UFO's are actually "human" time travelers from our future...

erm.. back to the original post.
Ken, yes it's very plausible!
Imagine how rapidly you could expand your civilization by dropping off bits of information into the past! You could even start a religion!
Some people say that Jesus was a time traveler, but I don't agree. Most of the stories from the old testament are reapeted from stories dating back from sumarian times, or even earlier.
Some people belive in chaos theories, but repeated patterns like the fibonacci spiral tells you something, does it not?
How much of the sceinec from now is based on theory? You have to believe!
That conversation would take too long. If you want to know more about The reality of the New Testament, you'll need to watch every one of these videos. Xoroaster's Bible Dating Series on YouTube. This guy is not even a professional biblical scholar but he is the most correct out of all the biblical scholars today in 2012.

This video is the most important one about how Christianity was born.

Thanks John. I'll look at them. Time is all I've got.
Ken. If you're serious about this then stay with us on this forum. Things in the next two days are going to heat up. Now, Troll, this isn't a religious forum, I agree. But Titor was a professed Christian, though I believed he said he was a Gnostic Christian. I think the topic is relevant.

1.) You can't quote scripture as the basis of fact as that scripture was redacted and revised several times. It is contradictory.
2.) Revelation was revised no less than 3 times. It was authored by Apollonius of Tyana who is also known as Paul of Tarsus on the Island of Patmos in 69a.d. This was one year before the next eclipse and the fall of Jerusalem to Emperor Titus, the burning of the temple and the rise of Christianity and the bloodline of the Flavians. Josephus is also a part of this story.

The original founders of Christianity fall in line in this order.
Vespasian, Titus, Apollonius, Damas and Lucius.
John Titor also John of Patmos, John the Apostle, John the Beloved, revised Revelation.
Everyone in the future knows this because they watched in on a monitor.
Yes, we are actually able to watch actual living history of everything.
Every tree, every rock contains the video and audio of all past events.
We are able to modulate that and view it.

the only way to find out the real Jesus Christ is...use the Time Camera or time travel back to the past and take some stuff and bring it to the future to show people that he is real or not we need his DNA and other stuff.
the only way to find out the real Jesus Christ is...use the Time Camera or time travel back to the past and take some stuff and bring it to the future to show people that he is real or not we need his DNA and other stuff.

DNA isn't going to prove Jesus existed or not. The best way to prove Jesus Christ existed is to film the actual events in which Apollonius of Tyana, Damas and Lucius worked with Roman Emperor Titus to establish official Roman Mythric churches wherever he conquered. We would trace his steps to the very forest of Cornwall, England itself. Then we would film how those churches transformed into Christian churches. It would also include footage on how Constantine's council decided on the name of Jesus Christ and how his life is a composite of Vespasian, Titus, Josephus and Apollonius.

This is already verifiable now but I can't seem to get anybody who cares enough to research it on their own. It is because Christianity has become irrelevant in many lives today. They don't even care enough to know how Christianity really formed and who Jesus really was. But for those of you who are expecting Jesus Christ, the guy never existed. But you won't read the history of your own religion to understand that.

I understand your point and I myself had been able to see deeper into what you are saying about religion. You are absolutely right about the compilation of scholars in order to bring a Christian faith. Most scholars know this and many teach it at school. Not only that, but yes you are right about the Mithraic elements in Christian religion; its all true. However, as a time traveler (which you say you are) you must understand that religions are needed to keep three main aspects in every society.


I will tell you this, I have been to many, many, many, many places. In each and everyone of them (regardless of time periods) people, regular people is oppressed by injustice, political abuses, the few exploiting the many and countless other horrors which people tend to make other go through. Do you know what is the only lifeline keeping all those millions of people on check and not becoming crazy or jump into the void...yes you got it; religion.

Regardless of the faith....as a time traveler you must understand that every single religion (and I can name a few for I have been close to almost all of them) has a key motivation....HOPE. Its true that as any agency it might become corrupt at its central core...but you can't go and say its wrong for this and this and Jesus doesn't exist for this and this and this. It might be true....but the guy had someone to write some mighty words for the people....maybe instead of pointing fingers you might write some very good words for the world. Take all that anger out and not at the rest of the world.

What would happen if you take Hope from a child, an old person, a sick person, a dying person....(Jesus doesnt exist!!! read your history!!!) Isn't that being as horrible as the people that made the story up?

I believe you Thomas...In fact I believe in you too....but you must act like a real Time Travelers...not like an unruly and rebellious school boy.

Several years ago....possibly in Tibet or a nearby mountain a monk taught me something wonderful. He said that
"It doesn't matter if its true, you don't have to be rude when you say it. You have to be kind for truth is a seed hard to bite into."

Keep telling your truths Mr. Thomas but be a gentleman about them, be kind there are countless reading your posts and countless others wanting to believe.

