Blast From The Past

"A Soldiers Most" = DISASTER LOOMS (or is it DISASTERS LOOM?)
"Hail War As" = SHARIA LAW
“A Renaissance Pi Melts” = ?????????
"A Sidearm Dwelt” = DEADLIEST WARM
"A Cosmic Clone Pole" = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
“Jihad Had Mom Due A Man” = DEAD JIHAD HUMAN AMMO
“A Quarks Humble Tree” = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
“Manila Curse” = NUCLEAR MAILS
“Foretells Kiwi Smirks” = SILKWORM STRIKE FLIES
“Demons Former Jig Jug” = ???????????
A Liberal Disses One" = ENABLED SILOS ARISE
"Toss My Foes A Reference" = OCEAN REEFS SEEM FROSTY
"Heaters High Storm" = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

It does resolve to that - and about 43,000 other solutions. If you ask it to solve with the word "Spain" you get over 52,000 solutions. Ask to resolve with "Iran" you get another 52,000 solutions. Same-same if you ask for "Milan", "Satan" (A satan prism licensee).

Get enough letters in a phrase and you can find just about any anagram that you want to find.
Yes, Darby. Of course.

But some resolutions hold more potential than others.

And because it is supposed to be a poem, and because some of the "resolved" lines do indeed seem to rhyme, that allows us to filter/test the various possible resolutions still further.

I have been using the anagram descrambler at, which does provide a large list of possible results for each anagram, and seems to be a very useful tool for such work. However, it does not seem to include proper names, and I'm growing to suspect that the "jig jug" line contains such a proper name, so I'm now off looking for an alternate descrambler.

In any case, I am not insisting that my proposed resolutions are the correct ones, but only suggesting that they may be.

- Peter
Good Days to you All,

Below, A Brief Poem, Circa 2007-2009
Author and Title Anonymous

A Soldiers Most
Hail War As
A Renaissance Pi Melts
A Sidearm Dwelt
A Cosmic Clone Pole
Jihad Had Mom Due A Man
A Quarks Humble Tree
Manilla Curse
Foretells Kiwi Smirks
Demons Former Jig Jug
A Liberal Disses One
Toss My Foes A Reference
Heaters High Storm

I will respond in time...

Copied over from post 1.
Yeah. That sounds much more likely than "nuclear mails". Good catch.

"A Soldiers Most" = DISASTER LOOMS
"Hail War As" = SHARIA LAW
“A Renaissance Pi Melts” = ????
"A Sidearm Dwelt” = DEADLIEST WARM
"A Cosmic Clone Pole" = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
“Jihad Had Mom Due A Man” = DEAD JIHAD HUMAN AMMO
“A Quarks Humble Tree” = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
“Manila Curse” = NUCLEAR ISLAM
“Foretells Kiwi Smirks” = SILKWORM STRIKE FLIES
“Demons Former Jig Jug” = ?????
A Liberal Disses One" = ENABLED SILOS ARISE
"Toss My Foes A Reference" = OCEAN REEFS SEEM FROSTY
"Heaters High Storm" = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

Yeah, I reckon Zeshua is monitoring this conversation. But she just seems to speak up when she wishes to, not when we want.

I'm still having trouble with the last two lines, and I'm also bothered that the lines dont start rhyming until towards the end of the poem. That could mean that everything above "SILKWOOD STRIKE FLIES" is erroneous. Yeah, if Zeshua could confirm any correct lines it would certainly help...

- Peter
"A Renaissance Pi Melts" = PLANET'S MESSIANIC ERA ?????

... or ... IRAN PLACATES NEMESIS ?????

... or ... AMERICA'S LAST PENNIES ?????

Yeah, that last one sounds like it might be it. Then that would make the poem :

1. "A Soldiers Most" = DISASTERS LOOM
2. "Hail War As" = SHARIA LAW
3. “A Renaissance Pi Melts” = AMERICA'S LAST PENNIES
4. "A Sidearm Dwelt” = DEADLIEST WARM
5. "A Cosmic Clone Pole" = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. “Jihad Had Mom Due A Man” = DEAD JIHAD HUMAN AMMO
7. “A Quarks Humble Tree” = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. “Manila Curse” = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. “Foretells Kiwi Smirks” = SILKWORM STRIKE FLIES
10. “Demons Former Jig Jug” = ?????
11. A Liberal Disses One" = ENABLED SILOS ARISE
12. "Toss My Foes A Reference" = OCEAN REEFS SEEM FROSTY
13. "Heaters High Storm" = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

Although I'm mostly happy with lines 6 and 12, they are the only ones to have four words, and that makes me wonder if tehy are showing up as "false positives" here. Six of the 13 lines resolve quite satisfyingly into meaningful and relevant two word phrases, and I would be tempted to speculate that all the resolutions would be two-word solutions, if not for the fact that the last line is so very satisfying as a three-word solution.

