September 2024

And sorry Ray i did not mean to reply to you.It was a mistake.Anyhow i would like to know from your point of view what is the most believable time travel you have ever know or encounter throughout the whole worldwide web?.What about the supposed video that Titor recorded when he was leaving our timeline?.Did you own it Pamela?.I guess i saw the still shots of that video a few years ago surfing the web but never got the chance to really watch it,and the one circulating in youtube is a huge piece of fake crap,so whom actually do you think is the candidate for The best time traveler in the world time travelinstitute award?.Thanks and answer as soon as you can.:-)
Even though you didn't ask me, directly, I'd like to throw out who I wonder about sometimes.

Leonardo da Vinci.

That man seems to have had an incredible mind for his day, and in looking at what he did, he seems to have been living before his time.

A man trapped in time ? From some of his paintings, he did seem to be angry about something, maybe his anger was a result of getting stuck in that time period.

Did we already lose Ducky because she sees her chances of getting the election correct are fading away? All that big talk from her about how I would see she was real when things start to happen as she told us. Well... I've gotta say, with McCain's chances looking like they are in the crapper, it really would be pretty much a miracle for him to win. So Lyndzee, you still have time to WOW me! But don't count on me to hold my breath! :D

DARPA "Co-director" indeed! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
******FLASH NEWS************FLASH NEWS************FLASH NEWS************FLASH NEWS************FLASH NEWS******

The third time travel experiment from 2024 ends in failure...Sadly the traveller failed to realise that their interaction with 2008 would cause ripples that resulted in them not graduating from MIT and they ended up working in McDonalds never to make the incredible journey into the past. Their future self in 2008 promptly disappeared up their own a*****e. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Guys, what I am really amazed is how many people believe in this kind of BS. This lady comes to this forum and claim she is coming from year 2024 well if you told me you were coming from year 2224, I would still not believe you, reason because I am simply using my common sense. I read o lot of people's questions and her answers, it is funny how she is still talking about how common still DVD's and Blue ray's are, dvd will be the cassete player of the future and I am talking about within next 5-6 years not 16 years and she talks about how LCD will be still around, How about Hologram TVs, that is not far from future and I watched on Discovery channell how they have this technology and working on perfecting it within the next 10-15 years, she talks about LCD and Plasma in year 2024. She talks about not many hybrid cars and still too much demand on petrolium,
What are you smoking girl, I work at Toyota dealership, they already have 5 hybrid models and they are planning to have 80 percent of their models Hybrid Vehicles within the next 10 years. Actually guys this not something new but there is California Based Company called Moller flying cars at they are already taking orders I think they run around $400k they have all different kind of flying car models, they take off vertically from ground fly in the air, and it will be very common within next 15-20 years people will be using these vehicles, this idea is not sceince fiction, they already have this technology, it will be more mainstream. As you guys can see, this lady who is claming to come back from year 2024 is full of s**t, I will give her a credit she is smart when it comes to explaining government related subjects but very narrow minded when it comes to vision of future and technologies. I have been always fascinated with advanced technolgies and always believed time period I live in is not advanced enough to my expectation, would love to live in couple of hundred years ahead of our time, but this is exactly the reason why people in this forum fall into this trap, they let this fantasy world take over their logics, basicly give it up the idea of people coming from future, there is no such a thing even if there, trust me my friend it would be thousands of years away not 10s or 100 years away,so don't belive in the next idiot who will come to this forum and claim coming from year 3000 because there is no one living in future, our time is present and past is past, we are the ones heading to future. Good night everybody
I like the saying on the moller site:

"New technology goes through three stages:

First it is ridiculed by those ignorant of its potential.

Next, it is subverted by those threatened by its potential.

Finally, it is considered self-evident"

Perhaps it is the same with time travel.
Did we already lose Ducky because she sees her chances of getting the election correct are fading away? All that big talk from her about how I would see she was real when things start to happen as she told us. Well... I've gotta say, with McCain's chances looking like they are in the crapper, it really would be pretty much a miracle for him to win. So Lyndzee, you still have time to WOW me! But don't count on me to hold my breath!

I don't believe anything she predicted so far has failed yet. But it does seem like she had enough of us and left.
I don't believe anything she predicted so far has failed yet. But it does seem like she had enough of us and left.

All she has to admit now is a belief in divergence.
After that she can claim some prediction may not
come true. End of story. However, if the election does
not turn out in her favor then it is a big divergence
don't you think. LOL! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
I don't believe anything she predicted so far has failed yet.

Puh-leeze, Pamela. I have shown where at least one of her "predictions" was nothing more than reading the news about Washington Mutual (news that was available several days BEFORE she made her prediction) and extending it to its natural conclusion. That qualifies it as an informed guess. It would have been a more impressive guess if she were able to predict which Bank would swallow Wamu.

