Hello again

Hi timeline_39,

thanks a lot for all these interesting informations. I suddenly get aware of other informations about a possible pole shift on other places in the internet or found a book about it, which I have not taken seriously before...

I am just interested in a little more detailed information about the situation in Europe (especially the southern part of Germany and Norway):
I first assumed that the temperature in these countries will raise, but since you also write about intense volcanic ash, it could also get colder?

Or perhaps the temperature will be just the same as before (just that there are no winters), because of the vulcanic ash will prevent that the temperature raises?
But that (the ash) will then give problems with agriculture?
Re: Hello again - 2nd Post - Government Cover Up


Remember that we have always stated that it is YOUR choice whether you believe what we say or not.

You make this statement as if does not apply to every personal decision in life...as if it is somehow unique or related to your offering. The exact same thing is true of a swindler's prey. It is always the victim's choice whether or not to trust the swindler. That does not change, in the least, the fact that the swindler is seeking to take advantage of someone. Same thing in your case.

The primary goal of this particular phase of the mission is to raise awareness by giving information to the people that visit this forum.

Another over-used statement by hoaxers, not to mention cornspiracy theorists. Kerry Cassidy at project camelot says all the time "we are just putting information out there..." This says absolutely nothing about the quality or veracity of said information, does it? In fact, my reply to you was specifically to point out the "junk status" of your information, because it is 100% unfalsifiable. You have covered both bases of the election. If Obama wins you can say "see, we told you we were doing something...it was our mission." If McCain wins you can say "well my friends, despite our best efforts the Republicans committed massive vote fraud to get McCain in office." Don't you see then how your information is worthless, and only intended to sway people to believe something for which there is no evidence?

Speaking of voter fraud... it seems clear you believe Republicans and right-leaning organizations are the only ones capable of committing voter fraud. Are you and your operatives also on the lookout for left-leaning organizations commiting voter fraud to get Obama elected? Look here:


ACORN Vegas Office Raided in Voter Fraud Investigation

Which begs the question: Why are you only putting out information that supports ONE SIDE of the political game? (The answer is pretty much obvious)

We predicated that the readers reaction/response to what we say would be classed into 3 categories:

There are two types of people in the world: Those who believe that actions of people can be neatly fit into a finite set of classes, and everyone else. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

We will NOT try and persude individuals away from there chosen course or else we would be no better than those who currently control your way of life. We will just continue to present the information and let the individual decide.

If you really meant that, you would provide balanced information that exposes how BOTH candidates are nothing more than puppets of their party machines. You are clearly biased and your purpose in "sharing information" is specifically to see a certain result.

You need to read my older posts that demonstrate that behind ALL INFORMATION there is INTENTION. You have an intention (other than just "sharing information"), but you hide it so people do not know why you are sharing biased information.

Deny it all you wish, but I can see right through you.
A few, this is why Charlie is here...

and the Birth rate will be near 0


then Humans will be considered "Critically endangered Specie" by 2049???
Re: Hello again - 2nd Post - Government Cover Up

Which begs the question: Why are you only putting out information that supports ONE SIDE of the political game? (The answer is pretty much obvious)

<font color="red"> Extinction of the Human Race!!! [/COLOR]

Re: Hello again - 2nd Post - Government Cover Up

Extinction of the Human Race!!!

Total baloney and doomsdayism! The fact is we are the most succesful form of "infestation" on this planet. Just like ants and cockroaches will always be around, you can bet that no matter what happens, some humans will always survive.

HI Charlie
I am a argentinian
I want to know what is the best place or province to survive in Agentina apart Cordoba
I have been thinking of Mendoza and San Juan, but I do not have the knowledge or information as to say
Re: Voter Purges was:Government Cover Up

The majority our group is already positioned in the states that participated in the voter fraud to stop it from occurring.

What about this?

<font color="blue"> Thu Oct 9, 1:07 AM ET

NEW YORK - Tens of thousands of eligible voters have been removed from rolls or blocked from registering in at least six swing states, and the voters' exclusion appears to violate federal law, according to a published report.

