It is just the way things are.

Darby is correct.

Libya and Tunisia are not in the Middle East, and no one writing from ten years in the future would make the mistake of suggesting they were.

Nonetheless, "The protests of the Arab Spring have shaken much of the Middle East" according to the Associated Press ([ The entire area is under political turmoil, something we have not witnessed since the collapse of the Ottoman empire 90 years ago. The Arab Spring is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests that has been taking place in the Arab world since 18 December 2010. Prior to this period, Sudan was the only Arab country to have successfully overthrown dictatorial regimes, in 1964 and again in 1985. But over the last year, there have been revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt; a civil war in Libya; civil uprisings in Bahrain, Syria, and Yemen; major protests in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, and Oman, as well as on the borders of Israel; and minor protests in Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Western Sahara. (

Yemen is in the Middle East. Mass protests demanding an end to President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s 33-year rule are still paralysing Yemen after six months, and Yemen's southern province of Abyan has descended into violence and anarchy.

Syria is in the Middle East, and it has also been engulfed in violence during more than three months of anti-government discontent, in which the government shelled protesting towns and neighborhoods. More than 1,400 Syrians have been killed in the crackdown, and 10,000 have been detained, and many fear that Syria is on the verge of Civil War.

Iraq and Afghanistan are in the Middle East, and they have been chaotic for years.

Pakistan is in the Middle East, and heavy fighting has also been going on there lately as well, with militants using rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades and AK-47 assault rifles.

Bahrain is in the Middle East, and it was wracked by a violent uprising earlier this year, and Saudi Arabia became involved in repressing that struggle.

Jordan is in the Middle East, and it has been embroiled in protests and demonstrations for over six months.

Oman and Lebanon are in the Middle East, and the Arab Spring brought protests and uprisings to their lands as well.

So let's sum up, shall we? We find that in 2011, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, Oman, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia have all been embroiled in chaos, unrest, and/or uprisings.

That's chaos in ten Middle Eastern nations!


The Middle East has officially "erupted in chaos", just as Zeshua predicted. Is "all out war" far behind?

P.S. Is Darby correct after all? According to Wikipedia
Egypt IS traditionally considered a part of "the Middle East"; in fact, the US State Department defined the region in 1958 as including Egypt, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar.

There is also an area known as "the Greater Middle East" that also includes Libya and Tunisia.

So then we find that in 2011, not ten but THIRTEEN nations in the Middle East have erupted in violence and chaos.

Just as Zeshua predicted.
The entire area is under political turmoil, something we have not witnessed since the collapse of the Ottoman empire 90 years ago.

True. With the exceptions of the 1920's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's, as Egypt, Palestine/Israel, Jordan/Trans-Jordan, Lybia, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Crete, etc. rebelled against their European colonial rulers and rival tribal clans on top of eleven major wars, the Middle East had been quite peaceful since the signing of the Sykes-Picot Agreement in 1916 only breaking out in war among the various Arab tribes this spring. That Zeshua - what a physic. Who'd-a thunk that there would be an outbreak of violence in the Middle East and North Africa after 90 years of Pax Romana? Only She could make this call and get it right. Only She. Oh, yeah - and John Titor. We can't forget St. John. Only She and He and none other.
First, let's all note that, even after it was pointed out, Darby did not admit his error in insisting that Egypt is not part of the Middle East. Apparently the US State Department is not a sufficient authority for him on this matter.

And while Darby is correct that the Middle East has regularly seen unrest over the last century, nothing on the scale of the Arab Spring has been seen since the fall of the Ottoman Empire. It is NOT "business as usual" over there right now, despite what Darby would suggest. The Arab Spring is a regional development of historic significance, and Zeshua not only predicted it years in advance, but even defined when it would arrive (2011-2012):

"Seven to eleven
Cards collapse
Thy dollar not firm
Twelve to fifteen
Half the world burned."

Exactly as predicted, the recession began in 2007 and lasted until 2011.