Thank you for your words, Transient001. I believe you understand what I'm saying here. But let us look at the parent child Santa analogy. Is a white lie harmless? Or do we tell the child that there are no presents from Santa this year because his workshop has been outsourced to China?
I am a true believer that when the Romans came to Western Europe with the chant. "One God, One Land, One King! Convert or die!" that they were doing all the small little chieftains a favor. So I am a believer in Apollonius/Paul's Christianity. Unity. Power. Hope. I believe that. But Apollonius is not immortal. Nor is Titus. Nor are Kings and Queens and any dictators. Believing that Jesus is King and Lord is harmful thinking. The people rule. Apollonius/Paul/Jesus is best thought of as a spirit friend and guide.

Your thoughts?

And I'm just pretending to be a time traveler. I'm not the real deal. I have already been debunked time and time again.

I understand it, but religions are needed (the good and the bad) in order to construct, build and develop societies. When you move through history you see it clearly...the thing is that we are looking at the religion of this present....and it feels bad because you have outgrown it.

But it was Christianity....that Cristianity which made you look deeper. It all began with Sunday school Thomas...it worked for you, it made you better, it allowed you to grow. Christianity was most possibly tampered with, but with a great interest in the development of mankind and it wasn't the Christians, they couldn't know. It happened from somewhere else. Keep looking, you will eventually reach it...you seem to be quite close.
I'm Dryad, but love going to church. Jesus is God and he is human which makes me Atheist meaning that he's here to show us the way aka Yhwh = The Way. I actually attend 4 churches right now each week.
So very good. The spiritual is as important as the physical. As we need to eat, sleep and gi to the dalek so to we need to pray, contemplate and meditate.
So very good. The spiritual is as important as the physical. As we need to eat, sleep and gi to the dalek so to we need to pray, contemplate and meditate.

Just curious. If you could be born at any time after 2012, what year would that be? How old are you now?
I was born in 1967. I am 45. I would want to be born in 1967.
Age is relative, since we take into consideration the Earths rotation around the Sun. If I could be born any years after 2012 I would definitely like to be born August 17 2147. That will be a great year, the most wonderful year ever. Then again, March 26 2220 would be great as well. However, If one could have been born in the past I would surely go with June 22 1636, great year. In that year Athanasius wrote a wonderful master piece that to this day has impacted the world. Also, Henry Adams (yes ancestor of John Adams) journeyed to Mass. from the Old World. Don't get your hopes too high by trying to meddle with that, all those timezones are heavily interdicted.
I'm at the perfect time for me to be born, but I wouldn't mind being a time traveller if it were possible for me, but at the moment I can't because of my condition and so I'm stuck within my own time, but it's good to be with this time.
Time travelers are from Earths future, but they are not human. After humanity is destroyed, evolution on Earth will continue. Eventually another race of beings will evolve and create a highly advanced society that will travel into the past to see what we were like.
Time travelers are from Earths future, but they are not human. After humanity is destroyed, evolution on Earth will continue. Eventually another race of beings will evolve and create a highly advanced society that will travel into the past to see what we were like.

Secrets can never be kept forever. No technology can be kept a secret forever. Time travel technology, especially, can not be kept secret forever. If you use it to travel to the past - and "you" is every generation going into the future, virtually forever - it will eventually fall into unintended hands, including the hands of the occupants of the past.

In the time travel scenario that you propose (unlimited time travel to the past) the humans eventually acquire the time travel technology from the future "human" race and use it to travel to both their past and future thus avoiding extinction and spreading the technology ever farther into both the past and future- which begs two questions:

1) How did the future "human" race surmised their predecessors' extinction? They were never extincted.

2) Who invented time travel? At some point it fell into the hands of the original humans long before their erstwhile (and non-existent) extinction date and, therefore, long before the existence of the future "human" race. There is neither motivation nor reason to invent that which already exists. When the future "humans" arose time travel already existed in the past.
Hey Troll...what makes you so nervous when people begin discussing their "religious" views? Could it be that you feel a bit insecure? Discussing religious views is no different than discussing "Time Travel" views. I get a kick out of watching you react whenever someone brings up The Bible or Jesus Christ. I think it's perfectly fine and acceptable for people to share their religious views if they so desire. If you have views on Religion I certainly RESPECT those, but don't get all frightened when someone discusses theirs.

I hate to break the news but Troll was just a hit-and-run poster who was here for a few days and left three months ago after making a few posts on this thread.
Ken time travel here from the past to now so that means he thought Troll was still here but Ken didn't realize he travelled to the future. ;)
Religion aside, I still believe in Operation Paperclip as due cause to Saucer incidents. Thinking logically, if there were an advanced civilization, they would not spend there time orbiting Earth all this time. It's most likely that the technology had fallen into human control and was/is being used as common testing means by the U.S. Military. As far as time travel, it would be inconvenient to place an object capable of time travel on a portable device.
Time travelers are from Earths future, but they are not human. After humanity is destroyed, evolution on Earth will continue. Eventually another race of beings will evolve and create a highly advanced society that will travel into the past to see what we were like.

Ah, I just saw your name, Jon. Welcome. Any assistance is much appreciated.