election of 2008. As of now, this is the earliest in time we have traversed (our first mission traveling back one month, and our second traveling back one year). I look forward to an intruguing, albeit brief, interaction.

Request. People who travel carry photos of family, friends, and love ones with them. Please print/scan/upload to pc all of your photos and post them here. Just seeing how fashion changes over time along with other things in the picture would not give any technology away thus could not be a security issue. It would be like taking a picture of someones house today and showing it to someone in 1950. It would be informative but nothing more. Think you can do that?
Hi lyndzee it's me once again I just wanted to say so you don't know about the philadelphia experiment, montauk project, and roswell in general and in private I guess it didn't happen in your timeline right but in ours they all did I believe in all of these events I believe they did happen what kind of time travel experiments happened in your timeline in general and in private? did you know about albert einstein and nikola tesla in your timeline or in others? I have alot of books on time travel and other non and real related subjects when does time travel become a reality to the public and the to the private? what kinds of things happened in your timeline historical and non and related? well I got to go now I will talk with you later on see ya later and thanks for everything I appreciate that I hope you have a good day and thanks for being honest and cool to me!

In our previous two travels, we found that the temporal divergence was nonexistent. Of course, in our previous missions, we only observed and travled back a shorter period of time. Even then, the result was no divergence even at the quantum level. Therefore, we assume that in our third travel the result will be the same (even though the amount of time traveled is greater). We estimate that if there were to be a divergence, based on what we know from previous travels, it would be <0.001. However, once again, we theorize that the divergence is 0.

Keep in mind, that we ourselves are still testing the limits of time travel and are experimenting and making new discoveries.

L. Grummond
i think your people are calculating the divergence wrong... +/- 0.001

Your divergence shall be 5.42 right now...

what kind of divergence are you using?

or the others...

the Kullback–Leibler divergence?

The f-divergence?


Being that you failed to give a proper response to my question, I can only assume that you are referring to why I did not refer to myself as a "Virginian"? If this is the case, I am still uncertain as to why that is a problem for you.

L. Grummond

I think you may have misunderstood me. I am referring to the final divergence. Whereas someone might say 3.7 or 2.5, our understanding is that the divergence is 0 in that we share the same timeline. You past is our past and our present is your future.

L. Grummond
Hello Lyndzee,

Can you tell us is there any physical affect when you time travel?

Do you have a particular mission since you say you got to pick the time you came to?

Are you alone and how do you find a place to stay?

How long will you be here?
