I do not time travel, more than a 100 years -but informations does !

After a long time not posting there I found the original TRUENGLISH version of the documentary :

Enjoy !

Back to the tower of babel there is a word in old french which is "baubel" meaning bauble, trifle, small jewel, small gift, can be read as "beau" (beautiful masculine) 'belle" (beautiful feminine).

It means a vain thing desired by man.

Dieus ne samble pas a l'enfant qui s'apaie pour un baubel.
Gods don't look like the children which appease for a baubel.

Jcpo et al,

Pardon my entering this discussion late...

Very interesting is the conclusion--
:-? spoiler ?--
of "The Revelation of the Pyramids,"
i.e. a "loophole" as a virtual Holy Grail.

I look forward to analyzing related discussion
and thoroughly mulling fantastic possibilities.

Thank you.
I'm glad to read your enthusiasm. I've been really further in my understanding of the world you can ask me whatever about ancient knowledge and civilization but it's a kind of philosophy ;)

Maths were not the same... For them it was something like :
0 - At the beginning there where nothing
1 - Then everything happens
2 - and divdide
3 - equilibrate
4 - by subdividing
5 - and sub-equilibrating
6 - and cycles by cycles
7 - came in harmony
8 - to logic
9 - in total equilibrium of sub-matrix
10 - from everything to nothing
11 - everything and everything again by subdividing (1+1=2)
12 - gave us a whole matrix to understand (1+2=3, 12=3x4=2x6)

And forces to know :
pi - (pi/6) ~= phi
pi-phi-1 =~ pi/6

There were visible distance and invisible... Logic in design ;)

Jean-claude Perez - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
I'm glad to read your enthusiasm. I've been really further in my understanding of the world you can ask me whatever about ancient knowledge and civilization but it's a kind of philosophy ;)

Dampened enthusiasm.

Curious is the fact that a major part of the revelation therein
smacks of the perpetrators of the global warming hoax, of the
global tax scam, to benefit the wealthiest of the Intelligence
Industrial Complex.“Next comes the system behind it, and the war
against the masses* which has already begun. It ends with the psychology
and philosophy of the people working for it, and those behind it.
The AGI Manhattan Project
Radical life extension, along with body & brain augmentation, each aspects of the growing movement known as “Transhumanism”, are the overarching goals of the establishment. The first and foremost “holy grail” goal is Strong AI, aka Artificial General Intelligence. The world is full of AI; from video games to the stock market. But these AI’s are “narrow” in ability. AGI refers to a “general” intelligence. Generally intelligent, not narrowly. Human level and beyond intelligence would greatly accelerate their other technological goals kicking off what they call the 'Technological Singularity’."
The Story of the Millennium: The AGI Manhattan Project. | Ignorance Is Futile!
IIBFilms: DARPA’s iXo A.I. Control Grid: ‘The Official Version’. | Ignorance Is Futile!
"US dominence [...] exercised" with :-? WHAT industrial base?
Welcome to the new millennium : Da vinci code x 10^999

But the message is really stronger, there is no hazard... !
There is an argument that states: 1) Anything that the mind can conceive of, exists. 2) If this were not true, the mind itself would not exist. 3) Yet the mind does exist, therefore everything conceivable must also exist.
Ho sorry, I meant "there is no random/chance" ! (False friend word...)

Lledbetter, this argue comes from René Descartes which said :
"Je pense donc je suis" / "I think so I am"

But it is taken from latin "Cogito ergo sum" which means : "Je cogite donc je suis" / "I cogitate so I am"

And in this verb : to cogitate there is co- prefix which means together....

So : we think together so we are.

The only way to get back to real consciousness of what we are is to think together - and don't let ppl think for you..
If we do war everyday that not our cause... our goal... our envy...
I was just reviewing your reply once again. Yes, I am aware of the linguistics involved, but that is not the main point of interest .. What I am interested in, is your obvious understanding of the universal constants; in this case particularly, your knowledge and awareness of mass awareness. Please elaborate further if you don't mind.
Well before the big bang (or whatever you call it) we suspect there was a sort of high energy concentration. We know thanks to the ancient that 2 forces rules everything : Motion and Static.
So so many static energy resulted into the creation of motion energy.
I don't know when but these 2 forces came to thrill in harmony.
So gravity and waves let the matter be and divide and create everything :)

Phi is the life growth constant : the subdividing of cells, the repartition of leaves, the landmass repartition...
And Pi is the preservation constant : the revolution, the cycle of water, the ovulation cycles...

