The Death of John Titor.

Well I guess when there is no civil war you'll just chaulk it up with a statement saying, "Well,, there was one in our timeline, but due to the fact of 9/11, which started the Patriot Act, this prevented the civil war from ever occurring."

And I'm sorry, but the Everglades have been swamps for eons, I doubt they'll dry up in 30 more years.

I've thought of another way to validate your claim. Post some pics of your time machine, not just copy and paste from JT. And you can't make the excuse you're not allowed to. If JT was allowed to do it, so can you.
Sir or Madam Keven,

I apologize most profusely for my akward use of your English. No, that is not what I meant to say.

There is some doubts and uncertainty surrounding the postings of John Titor due to their omissions and inclusions. It is understood that an early time traveller of a very similar name did exist. It is considered the truth that he suffered in some sort of mechanical malfunction while in transit. it is generally considered that he landed in your time badly injured and imparted some scant information to a contemporary of your time (and for that he is heavily reviled for having not a professional bearing and manner rather he acted with cowardice).

It is thought that the contemporary of your time is the person who posted under John's name. His motives are not understood. The equipment pictures and manuals and shreds of the information regarding the mechanism are accurate. Yet most of what was posted was preposterous. The details of the mechanism being in a car is laughable to even a child as you will see if you consider it. Also, and most important, a fundamental and most important detail of his flight methods was contradicted. It is as bad an error as if you went to the past and told peoples that in your time men flew not in airplanes, but by flapping their arms like the birds and insects do.

Of course it is obvious to us in the porch of the future to see, but even a person of simple perception in your day should also see, that all of his claims of the futures path are fiction. As Sir or Madam Hello just pointed out, it does not take profound and unique vision to notice his civil war is not occuring. Nor will there be atomic bombing in the near future, nor will 60 years hence there be farmers building time machines in their barns when the crops are tended to and grown.
Hey Rainman..

I meant to reply to TT1. I'm more used to other forums where reply is a general reply, and not to the name of the person you clicked "Reply" to.. so it was directed at TT1, not you. Sorry about that.
More than likely, now an altered timeline?

I'm sorry, there is a little problem posted here and this does have to do with the phenomenon known as paralexism.

This is where a person gets a double view of an event of view that is happening, due to double phased optics.

There is a law in time travel, that once your knowingly violate the break silence rule, then you have totally adultutered that particular timeline.

Now there is the inherent possaasbily that if this John Titor exist, that the timeline that he is, or has been in, is now greatly altered.

In, there have been past reports of large signs seeming to appear on streets, where the night before, there have been no large advertising signs and the individual noting this, was of good repute.

Titor may have gone section eight, if the width and breadth of what he knew, was too much mentally for him to hold?

In other-words., what this Titor fellow may have on purposely done, was to make a cannonball splash effect, on purpose, within the use of his projected timelines, in order to avert some events from happening.

Pam Moore had said, that in Titor's passion of telling her of his losses, that the loss of one particular member, was so great, that he had developed an arcane personality trait.

I can't, this is beyond me, to now project what the proper train of events will come, out of Titor breaking his silence with regards to time travel protocols.

Just a general question.....Has anyone taken the time to consider the fact that we are all talking from an egocentric point of view?
It would appear that noone in this forum is willing to sit back and really take in anyone elses opinion. We are all so obsessed with our own views on this subject (and I predict many other topics) that this forum seems to be more of a 'Who can top my theory?'site..... which can last forever because given enough time everyone can find a new angle to someone's point of view.

Just a thought! =)
Re: More than likely, now an altered timeline?


You are way, WAY, W A Y too fixated on the John Titor Project/Experiment! As with other "fringe" topics that you talk about, I don't see near enough evidence that would cause a relatively sane, critically-thinking person to entertain it as fact. While I am not a mental health expert, I have read that such deep immersion in such fanciful topics (regarding them as if they were true) can often erode one's ability to distinguish reality from fantasy in other areas of life.

Just a thought for you to consider. You have exhibited a capacity for understanding complex topics in science, and it troubles me to see such a capacity potentially subjugated by stories with little chance of being based in reality. I would think that you could be a LOT more effective than you currently are if you would exericse a little discretion and compartmentalization in how you mix established facts with things that "may be true".

Kind Regards,
Re:History note

On Rainman's offer:No I don't see a large floor infront of me, with people working on aerospace airframes.

I don't see any of the new electric rocket engines, hanging from moveable cranes from the ceiling, waiting to be lowered into their boss holdance, within the aft propulsion section, of a newer stile of advanced aeroframe.

I also do not have an allowance ticket for sectional colonization offered for Mars, as only a honorary courtesy, even though Mars colonization, is not my direction.

>The topic of conversation was time travel theory.

The agreed was always, that Titor could have been in the states of not existing and existing.

So what is posted here is theory.
Re:History note

On Rainman's group:Temporary post.

To me, Rainman's aerospace group, represents an interim group, in power after the loss of the shuttle and newly developed space vehicles.

These are new proposed hyper velocity aeroframes, which use integral methods, of pumped out refrigeration and or fuels, to the exterior surfaces of these craft.This design feature to afford reentry profiles, either without absorption or ablative actions on the outer surfaces of these airframes during any proposed reentry.

I do not know what the overall plan for near space exploration is, as no'one has mailed a circular to my P.O. box, on current NASA aims.

I have come out, since the next proposed step in near exploration would be other moons and planets, that a required course, be given on all extraterrestrial life forms, known suspected so far.

