I'm a Time Traveler

I totally get it. I have seen vehicles like that before, with the large metal cables around that go opposite one another, that push forces against each other to make antigravity balance, like a gyroscope. Tons of wires, yeah, but I'm surprised it's steel and not something more super magnetic. I didn't know it made a boom. The models I've observed are rather silent, like a whine or a hum. Beryllium doesn't seem like the right thing, but something more like bismuth or thorium, but I suppose if you calibrate the device, you can make anything spin right for the gravity you want. MSS seems realistic enough. Weird how you know how it works but you don't use the scientific vocabulary.

About Georgia. Where, a military base, or a research place? It's mysterious how the current government permits you to play with such a high energy device. Pics would be nice, I want to see if it's what I had seen or if it was different.

Orbital: This poster has already admitted to being a fake. And anyway, he can't even spell and you seriously think he and his "team" invented this machine?