And I submit she left because she saw Obama's poll standings and realizes her hoax is just about to go "poof" (not big enough to go "boom").

We do release successes and new discoveries and the first two travelers are "known" just as Lance Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were when they returned from the moon.

<font color="red"> NEIL HIS NAME WAS NEIL ARMSTRONG NOT LANCE!!! Jesus did nobody catch this or do I seriously need to keep reading the rest of these idiotic pages [/COLOR]

Seriously This is a super duper co director of the all seeing darpa agency AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW THE RIGHT NAME OF WHO WENT TO THE MOON..... AAARRRRRGGGGG

This is like Rick Mercers' talking to americans or Jay lenos lets go to college skits....

LG, I hope you did this for a grade and I hope you failed!

UGH! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif

On a side note who here has been keeping up with reinhardt and enterprisecorruption? Interesting stuff and so far the man is 4 for 4 no matter how you slice it.
OH all right then.... I just read that bit about lance armstrong and kinda had a WTF moment.

And yes I blame Divergence for the Olympics XP

This chic however.... Oh man... My grand father Literally flew with some of those folks that would later make up the space program. To say LANCE ARMSTRONG....Well hell I actually lost interest at co-director of DARPA. But I had to find out how this thread got so big... then I saw that bit about Lance and I was like UGH /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif
******FLASH NEWS************FLASH NEWS************FLASH NEWS************FLASH NEWS************FLASH NEWS******

The third time travel experiment from 2024 ends in failure...Sadly the traveller failed to realise that their interaction with 2008 would cause ripples that resulted in them not graduating from MIT and they ended up working in McDonalds never to make the incredible journey into the past. Their future self in 2008 promptly disappeared up their own a*****e.

I hate it when that happens. I am sure a lot of McDonald employees feel the same about their future. That it disappeared. Now, this is in good taste. A friend of my wife works there and she would agree.
I have been reading these kind of claims for years on the internet. I have not found on single time traveler to be the real deal.

Well if your reading from the time travel institute its mission statement states that this is a fictional forum nothing more. They have a aerospace engineer named Rainman running around here and a physicist name Darby. They are either donating their time or getting paid I don,t know but they inject a little bit or reality around here per our time line per real science and math. And I am not trying to take anything away from them per with this post. I appreciate the jolt of reality they inject into these threads. They give the readers here the feel of something real per say time travel. But, to be truthful here everything is suppose to be fun and not so serious that people can,t enjoy themselves here. That being said I have being here a few months. Since then I have learned a few things. Enjoy your TTI experience. (Yeah it sounds commercial but its not.) Thanks. Reactor
They have a aerospace engineer named Rainman running around here and a physicist name Darby. They are either donating their time or getting paid I don,t know


I'm not a physicist (I have said this before, haven't I?). My university education was in the field of experimental psychology - as I've disclosed in many posts. In that I've also said that the major involved formulating, executing and reviewing experimental designs. So, yes, my education involves hard science even though I don't truly believe that psychology is, in general, a hard science. I learned enough about experimental design to know what a good experiment is and what a "noisey" bad design is. In the interim I've spent a lot of years, at home and in post-graduate courses, reading and researching the areas of physical science and the math involved in the same realm. But that doesn't make me a physicist - far from it. It only makes me a somewhat well educated lay "expert" (and I use the scare quotes on expert to make it clear that I'm not any more of an expert that any other person who has taken the time and effort to educate him/her self on the subject of physics) in the field of physical science.

My professional endeavors took me far, far away from the field of psychology. I won't reiterate what I did as a professional but suffice it so say that psychology, physics et al had nothing to do with what I did in "real life" as a government employee. Counter-terrorism was a lot closer to what I was involved in.

And I get exactly the same salary as you and every other member of this forum, nada. My opinions are my own and neither Rainman nor Raul (MOP) have any particular influence on those opinions. I post my opinions because in so doing I have fun. That's the alpha and the omega of it. Any opinion to the contrary is just that, an opinion... and a false conclusion.

And as Titor and others have said, it really doesn't matter to me if you or anyone else doesn't believe what I just posted. It only matters that I believe it to be the truth.

As a last word I want to make it clear that I'm not quibbling with your post. I just want to make it clear to the other members just where I'm coming from.

In any case, thank you for your post.

They are either donating their time or getting paid I don,t know

And just to be clear on my status: I do not receive compensation in any form for my Admin status here. I participate here because as a teacher of engineering I seek to help correct people's misunderstandings of science &amp; engineering... and oh yeah, it's a kick to debunk self-proclaimed TTer's.