The New York Times based its findings on reviews of state records and Social Security data.

The Times said voters appear to have been purged by mistake and not because of any intentional violations by election officials or coordinated efforts by any party.

States have been trying to follow the Help America Vote Act of 2002 by removing the names of voters who should no longer be listed. But for every voter added to the rolls in the past two months in some states, election officials have removed two, a review of the records shows.

The newspaper said it identified apparent problems in Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Nevada and North Carolina. It says some states are improperly using Social Security data to verify new voters' registration applications, and others may have broken rules that govern removing voters from the rolls within 90 days of a federal election.

Democrats have been more aggressive at registering new voters this year, according to state election officials, so any closer screening of new applications may affect their party's supporters disproportionately, the Times said.

The result is that on Election Day, voters who have been removed from the rolls could show up and be challenged by political party officials or election workers.

The six states seem to have violated federal law in two ways. Some are removing voters from the rolls within 90 days of a federal election, which is not allowed except when voters die, notify the authorities that they have moved out of state, or have been declared unfit to vote.

And some of the states are improperly using Social Security data to verify registration applications for new voters, the newspaper reported.

"Just as voting machines were the major issue that came out of the 2000 presidential election and provisional ballots were the big issue from 2004, voter registration and these statewide lists will be the top concern this year," said Daniel P. Tokaji, a law professor at Ohio State University." [/COLOR]
end quoted from:

Re: Voter Purges was:Government Cover Up

Here is some proof to counter timeline_39's insinuation that only Republicans are guilty of voter fraud. What about Obama and ACORN?


<font color="red"> As I've noted previously ("ACORN: O's Ugly Ally," June 26), Obama trained ACORN members in Chicago. In turn, ACORN volunteers worked on his Illinois campaigns and ACORN's PAC endorsed him in this year's Democratic primaries back in February. [/COLOR]

And then read the list of ACORN offenses:

<font color="red"> Quantity over quality. That's the ACORN way - and the fraud allegations keep piling up:

* Yesterday, Nevada officials raided ACORN's Las Vegas office after election authorities accused the group of submitting multiple voter registrations with fake and duplicate names. Among the bogus monikers: names of former Dallas Cowboys players.

* Lake County, Ind., election officials this month rejected thousands of registration forms ACORN had turned in from its drives this summer. On a conference call yesterday, GOP officials noted that up to 11,000 of the applications were no good - tying up election officials and jeopardizing the voting rights of untold victims whose identities may have been stolen.

In what seems to be ACORN's standard operating procedure, vote canvassers had pulled names and addresses from phone books and forged signatures. According to a local paper (the Northwest Indiana and Illionois Times), "Large numbers of voter registration forms bore signatures all in the same apparent handwriting style" and "apparently the organization's canvassers broke rules to meet ACORN-set voter registration quotas to get paid." The fake registrants include dead people and underage kids.

* Milwaukee, Wisc., officials last month discovered at least seven felons employed as voter-registration workers for ACORN and another affiliated group. (State law bans felons from such work.) They also uncovered a raft of problematic voter-registration cards. The state GOP accuses the group of trying to get dead, imprisoned or imaginary people on the voter rolls. Fraud has plagued ACORN's Milwaukee chapter since the last election cycle.

* In Florida, in Orange County alone, ACORN workers turned in multiple, copycat forms for six separate voters over the summer. The Miami Herald reports: "One individual had 21 duplicate applications."

Election officials had flagged ACORN's negligent practices months ago. But it may be too late: In Orange, Broward and Miami-Dade counties, ACORN has signed up 135,000 new voters, nearly 60 percent of them registered as Democrats - a fifth of all new voters in that region.