I have received a chiding for this offer or required course materials, even though the Steven Greer disclosure has been already made and is very publicized.

To me, I certainly wish RainmanTime well and hope that he goes for his intensive astronaut, or mission specialist training.

I think with his level of tenacity, that he would make a fine mission specialist or astronaut, if he chose to commit to course work action.

This means, you study very, very, hard and say to yourself, "They're going to have to carry me out of here, cause I'm not going to flunk out in my training".

I would also caution that if meetings are made with E.T.s in the time being, due to near exploration modes of near space travel, certainly have the required seven books read, on what is know on E.T. life forms, which are considered unusual information by the hierarchy.

This knowledge, so that a simple meeting does not digress to any sort of conflagration between crews of any near space vehicle and vested astronaut, mission speacialts.

My hopes for Ray is that he chooses this course and applies himself thoroughly.
Re:History note


I think there's a bot from the future amongst us... what do you think?

Re:History note

I think there's a bot from the future amongst us... what do you think?
I think you could be right, Roel... but that still doesn't explain Creedo! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Kind Regards,
Hello Time travel_

You stated in a previous post:

"I was one of Johns friends in the military."

All I would like to know is what millitary branch you and John were in. What was your ranking etc.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Re: History ala\'mode

Creedo thanks Rainman

Disclaimer:Comparisons between signer Adam Ant and poster RainmanTime are strictly coincidental and should not denote any singing abilities within the known capacities that Rainman has demonstrated.

Goody Two-shoes, to my knowledge is not a marketable trend, does not offer a national security threat or in any way, endanger the nature of vanilla flavored products.

Thank you for your attention, concerning this matter: <font color="yellow"> [/COLOR] <font color="brown"> [/COLOR]
Forgive us, we\'re only huiman and would like some

Dolph, you can proove you are by doing this:

get some pictures of your time machine, different pictures. Titor posted some before, now it's your turn. post at least 5 pictures, more than John did i think.

Also, when you travel through time, is it like the story "The Time Machine" where you stay in one place and the world changes, or is it like Terminator, where you are left in the vinvinity of where you left your time.
Mr. Dolph,

I apologize for double posting, but this is a question i have pondered for a while. Assuming that there are an infinite number of universe (not counting those artound which no other universe exists) can you choose to move to a world line where, say, Horses and Man have traded places?

And if it possible to travel to one of these universes, have you ever visited a universe that was distinctly memorable as odd?

also, if a universe around which no other universe exists, how can the one we live in exist?

Dolph may be an imposter, but you seem rather egocentric and know-it-all yourself, sir. You think that you are capable of EDUCATING EVERYONE in the matters of time travel? Of SAVING US? And what exactly, may I inquire, do you know that makes you the expert that will lead us all to the promise land of enlightenment? Guess you're not going to save us today, Mr. Megalomaniac. By the way, when you're trying to burn someone for being illiterate, you must spell your whole message correctly or else you will end up making a complete fool of yourself. Apparently is spelled A-P-P-A-R-E-N-T-L-Y, not A-P-P-A-R-A-N-T-L-Y as you put it. And I think Bush's "No Child Left Behind" is working quite fine if I am correcting you on such a simple word. Especially since I am so young. And, even if a make a few grammatical errors occasionally, at least I am able to humbly admit it. I don't mean to insult you. I only mean to wake you up from your power trip. Have a nice day.

who was that directed to? did i do something wrong?

based on the speed of which dolph responded, im thinking hes bs'in too
Let John Titor DIE already!

think that you are capable of EDUCATING EVERYONE in the matters of time travel?
Actually, yes I am capable of educating people on scientific issues...being that I am a qualified teacher in aerospace engineering.
No, that I am not capable of doing. One can only save themselves.
...that makes you the expert that will lead us all to the promise land of enlightenment?
I'm not leading anyone, anywhere... why do you ask? Were you looking for someone to blindly follow to try to become enlightened? If so, I don't think you will find it that way! I just share information on science and spirituality.
Guess you're not going to save us today, Mr. Megalomaniac.
Guess I wasn't even trying, Mr. Childish Namecaller. Did you learn that name from the new Incubus song?
By the way, when you're trying to burn someone for being illiterate, you must spell your whole message correctly or else you will end up making a complete fool of yourself. Apparently is spelled A-P-P-A-R-E-N-T-L-Y, not A-P-P-A-R-A-N-T-L-Y as you put it.
Well, I am glad you can show that I am not perfect. I have lots of other imperfections, if you'd like some more to pick on. Or we can talk about yours...? So you found a spelling error, good. Could you find any semantical or logical errors in the material I have shared on this board? Do you have any comment on that, or something a little deeper than my failed spelling?
Especially since I am so young.
Gee, I never would've guessed! Your style of writing seems oh-so adult! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
And, even if a make a few grammatical errors occasionally, at least I am able to humbly admit it.
Did I ever claim somewhere to be free from mistakes? If you want a declaration from me of some sorts, then I will gladly admit to mistakes I have made. Please, go find more spelling errors and bring them out for everyone to see. I am not ashamed!
I don't mean to insult you. I only mean to wake you up from your power trip.
And what power trip is that? The fact that I share concepts and interact with people on this board? What about your own power trip? From this post it would seem you are on some sort of pan-internet spelling rampage power trip. Have you got anything else to share...maybe on time travel?

Kind Regards,