In 2011, massive unrest swept thru the Middle East on a scale not seen since the fall of the Ottoman Empire, raising the specter of a regional Civil War occurring in the Middle East. In some places this Civil War has already begun (Egypt, Libya). In other places it is on the verge of occurring (Syria, Pakistan, etc.)

Zeshua's words (seven to eleven, twelve to fifteen) indicate that a fundamental change occurs between 2011-2012, in which the predominant crisis shifts from an economic one (symbolized by the dollar) that lasts five years, to a war (symbolized by the world burning) that lasts four years. This all ties in with her many other predictions of a coming worldwide Civil War occurring.
PARIS – Israel's defense minister said Tuesday that despite the upheaval in the Arab world from pro-democracy uprisings, Israel should push forward with negotiations.

Ehud Barak was in Paris Tuesday for talks with the French foreign and defense ministers. In an interview with The Associated Press he emphasized the importance of restarting the long-stalled peace talks, despite some misgivings by other members of his own government.

"We are looking at an area which is under a political turmoil, something we have not witnessed for maybe 90 years since the collapse of the Ottoman empire, he said.

IOW, Zeshua right again. She even got the year right.
Is it time for a bicycle yet? (no gas after democracies take over disposing of the dictating kings of the Middle East - you sure they will continue to want to sell oil to this Country, the USA, or is that Mexico, Canada and USA, North American Union or is that............????)

Actually I like to go away from whatever future those two propose and have another one.


Here's another version and yes, I am getting sick of my doings, and time for something else.

But is it a Big Push Towards - 2036~!


Egypt is not in the Middle East. The Middle East is lower South West Asia, not North East Supra Saharan Africa - a completely seperate continent. Had you or the OP said that the issues involved people of Arab extraction (native Egyptians not so being, however) or they all tend to be Muslim I might have agreed. What? Nubians (Sudanese) are also from the Middle East? Why not say that Filipino and Indonesian Muslims are Middle Eastern peoples?

But we quibble. If you want Egypt to be part of Southeast Europe/Southwest Asia go for it.

As to the current "unrest" in the middle east not being rivaled since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1918 you might want to ask the English, French, Italians, Russians. Iraquis, Iranians, Lebonese and Germans not to mention the Israelis - they might have a much different opinion. What has changed is that the Middle East no longer has the opportunity to export violence outside the Middle East with no repercussions - or to export violence at all. Violence, instigated at their hand, has come home to roost. Their only complaint is that they are now on the receiving rather than the giving hand. Again, if you want to make your ill informed square peg fit in a round hole go for it. The fact that you have no clue about the actual history of the Middle East cr. the 20th Century is your problem and yours alone
Peter, Egypt is not in the Middle East. The Middle East is lower South West Asia, not North East Supra Saharan Africa - a completely seperate continent.

You are wrong, Darby. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

According to Wikipedia, Egypt is in the Middle East.
According to the US State Department, Egypt is in the Middle East.

According to Darby, Egypt is NOT in the Middle East.

"The first official use of the term "Middle East" by the United States government was in the 1957 Eisenhower Doctrine, which pertained to the Suez Crisis. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles defined the Middle East as "the area lying between and including Libya on the west and Pakistan on the east, Syria and Iraq on the North and the Arabian peninsula to the south, plus the Sudan and Ethiopia." In 1958, the State Department explained that the terms "Near East" and "Middle East" were interchangeable, and defined the region as including only Egypt, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar."

With the exception of Darby himself, I feel confident that all readers here will accept either Wikipedia and/or the US State Department as higher authorities than Darby on this subject.
The fact that you have no clue about the actual history of the Middle East cr. the 20th Century is your problem and yours alone

Big words from someone who has demonstrated that he doesn't even know the definition of the term "Middle East".
As to the current "unrest" in the middle east not being rivaled since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1918 you might want to ask the English, French, Italians, Russians. Iraquis, Iranians, Lebonese and Germans not to mention the Israelis - they might have a much different opinion. What has changed is that the Middle East no longer has the opportunity to export violence outside the Middle East with no repercussions - or to export violence at all. Violence, instigated at their hand, has come home to roost. Their only complaint is that they are now on the receiving rather than the giving hand. Again, if you want to make your ill informed square peg fit in a round hole go for it. The fact that you have no clue about the actual history of the Middle East cr. the 20th Century is your problem and yours alone.

