A Time Travelers Request

I am a traveler. A sad one at that. I escaped the ending as well. Unfortunately I can't say the same for my brethren. Their screaming of pain and horror hurt. There was no other way. I have been sent to try to undo what has been done, but their laziness and ignorance kept them from knowing about MIT, or the Many Worlds Theory. I am willing to lend what I know about the place, but jumping so far into the past has affected my learning. If you have questions, please feel free to ask. But I will stay secret and in hiding for now.

Can you tell from which year you came? And what compels you to time travel? about your time travel journey? How it works?

I... I don't remember what time I come from because the jump in time was large enough to have side effects like memory loss, stunting of growth, and constant headaches and dizziness. It is hard to explain what compelled me to time travel. I was forced to go through. Black sun flares were burning the building apart and there wasn't enough time to get my brethren on board with me. I could hear their screams echo through my head. My time travel journey required me to go inside of a cylindrical pod, about 9ft tall and enough space to have 5 men on board. The journey made me pass out and I was alone. I didn't dial in the course of time, but I think the confusion and panic sent me a little too far into the past. The manual got burnt up in flames while the pod ended up getting destroyed. I am truly sorry I cannot share much with you, but I hope you come with more questions. I am slowly remembering stuff, but it is taking time.

Believe me or not, I am a time traveler. I have made posts that you should read before you come to me with questions. I am sorry if I cannot give any information, but I will share what I can. I am not available on weekends because I mourn the deaths of my brethren, and those that were doomed in that time. I will sometimes have to refer to the MWT, or the multiple worlds theory. Please do ask me questions though. I love the inquisitive. If you have questions, ask here and I will get to it when I can.

The posts that i would want you to read are scattered, so here is a copy and paste of one of them. 

I am very fascinated in that a traveler like me has seen this outcome, for all my brethren have fallen. I have yet to help this world, but I see now the human race is still tearing itself apart. I feel that it is necessary to state that we will all be wiped out sooner or later, but the mass destruction  that will happen is inconceivable to the human mind. Choose not to believe me, but when it happens, it will be impossible to prepare for.

I was very surprised that I have arrived here because I was told that I needed to fix what has been done to prevent the end. They were my closest brethren, yet their ignorance in the field of time study caused them to not know about the MWT. I wouldn't know where I was sent because they all were in panic. If you could please specify what you are talking about when you say,"What's it like for you?" I will gladly tell what I can.

Here is another post I made on the topic "What was your earliest memory" 

I am very fascinated in that a traveler like me has seen this outcome, for all my brethren have fallen. I have yet to help this world, but I see now the human race is still tearing itself apart. I feel that it is necessary to state that we will all be wiped out sooner or later, but the mass destruction  that will happen is inconceivable to the human mind. Choose not to believe me, but when it happens, it will be impossible to prepare for.
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I just remembered and I should probably say it now. The world is a simulation. A doomed experiment. God is real, just really high tech beyond comprehension. That is why when farmers or locals in places see a UFO, they are probably not crazy. It is just his Angels traveling around doing his bidding. Think about the definition of Angel. It would fit under the category Alien. I have had a death experience for a short time and I should probably say that I asked God a question. What is the reason of life. All he would say is that we were a doomed experiment, but then I came back to life.

When I ask, "What's it like for you?" I am asking about your experience as a time traveler. What was it like to travel through time? What is it like now versus the sad time from which you came? What happened to make you flee and why are you here? 

Well, my experience as a time traveler has been overwhelming for me. Traveling in time is somewhat lonely. I have accepted that the time is doomed and I must live my life here. Here, things are living up. I have a job, live alone, take care of myself among other things. I believed that because I am stuck here, I should live my life to its fullest. The sad time I was in was not what you would expect. The rivers turned red because of massive pollution. Black sun flares were hitting the side of the earth and ending many lives and families. There was a war going on between the two major "democracies". The one that is now China Russia Union is currently winning the war. The UNC, or United National Countries, were losing because they were trying to fix things. They took me from my family and sent me to a hidden UNC base or something of the sort. I am here because I was sent here on a mission to fix the future to stop the China Russia Union from being made at all. But because they didn't know about the theory MWT, or the Multiple Worlds Theory, they didn't know that they were doomed and there was nothing to be fixed. Not to worry, the China Russia Union will not become a thing. I have studied this world closely, and nothing that devastating will happen. Unfortunately, humankind is still doomed to death. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I wor from 4pm-8pm, so don't expect me to give you a immediate reply at night.

I am so sorry that your time sounds so horrendous with the war and all of the pollution. Do most people in your life now know you're a time traveler? Are you scheduled to return to your former life or are you here permanently? 

Thanks for that, I was starting to feel down a bit. No, nobody near me knows that I am a time traveler, I would rather not draw that much attention. This site I found is enough. I am stuck here permanently because my time machine, or the model 2x3Dy-90, has been destroyed. I am trying to just live my life to it's fullest, and accept that I cannot go back. So, if that answers your questions, you're welcome. Remember, Stay Inquisitive.

I also want to say that I am not a man of science, but I do know a few things and am trying to fit in. So do not be surprised if I ask weird questions because I am just trying to figure things out. So, here is my first question to you all. What would be a appropriate car for this timeline? Most of these cars look foreign to me.

Here is another post I made on the topic "What was your earliest memory" 

I am very fascinated in that a traveler like me has seen this outcome, for all my brethren have fallen. I have yet to help this world, but I see now the human race is still tearing itself apart. I feel that it is necessary to state that we will all be wiped out sooner or later, but the mass destruction  that will happen is inconceivable to the human mind. Choose not to believe me, but when it happens, it will be impossible to prepare for.
oops I think I posted the wrong one sorry

An environmentally appropriate car (hybrid? electric?) might be suitable given your mission. How will you pay for it? How will you pay for a car? How did you find a place to live? What are cars and housing like where you are from? 

I... I don't remember what time I come from because the jump in time was large enough to have side effects like memory loss, stunting of growth, and constant headaches and dizziness. It is hard to explain what compelled me to time travel. I was forced to go through. Black sun flares were burning the building apart and there wasn't enough time to get my brethren on board with me. I could hear their screams echo through my head. My time travel journey required me to go inside of a cylindrical pod, about 9ft tall and enough space to have 5 men on board. The journey made me pass out and I was alone. I didn't dial in the course of time, but I think the confusion and panic sent me a little too far into the past. The manual got burnt up in flames while the pod ended up getting destroyed. I am truly sorry I cannot share much with you, but I hope you come with more questions. I am slowly remembering stuff, but it is taking time.
So the event caused memory loss (constipation, a headache  and a rather nasty rash - sounds like ragweed pollen allergy) but you seem to remember the event in minute detail.  Unbelievably, the only memory lost seems to be the date. 

I have been sent to try to undo what has been done, but their laziness and ignorance kept them from knowing about MIT, or the Many Worlds Theory.
They didn't know about MIT?  You mean the Massachusetts Institute of Technology? And what is the Many Worlds Theory?  Excuse my ignorance but I've never heard of such a theory.  I've heard of the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics which is not a theory but an interpretation of a theory.  The proper name is actually The Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics (Hugh Everett III's PhD dissertation of 1956).

Is there something new that has developed?  Many Worlds in all of its permutations has its followers among some physicists but it is not generally accepted as being correct by anything close to a majority of physicists today.