As it stands, two lines seem to refer to economic troubles, four lines seem to refer to Islamic war, three lines refer to natural disasters, and, most satifyingly and convincingly, the first and last lines seem to frame the whole in general statements.

Given the above, my suspicion is that the unresolved line ten would be another financially-oriented one.

Man, line ten is HARD! It contains two J's, two G's, two E's, two M's, two R's, and no A's, B's, C's, or L's. I can't find anything that would work for that line. The anagram generators I am using (at and ) don't seem to include formal names, so I'm thinking this line includes the name of a place or a person. But it may also have economic relevance. Does anyone know of any economic terms that use two JJ's and/or two GG's?

- Peter
Ok, the only solution I've found for line 10 is a real stretch.

The line "Demons Former Jig Jug" doesn't resolve into anything meaningful as near as I can tell.

Because of this, I decided to try something Zeshua had folks resort to in a previous coded message, when we used a program called SCBSolver, a "Monoalphabetic Cipher Solver" thingie. Using that program transforms the text of line ten from "Demons Former Jig Jug" to "ustherwhatsandingi".

Now, this was just a shot in the dark, but I tried it anyway. And that string of letters then resolves into the anagram for two interesting phrases :



WARHEADS HIT TUNGSIN (a city in China)

Now, I don't particularly think either of these is the correct solution to this anagram, but they are the best I've got so far.

- Peter
Those anagram websites are fun. But I noticed they kinda allow me to read whatever I want into the results. Throw out the jig jug and you can have some real fun:

Freedom Morns (okay, so it's missing a u....details, details)
Feds more norm
Memo for nerds

Don reforms em
Former SD omen

signed -- a enemas son
"Demons Former Jig Jug" = FUND MEMO ERRS JIG JOG ???

In the news today, the famous Fannie Mae (fund) announced (memo) that it was reversing (jig-jogging) its previous erroneous financial statement to the tune of over six billion dollars. (Hey, its not what anyone would call an "elegant" solution to the anagram, but it is meaningful, relevant, and timely.)

Fannie Mae erases $6.3 billion in profit
By MARCY GORDON, AP Business Writer 51 minutes ago

Fannie Mae erased $6.3 billion in profit in a long-awaited restatement Wednesday capping the accounting scandal that stunned financial markets and brought the ouster of top executives and a record fine against the government-sponsored mortgage leader.

The correction of its earnings from 2001 through June 30, 2004, ordered by the Securities and Exchange Commission two years ago, was well below Fannie Mae's earlier estimate of $10.8 billion. The reworking of its accounting is costing the company some $1 billion this year to conduct. It is the first earnings statement filed by Fannie Mae, which finances one of every five home loans in the United States, since late 2004.

The scandal erupted in the fall of that year when federal regulators accused Washington-based Fannie Mae — with its long-standing prestige, vaunted political clout and reputation for financial excellence — of serious accounting problems and earnings manipulation to meet Wall Street targets.

Fannie Mae on Wednesday announced an increase in its quarterly dividend to 40 cents from 26 cents.

Its chief executive, Daniel Mudd, received a pay package of $13.1 million, including a $2.6 million bonus, for 2005, the company also disclosed in an SEC filing. Mudd, who was the top operations official at the time of the accounting misdeeds, was elevated to the top position in a management shakeup in December 2004.

Last May, the federal agency that regulates Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, its smaller sibling in the $8 trillion home-mortgage market, issued a blistering report alleging a six-year accounting fraud at Fannie Mae, the second-largest U.S. financial institution after Citigroup Inc. Regulators said the scheme included manipulations to reach quarterly earnings targets so that company executives could pocket hundreds of millions in bonuses from 1998 to 2004.

Fannie Mae paid a record $400 million civil fine in a settlement with the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight and the SEC. It also agreed to limit the growth of its multibillion-dollar mortgage holdings, capping them at $727 billion, and to make top-to-bottom changes in its corporate culture, accounting procedures and ways of managing risk.

The completion of the restatement "is a key step forward for the company and represents two years of hard work," OFHEO Director James B. Lockhart said in a statement Wednesday. "Much remains to be done. ... Fannie Mae faces enormous challenges in fixing its operational and risk management systems, in (financial controls) compliance, and in producing audited financial statements for 2005 and 2006."

In detailing its restatement, Fannie Mae cited a $7 billion net decrease from previously reported earnings for periods prior to 2002, a $705 million reduction for 2002, a $176 million increase for 2003 and a $1.2 billion increase for the first six months of 2004.

Freddie Mac, which also is government-sponsored and has its stock publicly traded, had its own accounting scandal that came to light in June 2003. The company misstated earnings by some $5 billion — mostly underreported — for 2000-2002 to smooth out volatility in profit and uphold its image on Wall Street as a steady performer.