Darby would have us believe that nothing is any different in the Middle East than usual. Perhaps he should go to Egypt, Libya, Syria, or Pakistan and ask the locals if they have noticed any changes.

The truth is that the area has fallen into chaos, exactly as Zeshua predicted.

Prior to this year, Sudan was the only Arab country to have successfully overthrown dictatorial regimes. But over the last few months, demonstrations have resulted in the overthrow of two heads of state: Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia on 14 January following the Tunisian revolution protests, and in Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak resigned on 11 February 2011, ending his 30-year presidency. During this period of regional unrest, several leaders announced their intentions to step down at the end of their current terms. Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir announced that he would not seek re-election in 2015, as did Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Protests in Jordan have also caused the resignation of the government resulting in former Prime Minister and Ambassador to Israel Marouf al-Bakhit being appointed prime minister by King Abdullah and tasked with forming a new government. Another leader, President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen, announced on 23 April that he would step down within 30 days in exchange for immunity. And of course, Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi has refused to step down, causing a civil war between his loyalists and rebels based in Benghazi.

The current wave of protests is not an entirely new phenomenon, but the escalation of protests is unprecedented in the region.

The catalyst for the current escalation of protests was the self-immolation of individuals such as Mohamed Bouazizi, which brought together various groups dissatisfied with the existing system, including many unemployed, political and human rights activists, labor, trade unionists, students, professors, lawyers, and others. These groups have become an unprecedented movement that has built sufficient momentum to engender the current scope of events.
Way back as far as 2005, Zeshua insisted that the 2011-2012 period was when TSHTF.

Now we see it beginning right on schedule with the Arab Spring and the US debt default crisis.
The numbers have been right so far.

We'll see if they continue to be, but she got the first one correct, predicting in 2005 that an economic crisis would hit in 2007.

The Great Recession has officially been recorded in history as having begun in December 2007, even though the events of 2008 were more dramatic. So Zeshua was right about that after all.

Now, she indicated that 2007-2011 would be a particular stretch of time that would go down in history for its economic crisis, and then 2012-2015 would go down in history as being a time when a WWIII scorched half the globe.

She gave us four dates : 2007, 2011, 2012, and 2015, and said that each of these years would bring a certain change.

And she got the first one in the sequence correct.
I would hope to impart wisdom to those seldom few who are wise enough,
not to reject what I have to say, without careful consideration.

What I have to share will be brief, and will only require a few
moments of your time. You may choose to accept what I have to say, or
you may reject it. Or you may choose, if it is your pleasure, the
third option.

The world as it is, in your current day as I post this on the 14th of June
2007, will no longer be sustainable.
I do apologize for the
inconvenience, please consider a more sustainable balance for your
futures. Global economic imbalances must be corrected, Cultural
imbalances must be corrected. This due course of events will happen
as I have stated previously. In your current time the course of
events of which I speak is set in stone and will not change. You will
hear words like "Civil War" and "Massacre in Palestine", The Middle
East will erupt in chaos and all out war. It starts and then stops,
then starts up again, this is a continuous struggle which has gone on
for years and will come to a very abrupt end.

There is very little any one individual can do, I recommend you take
heed, be vigilant, be concerned of important matters of the day.
Become aware of alternative news sources, do not be "Told" how it is
by the mass media which have come to pull the wool over your eyes.

When it happens, you will know. It is now, only a matter of time.

The Great Recession arrived just a few months after Zeshua posted the above post and started this thread in June 2007.

2007 was the first of her four predicted years to arrive, and she predicted two years earlier, in 2005, that the world economic crisis would begin in 2007. It did, in the twelfth month of 2007.

