Time-travel Paradoxes!

I don't believe I ever said I came back looking for a UNIX bug fix. I came back for a computer system. Don't you find UNIX usefull now?

Temprature is about the same although there were anomalies after the war.

Fast... if you are able to translate exactly what the questions are, I would be happy to try and answer.

Just curious....what does everyone think of "IT"? (ginger)

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I have some questions for Time traveler_0,

I see you take things from this world to bring back to your own world. books, computers what have ya. as well as probably the other TT do as well.

Do you pay for those items? or do you just "steal" them?

what do you pay with if you pay?

If you dont pay how is it justified to steal from another world?

could not a TT (time traveler)basically take whatever they wanted from any time?

for example: They would have knowledge of when a shipment of gold was being transported by truck and they could go in and attack the truck and steal all the gold. which would be good for any country or time and do what ever he wanted with it.

They could set themselves up as a King in ancient Egypt and rule the world at the time.

They will have all the power and all the money they could ever want.on this world as well as on others.

what stops you from doing this as well?

Are they careful who they pick to time travel? do you have to take psychological tests before you are chosen?

what attributes should a time traveler have in your opinion?

What are some things they look for when they chose someone for a mission?

If they pick a bad seed by mistake and send them time traveling and that person does harm is there anyway they can go after that person? I am curious about all of this.

thankyou in advance for answering my questions.

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Interesting, if you are from the future, you could tell us just exactly what IT is. Since no one will know for sure until probably 2002 according to news reports. The picture that I saw on ABCNEWs.com of what they thing IT is did not seem to impressive.


there was only one question and you answered it.

if one looks over the temperature charts from the past back to when they first started making them,there is a pattern.

every hundred years or so there is a 10 year period of higher and lower than normal temperatures.after these 10 years,the temperature levels out.

I read somewhere we were at the end of those 10 years,so wouldnt that mean that in your time the temperatures would be not as extreme?

also,what exactly is IT?


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It's no use, he won't answer your question about Time Travelers ethics. Cause he's got none.

I tried having him to comment on it, yet he hasn't.

After all, he comes from a world where there is capital punishment. The ends justify the means for Time Travelers, as I always been saying.


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didnt TT_0 say in a previous post that we were looked down on by future generations,

if he is from a "parellel timeline",how would he know this??

perhaps TT_0 really is a fraud?


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i got an error from the board and tried to resubmit the message,and it popped up in repeat..


[This message has been edited by Fast (edited 11 January 2001).]

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another repeat post..

[This message has been edited by Fast (edited 11 January 2001).]

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I was considering all the pictures that were submitted of UFO'S on all the different TV programs. It seems that very few people are likely to believe in something that is far more believable then time travel. Not that I am a skeptic of time travel for if I were I would not be trying to provide the method and energy source to enable that and other feats. But most would only beleive in UFO's if one were to land in their back yard and even then most would question their own sanity before proclaiming the obvious. What possible evidence can be produced over the internet to convince even a minute few that the time travel has accured? I would say that collective seeing on a constant basis such that sightings become as routine as eating toast for breakfast before all and few would be convinced. I recall that TT-0 stated that even on his world line most of the population do not believe in time travel. I would say how is a time travelor going to convince a group of people from our own generation that time travel has accured when the same feat in his/or her own time line would take quite an amazing feat. I believe that to even consider the possibility of time travel takes a person of faith. And it takes a person who choses to believe in time travel to truely traverse the necesary intellectial and economical barriers to acomplish that goal. I was considering using the superluminal waveguide where microwaves are forced through an iron bar such that the group velocity is greater then light as resonance to enable the iron bar to less virtually conduct the tachyons from my source by decreasing the density of space-time that seperates the tachyon source from the subluminal energy source and thus correcting the space and time dialation of the superluminal and subluminal entities within the iron antena. This will decrease the density seperating the subluminal energies from the superluminal energies and increase the magnitude of the tavchyon field permiating our iron antena. (please forgive any mispellings I am in quite a hurry). This is all just an extra I believe that the above is not necesary but will serve as maybe a tuner or rectifier. (I hope I am using these terms right). By increasing the density of a parallel propagating e and h field to infinity by generating a double phase field and bringing them in phase within a region; then creating a pressure on the field by running a conducter through the field of infinite density will result in the generation of subluminal negative energy. That is a positronic output. By introducing the superluminal mircrowaves one will conduct the tachyons at a higher probability rate as the fields increase in density to infinity--at which time the conduction of tachyons will increase in probability-which is amplitude-to an infinite amplitude.