Everything could be explain this way :) These are the matrix forces, the elementary constants. The holy miracle of life.

But what we have to keep in mind is that the very origin is still influencing us through phi. We are one of its subdivision.

Everything influence everything so everything have to be very calculated or I should rather say harmonized, from planets to atoms, there are equilibrium between motions.

That is where our knowing stops and where we should start believing that the chaos universe is a masquerade and that there must be an intelligent source at all.

Okay, you edited the attribution of life to "gravity and waves."

There must be "an intelligent source [after] all."

Yes, exactly, all of these things are known, and that phi is connected to life (and everything else), the intelligent core, etc. ..but they aren't aware of the unity just yet, not here. Maybe it's best not to divulge too much information or you may appear as a hoax product.
I noticed you are using your natural language, mixed with a bit of vintage English. It is obvious to me that you are engaging a project goal. May I ask of your origin? Our team originate Texas, SAH mtrpa, take project data continuum all data collect in general per the point. Provide coords if you can, maybe we can collaborate.

It sounds as if you may be based at the Colorado complex, is this correct? My accent acquisition is simplic, but I noted a few items in your writing. . If I am incorrect, please state your complex location if you do not mind. I am curious. You can check my coord insertion specs at Base SAH mtrpa, Austin, Texas complex, utilizing the 48 database. Thanks.


I'm French, speaking scholar English. :) What are you meaning by unity ? The all linked to everything ?
My final goal is to restore the real way we should live.
To know every thing that could ensure a better life.
To get ppl to know themself and to love each other.
To stop fighting and start looking at the sky as a united planet trying to survive.
To prevent from future apocalypse...regardless of whether it is human or cataclysmic.
And finally to improve our knowledge.

You know "limitless" movie ? Well to me that is reality but without the pill and the speed. But each of us once he understand how the world is ruled, then he come to understand everything to do.

PS: What kind of words or expressions are vintage ? ^^

While at forums such as this one,
I try to be charitable toward the person behind a given post.
That I encounter so many alter egos here is sad.
I pray they be integrated.
However, so long as your idol is the Prince of Deception,
please neither address nor refer to me.

Thank you.
I'm French, speaking scholar English. :) What are you meaning by unity ? The all linked to everything ?
My final goal is to restore the real way we should live.
To know every thing that could ensure a better life.
To get ppl to know themself and to love each other.
To stop fighting and start looking at the sky as a united planet trying to survive.
To prevent from future apocalypse...regardless of whether it is human or cataclysmic.
And finally to improve our knowledge.

You know "limitless" movie ? Well to me that is reality but without the pill and the speed. But each of us once he understand how the world is ruled, then he come to understand everything to do.

PS: What kind of words or expressions are vintage ? ^^


Your goals, though admirable, are grandiose.
Since you are not the Almighty,
I pray you get lots of help
in bringing about the greatest good.

Re: pyramids

Were one to make a miniature pyramid,
model, can allowance be made for latitude?

P.S. Liedbetter (1 & 2), Milo.X. (3) and Jcpo (4)
see Playlist/ Request Form #s respectively in
TTI Music | Time Travel Institute
Thank you Syz,
No one is the Almighty of course, but Almighty is in and is everybody...

I can give you a pdf sheet to make your own paper pyramid. Some said they tried the 'pyramid effect' (phi/pi proportion + faces facing cardinals points) and that it worked ( better growing for plants(should better use copper than paper), better food conservation...).

I read somewhere that your location on earth and the location of earth in the solar system are important factors too (as in leedskalin engine) but I have no confirmation of this (only the strange alignment of old pyramids sites on earth).

Here are a lot of ... interesting sci-fi related stuff : Stargate for real. (if you don't understand very well I can explain it better - I think - as the guy who made this is from Quebec so he made some videos in french).

Ever and ever more to know :D
:-D Hello, again. A paper pyramid might have to do,
as I am finishing a pair of office suites that I designed.

How do you define stargate?

Maybe John Tooker, being that he is an astronomer
and physicist, can calculate the star alignments closer
than sometime in the next 37 years.
Hum time travellin. by supralumic space travelling through star gates, using polar star and sun to get everywhere. It is shawn by small and big bears small and big dogs and small and big fishes constellations. A sort of balance ;)