Over the last two years, Fannie Mae has disclosed a passel of new accounting problems that had been uncovered in several areas, including its core business of issuing securities backed by the billions of dollars of home mortgages annually that it buys from lenders and bundles together for resale to investors worldwide. Other problems were revealed in loans, houses acquired through foreclosures, interest on delinquent home loans and reverse mortgages.

They all were in addition to the accounting-rule violations that came to light in September 2004 involving derivatives, the financial instruments that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac use to hedge against swings in interest rates.

Fannie Mae's chief executive Franklin Raines, a prominent Washington figure who was White House budget director in the Clinton administration, was swept out of office in December 2004 along with then-chief financial officer Timothy Howard.

Lockhart has said his agency was considering suing former executives to recover tainted bonus money if Fannie Mae failed to recoup it.

Fannie Mae escaped criminal prosecution over the accounting failure. The Justice Department had pursued a criminal investigation, but federal prosecutors said in August that they had shut down their probe without bringing any action. The SEC still could bring civil actions against individual executives, including people no longer at Fannie Mae, with the burden of proof less stringent than in criminal prosecutions.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were created by Congress to pump money into the home-mortgage market to keep interest rates low and make home ownership affordable for low- and moderate-income people.

Fannie Mae stock closed Wednesday at $58.50, up 57 cents, on the New York Stock Exchange. It has traded in a range of $46.17 to $62.37 over the last 52 weeks.


The problem with using "jig jog" in the resolution to this anagram is that jigjog is a fairly obscure term that doesnt have a very well defined meaning. I think of it as being sort of like zig-zag, but the dictionaries I've turned to focus more on it having to do with a jerking or jolting motion. Mostly I think it is too poorly defined to be a useful term, and has no likely place in the true resolution to this anagram. So probably the above is another false positive.

- Peter
Why don't you just ask Zeshua? You know she is reading this and having a good laugh.
What you don't get is that Zeshua is very different from JT. IMO, she isn't laughing, she's trying to say something that you don't want to hear.

Zeshua makes you work to solve the riddles. She doesn't make it easy, that's for sure.

Jmpet, it sounds to me like you don't believe in the possibility, don't want to work on it and don't find this important. Perhaps you should focus on lesser TT'ers that can be easily debunked. Zeshua is a complicated case that has posted in more than this forum. I recommend you do some homework before you go further.
Fannie Mae = Inane Fame

See what I mean?

signed -- one mean ass

(that thing is really fun to mess with)

you "Knave" of "Trope" you.........
It does resolve to that - and about 43,000 other solutions. If you ask it to solve with the word "Spain" you get over 52,000 solutions. Ask to resolve with "Iran" you get another 52,000 solutions. Same-same if you ask for "Milan", "Satan" (A satan prism licensee). Get enough letters in a phrase and you can find just about any anagram that you want to find.

Darby, while any substantial string of letters can indeed be rearranged in thousands of ways, that doesn't mean that any string of letters can be juggled to produce almost any result.

For example, the string "Demons Former Jig Jug" contains 18 letters, but that string only contains the letters needed for seven of the last names of the current list of 193 Catholic Cardinals found at . That's just a 3% coverage rate.

Those last names are :


- Peter
Well, there are a few anagramatic solutions to line 10. I'm not sure what they might mean, but they are at least grammatically correct sentences :

"Demons Former Jig Jug" = GERM FORMS JOINED JUG
.......... or alternately ......... GERMS FORM JOINED JUG
.......... or alternately ......... JOINED GERM FORMS JUG
.......... or alternately ......... JOINED GERMS FORM JUG
.......... or alternately ......... GERMS FROM JUG JOINED

Now, I'm not in the medical field, so I don't know if the word "jug" has any meaning in relation to germs. Do germs have jugs?

- Peter

from :

Wed Dec 6, 1:53 PM ET

Biochemists in the United States believe they may have found the Achilles heel of the H5N1 virus -- and not just of the bird flu pathogen but of a wide range of other influenza strains. The potential target is a long, flexible protein tail which is essential for virus replication, they report on Thursday in Nature, the weekly British science journal. The so-called nucleoprotein (NP) plays its role after a virus has hijacked a host cell and subverted it into a virus-making factory. The NPs come together in small rings, stacking up one atop the other to form a column. ("Small rings" stacked up one atop the other would form a cylindrical column, i.e., a "formed jug".) The virus' RNA genome twists around this column ("joining it") before being shipped out of the cell in copies that go on to infect other cells.

It is positively chilling to me that this story appeared in today's news just hours after I posted the "germ" resolutions to the "Demons Former Jig Jug" anagram. The story seems to be a perfect fulfillment of the prediction in the anagram, except that, technically, a "germ" is not a "virus". However, in the common vernacular of the everyday person, the two terms are basically treated as being synonymous. See also

This resolution of the anagram, referring to the "flu", does fit with Zeshua's previous predictions, just as she said all the predictions in this poem would do.

- Peter