Any REAL Time Traveler's out there?


Temporal Novice
Any REAL Time Traveler\'s out there?

I've been browsing and reading the boards for quite sometime and decided to join. IF there are any REAL time travelers out there, I'd like to conduct a personal experiment. That is, if anyone is up for the challenge. It's quite simple really. All I need you to do is time travel back to 1998. I'll then write myself an email to give to you complete with the email I had then, and lets just see *what happens." Probably nothing, since I may get some TT stating they aren't "going that way" back to 98, or some fool saying he is one and just end up sending it on this timeline. Anyone up for the challenge? I heard Titor did this with people back in 01. Had some people write emails to themselves and John send it back in 98. Maybe for some reason 98 seems to be an important year. Looking back it was for me. If there are TRULY any real time travelers out there contact me.
Re: Any REAL Time Traveler\'s out there?

A. M. "No Time"

This is the real and true!

But really is your experiment quite so simple?

Truly probably nothing really will happen!

Some predict and some invent but really is there truly a difference?

Re: Any REAL Time Traveler\'s out there?

"But really is your experiment quite so simple?"
Why, yes it is. Consider for a moment TT is real. All one TT would have to do is go back to 98 and send the email... much like how someone would do passing a mailbox on the street and dropping the letter off for a friend.

Truly probably nothing really will happen! Right cause there are no TT. Hence this challenge.

Some predict and some invent but really is there truly a difference?
Don't you think one would have to be open to BOTH the possibilities that there is hard science and there is the supernatural, both co-exist. Most don't believe this, it's one or the other. So if someone makes a prediction, and they're wrong, they're a phony. If they are right, they are lucky, even if they beat the odds, they are still lucky, or its a "coincidence" people sometimes will look at everything BUT the truth.
Re: Any REAL Time Traveler\'s out there?

How will you notice the bustle in the hedgerows if you are still in the middle of the field?

Should I jump to a moment in 1998 and send you a message the message will have been there all along every moment from 1998 till now. You would most certainly remember seeing it. From your view you will not be aware of anything having happened but from my view I will have invented the past as well as the future.

I tell you a truth, inventing the past is but a little more certain than predicting the future.

I am,

Jumper between the rows.