Edwin G. Schasteen

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Very good.

It's like the old joke from 2 or three years ago regarding why "Star Trek" will never be a reality.

1. The transporter - All ya gotta do is transport to the Met Museum of Modern Art in NYC, steal all the big $$$ paintings, and retire. Nothing you ever own will ever be safe again once the transporter is invented. This works just as well for TT-O's methods as well.

2. The "Holodeck" will be the last invention of Man. Think about it.

So why wouldn't Time Travel? Human nature. Ever meet anyone who didn't wanna be somewhere/when else?


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I have been to the TIME TRAVEL COMMUNITY that time traveler_0 mentioned on the 9th but it has not been up for two days. everytime you go there now it says "Hmmm we can't find that page."

what happened to it?

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I'm just curious about something. You seem to be TT_0 biggest supporter. How old are you by way? Cause it sounds as if he's your role model or something .


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(Just curious... what do you think of IT (GInger) )

We ain't supposed to know yet. But I do sincerely thank them for adding an element of suspense to my life.

I've spent the last 12 years learning to cope with some of the most virulent, malignant, and chronic uncertainties known to man. When somebody adds one more to the pile I just burst out with giggles.

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your always posting some of the longest and largest collections of rhetoric nonsense i have ever seen in all my life.

your message starts out saying people believe in aliens because it is more believable than time travel...and??

why exactly do people who dont believe time travel is possible come and check out the time travel boards?



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First off, why would anybody even wnat to kill their grandparents? Just kill yourself if your that depressed. Don't bring your family into it. Or make sure your parents don't fall in love. It's all bullshit.


the first part of the letter was to the general audience of the forum. The second is to certain persons who I confer with to add to their knowlege conscerning a project that we are involved with. The last part of the letter is part of a much larger technical conscept only those who work closest with me would be able to decipher, understand, or utilze that knowlege. In short I somtimes use this to relay knowlege to my coherts. Even some of them will not fully understand this knowlege until I am able to break it down and expain what I mean. For this is merely to transfer the knowlege while giving away as littly usable technical detail as possible. I will reword the first part of the paragraph:

I simply mean to state that most of the population does not believe in UFO's despite the numerous sightings. And that if the majority will not accept the existance of UFO's the majority will not accept the existance of time travel either.


Edwin G. Schasteen

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Ah, OK. I get your point. I'm not one who has ever seen a UFO and also know that there are a lot of phonies out there claiming to have experiences that are either deluded or just plain lies from the outset.

But...I can't help believing that the existence of extra-terrestrials MUST be so on the sheer logic of the odds alone. I'm not CONVINCED they exist, but I can't see how they could NOT. This is not faith, just deductive reasoning.

Time Travel on the other hand is something I would LOVE to believe as a possibility. Would jump at the chance to endorse if someone somewhere could give me just a glimmer of hope, faith, logic or even reasonable speculation in the mere possibility of. But alas, one burning question remains unanswerd for me. How does one travel to a where/when that actually does not exist in the first place? In other words, how is it ever not eternally here/now?

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This thread has gotten lame. If it isn't some guy claiming to be from the future, and backing down when he knows he can't answer my questions. It's rgrunt, making no sense at all.

I think the moderators should just end this thread, and put it out of it's misery.

Unless we see some real dialouge going, we're way off topic here.

-Javier C.

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