* In Ohio, large numbers of homeless people got free van and bus rides to register. Shelby Holliday, a reporter for Palestra.net, filmed ACORN shuttling in some prospects. She told me she spoke with one homeless woman who said ACORN "told her who to vote for if she wanted a 'better life,' and told her not to worry about jury duty (one of the reasons this homeless woman didn't want to register) because the government probably wouldn't be able to track her down. She was registering with a temporary address."

Holliday interviewed another homeless man targeted by the registration drive who exulted that he was voting for Obama because "I want him to do his thang. You know, do his thug thizzle."

"Thug thizzle" is street slang for performing your trademark move. Obama and ACORN have practiced their thug thizzle together for years: Organizing an ever-expanding community of ineligible and marginal voters to expand the Democrat power base. Rules be damned.[/COLOR]

This razz is for YOU, recall! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Re: Voter Purges was:Government Cover Up

What about this Ray:

As usual, you purposefully refuse to address the point recall. The point is that timeline_39 is BIASED in his "sharing information". I am aware that both parties attempt voter fraud through their surrogate organizations. But my point was that timeline_39 was painting a very biased picture, and he clearly wants Obama to win...hence the reason for his hoax.

Would you care to address my point, instead of just throwing out more polemics and links?
Re: Voter Purges was:Government Cover Up

The point is that timeline_39 is BIASED in his "sharing information".

Define Word Bias
The Definition of Bias

[1] If you think you understand the definition of bias, you should ask yourself the following question: Am I biased? If you answered no, like the vast majority of people are inclined to, this section was written specifically for you. If, on the other hand, you answered yes, there is nothing to be gleaned from this essay that you don't already know, and you should proceed to the Table of Contents.

[2] Bias is perhaps the most widely misunderstood word in the English language. At the root of the misunderstanding is the naive notion that there is such a thing as impartiality or objectivity. In the history of humankind, there has never lived a truly impartial soul, nor will such a person ever exist. To be biased is to be human.

[3] What is the definition of bias? Bias is simply each person's unique predisposition of how to see the world. It is our own prejudice in thinking when we are confronted with new events.

[4] To entirely escape these predispositions is impossible. We are born inherently biased. Much of our psychology is governed by the powerful, primal urges of the subconscious mind, such as the libido or the survival instinct. Indeed, the mere desire to continue breathing is itself a bias; there may, after all, be someone else predisposed to killing us and we certainly do not hesitate to identify that person's bias.

[5] But our biases extend far beyond our most basic programming such as the will to live or the desire for sex. Our entire brain is built upon biases, derived from our experiences, and these experiences physically imprint themselves upon who we are by forming neural connections in the brain called synapses. Our entire way to think is a kind of biological bias, and our predispositions are a large part of who we are.

[6] Put bluntly, the idea that anyone is beyond bias is at best intellectually fraudulent and at worst philosophically dangerous.

more at:


<font color="red"> 24] In short, ours is an age that denies the definition of bias. If we were wiser, we would not ask about others, "Is this person biased?" but rather, "Are this person's biases logically and morally justifiable?" Exposed to such criteria, the good biases inevitably triumph over the evil. [/COLOR]

And the Answer will be ...

You Know...


Magnetic Anomaly Aproaching Earth circa 201x-
Click here

--Typo edited---
Re: Voter Purges was:Government Cover Up

24] In short, ours is an age that denies the definition of bias. If we were wiser, we would not ask about others, "Is this person biased?" but rather, "Are this person's biases logically and morally justifiable?" Exposed to such criteria, the good biases inevitably triumph over the evil.

Non-sequitor, as this does not apply to time travelers (alleged). In the case of an alleged time traveler, they have knowledge of the ACTUAL future (or so the hoaxers claim). Therefore, if they are only sharing <font color="red"> certain [/COLOR] facts about the future then that does, indeed, make them biased with respect to our position.

So it still stands that timeline_39 is biased because he only implies that Republicans are attempting vote fraud, when clearly we see both parties engage in it.

So try again, recall. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Hello again - 2nd Post - Government Cover Up

Total baloney and doomsdayism!