How many times did she post in 2007? Twelve.

How many threads did she begin in 2007? Just this one.
Darby would have us believe that nothing is any different in the Middle East than usual. Perhaps he should go to Egypt, Libya, Syria, or Pakistan and ask the locals if they have noticed any changes.

And there I was laboring under the misapprehension that Pakistan (and Afghanistan) reside in South Asia.
Q. What does history say about the Middle East during this decade?

Zeshua's answer: That Muhammad was a prophet, that Allah was Great, that the mere freedoms we all took for granted in the U.S. were the very things the Arabs in the Middle East were despondent against.

The Arab Spring, the pro-democracy movement sweeping thru the Middle East in 2011, is a fight for US-style liberty and freedom.

The above prediction was posted in 2005, and it was to describe the Middle East over the following decade, i.e., 2005-2015.

IOW, Zeshua predicted in 2005 that a conflict over US-style liberty and freedom would occur within the Middle East between 2005-2015.

And with the arrival of the Arab Spring, so it has.
It would seem, regardless of exactly what the middle east comprises, that there have been conflicts equal to and far greater than what is occurring currently since before 2271 BC. In light of the constant uprising among the people of that area I fail to see any significance to what Zeshua supposedly predicted. To say there will be conflict in the middle east over some 5 to 10 year period sounds like a pretty safe bet to me. Sorry, I'm not buying.
Regarding the defined location of any particular country being in the Middle East or not; with watching, or reading, about events that take place that part of the world, "todays" media sources are also rather "liberal" with the term "Middle-East", themselves.

Most of the reports seem to be presented from a commonly held perception of the viewers, and the media sources aren't placing countries into the news from a technical perspective (i.e., exact geophysical definition as per something like Wikipedia)

It seems reasonable that someone within the general public would also use the term "Middle-East" in a liberal manner, as well.

Especially with education in the U.S. going down the crapper (no fault of the teachers or professors), it is easy to imagine that someone from the future would not be presenting "anything" within a specific or technical context.


several of the 2012 end-of-time authors have been quoted as saying that they themselves are beginning to have doubts about the whole 2012 thing (surprise), but, having to continue the sales of their book(s), are beginning to establish a "new" end-of-times date ( think it is 2046/2048 now).

The "good" prophets know enough to make "vague" prophecies to keep their material going through-out the generations.

The "bad" prophets, like Harold Camping, actually throw in a specific date, get it wrong, and then have to proclaim that whatever they were honking on wasn't "really" what they meant to say.

In reality, most of these authors (prophets?) are merely "con-artists" operating a variation of the shell gambit.

No different for the author(s) honking on and on (thread bumping) about Zeshua.
The news, in Summer 2011, is now full of stories with headlines like "If The U.S. Government Loses Its AAA Rating It Could Potentially Unleash Financial Hell Across The United States".

That's pretty much exactly what Zeshua predicted would happen.

And it's even happening WHEN she said it would happen : 2011
Reged: 04/16/05
Posts: 504
Loc: Wrigleyville
Re: It is just the way things are. [re: Zeshua]
03/17/08 07:28 AM (

Zeshua has said elsewhere that everything she has predicted to us referred to events occurring between 2007 - 2009.


If an "All Out Middle East War" happens to break out in the next 21 months, this forum will suddenly become very popular, as the world turns here to find out what else this mystery woman predicted. Especially if it comes to "a very abrupt end".

It didn't happen the way you wanted it to happen so now you've changed the time period for you to get this correct. And if it doesn't happen in 2011 you'll change it to 2012, 2013, 2014...until you get it right.

Notice I said you and not Zeshua. Zeshua is gone. Has been gone, Isn't coming back. You know that; I know that. But for you this has never been about Zeshua. It's about you in the same sense that the Titor Saga became a story about Pamela.

The real difference is that a lot of people were interested in the Titor Saga. No one is interested in Zeshua other than to crank you up - which is admittedly somewhat amusing.