The fact is we are the most succesful form of "infestation" on this planet. Just like ants and cockroaches will always be around, you can bet that no matter what happens, some humans will always survive.

Mmmmm, cockroaches and ants are significantly better than humans at survival..along with rats /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Timeline_39, You want us to raise our awareness, to ensure more survivors AND to change an outcome that hasnt happened yet, referring to Presidential Candidates?

I am really gonna need some sort of information that you can retrieve from the future, that hasnt happened yet in our immediate future. That the media doesnt have today, but WILL have. Say three days from now. Doesnt have to be global, however has to be something EVERY body wants to talk about.
Hi Henry,


How many people survived in your timeline?

If you are referring to the survivors immediately after the Pole Shift, we don't have exact numbers but have estimated somewhere between 300-500 million globally.

Our first global census was about 12 years after the pole shift and the total was just over 117 million.
Re: Hello again - 2nd Post - Government Cover Up


You make this statement as if does not apply to every personal decision in life...as if it is somehow unique or related to your offering. The exact same thing is true of a swindler's prey. It is always the victim's choice whether or not to trust the swindler. That does not change, in the least, the fact that the swindler is seeking to take advantage of someone. Same thing in your case.

In essence, you make a decent arugement but you make it sound like we have something to gain from "swindling" the people here. We are not asking them to send us money nor sign up to a group. We are merely presenting information that will either be listened to or not.

When I make reference to it being YOUR choice, we mean just that because whether you choose to accept it or not, your society doesn't give you this choice right now. Those who control your society manipulates information in such a way that you are denied the choice even though you think that you are not.

Using phrases such as "taking advantage of" to describe what we are doing needs to be put into perspective as we are not asking anything back for the information we give. We will never ask for anything in return so how does make it that we are swindling people....

Like we said before, we expect the majority of people who read our words to go into the Undecided category - at least in this stage of the mission..... while in this category, people still have their minds open and this is all we can ask for.

Another over-used statement by hoaxers, not to mention cornspiracy theorists. Kerry Cassidy at project camelot says all the time "we are just putting information out there..." This says absolutely nothing about the quality or veracity of said information, does it? In fact, my reply to you was specifically to point out the "junk status" of your information, because it is 100% unfalsifiable. You have covered both bases of the election. If Obama wins you can say "see, we told you we were doing something...it was our mission." If McCain wins you can say "well my friends, despite our best efforts the Republicans committed massive vote fraud to get McCain in office." Don't you see then how your information is worthless, and only intended to sway people to believe something for which there is no evidence?

Many people in this time take the word of your Fox News and CNN without much debate even when the so called proof is suspect... aren't they just putting information "out there"? Your politicians says things that many of you just accept also!

My point is, I understand that right now we seem no different to the examples I've just mentioned above but we have put a line in the sand....... I cannot deny your point regarding our comments on the election but what everybody needs to understand is that our whole strategy hinges on the results of the election. So, take that as us saying that Obama WILL win. When our plan works and Obama wins, our mission will enter it's next phase so you won't have to wait long after Inauguration Day for us to start giving information that the passing of time will verify....

In the meantime, our approach is as such.

If we come across sure of the election result..... well... we are. Everything is in place to counter the fraud tactics that were used.

Speaking of voter fraud... it seems clear you believe Republicans and right-leaning organizations are the only ones capable of committing voter fraud. Are you and your operatives also on the lookout for left-leaning organizations commiting voter fraud to get Obama elected? Look here:

I never stated that we believe only Republicans etc. are capable of voter fraud. But in recent years, 2000 &amp; 2004, it was the Republicans who committed it....
Re: Hello again - 2nd Post - Government Cover Up

In reply to:

Extinction of the Human Race!!!


Total baloney and doomsdayism! The fact is we are the most succesful form of "infestation" on this planet. Just like ants and cockroaches will always be around, you can bet that no matter what happens, some humans will always survive.


Absolutely correct. The Human race will not go extinct!