Is time travelling possible to any degree?

To those of you that believe time travel is possible and multiple time lines or universes are possible and that, when you time travel, you never return to the "original" T/L or universe...Perhaps, you would explain something for me that I haven't noticed being accounted for, as yet.

When you arrive in your new T/L or universe, what happens to the "you" that already existed in the T/L or universe you now occupy??
Does he/she poof out of existence with your arrival? How unfair would that be?
Do you arrive in a T/L or universe another "you" doesn't already exist in? Then how would your new existence be explained?
Do you coexist and become best buddies?
I'm curious to hear explanations that account for "this" paradox since the multiple T/L or universe conjecture supposedly accounts for potential paradoxes.

And, No, I do not subscribe to multiple universes or alternate/multiple time lines. I can't understand why the universe needs to be constantly recreated to satisfy a fantasy of men that... "Every thing that can happen, must happen." If you try to say it's "because of probabilities", I respond, Nothing "I know of" in probabilities dictates all outcomes are required. Only the chance that, any one of many, might happen.
My personal opinion at present is that only one timeline exists. We all know the rule that cause always precedes effect. But having a time machine could make it appear that rule is not valid. It would mean paradoxes are real. I just see it as a way to rewrite the future by changing the past.

It also gives those with time travel technology the ability to control the path into the future. But probably not exclusive control. For all we know there could be a time war going on over the control of how the future unfolds. And I do believe we are being controlled. I've commented before on how it appears our scientific knowledge base appears to be altered.

I would like to suggest that altered reality observations are actually just evidence of time tampering. But that also leads to the conclusion that our memories of the past we came from do not change, even though a physical alteration of a past event can be manifested.
Meditaters from backgrounds which don't dictate what or how one should meditate on often experience multiple time lines, multiple deminsions, and so on, worst yet all time and space is apparently Now, not linear, (though thinking linear certainly helps to get one to the meeting on time in a world which has invented the concept of a linear timeline).
If anyone has also experienced this and has developed any type of marker system to know when they change timelines or deminsions when traveling I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on it.

To our original poster I would suggest that the belief in 'masterbation stealing your purity' is a mankind created belief which is only catered to in a few countires of the world and of particular cultural religious areas and therefore doesn't affect other's not having those belief systems. Therefore a cure can be found in dropping belief systems that came from techers and guru's and not directly from the Divine.

To help you sort through what is programmed into you culturally and religiously so that you can drop unhelpful guilt and fears try reading Eckharte Tolles "A New Earth" you can google it, it's a free PDF online and has been of extreme use for many people.

While many of us would like to go back in time to change certain events and interactions it is only the egoaic mind that wants to do that, the spirit knows that much of value is learned from these interactions and its part of why we came to the earth classroom - to experience both sides of the coin.

True compassion, the compassion of the Enlightened ones and Ascended Masters isn't past down from a teacher or guru, it is learned over many lifetimes by experiencing both sides of each lesso. Trying to go back in time and change something only insures the lesson wasn't learned and still needs to be and the Universe will assist so that it can be learned - for no growth comes when learning oppertunities are buried instead of learned from. There's no short cuts to spiritual lessons.
Pain is the illusion, only love is real.

Having said that tho, i'm one of godless Atheists in the West. Amoung some of us here is a definition that Enlightenment is actual transcendance of the ego,
while Awakening is becoming viserally aware that God is within one and one is part of the fabric of the Universe and the disticnction between Self and Other begins to disintigrate but the sense of Self and ego still remains-
It is during this period when the battle begins with the egoaic structure of the human mind and emotions and strongly held belief systems threaten the awakening process and spirit/higher self being able to emerge from behind the viel until ego is fully transcended, which may or may not happen in this lifetime.
But I wander......Many blessings to you on your Path
To those of you that believe time travel is possible and multiple time lines or universes are possible and that, when you time travel, you never return to the "original" T/L or universe...Perhaps, you would explain something for me that I haven't noticed being accounted for, as yet.

When you arrive in your new T/L or universe, what happens to the "you" that already existed in the T/L or universe you now occupy??
Does he/she poof out of existence with your arrival? How unfair would that be?
Do you arrive in a T/L or universe another "you" doesn't already exist in? Then how would your new existence be explained?
Do you coexist and become best buddies?
I'm curious to hear explanations that account for "this" paradox since the multiple T/L or universe conjecture supposedly accounts for potential paradoxes.

And, No, I do not subscribe to multiple universes or alternate/multiple time lines. I can't understand why the universe needs to be constantly recreated to satisfy a fantasy of men that... "Every thing that can happen, must happen." If you try to say it's "because of probabilities", I respond, Nothing "I know of" in probabilities dictates all outcomes are required. Only the chance that, any one of many, might happen.
Hi, Gpa.
Time travellers vanish and reappear.
Usually, but not always, the event is unobserved,
if not rationalized as one’s mind playing tricks on him.
Such disappearances are the difference
between time slips and near death experiences,
which, in afterthought, I regard spiritual journeys.

Time travel is to spiritual journey
what universe, singular or plural, is to heaven,
since bodies (celestial, human ...&c.) entail limitations.
That is why,
while others dream of becoming gods,
I can only pray to be one with God.
With Him, all things are possible,
but not equally probable as a result.

Time isn’t linear.

And, insofar as the universe or the multiverse is
concerned, once I imagined a universe within a torus*
I couldn’t help but envision multiple universes
strung or loomed like so many beads.

The Torus | Time Travel Institute
Syzygy said:
Time travellers vanish and reappear.
Usually, but not always, the event is unobserved,
if not rationalized as one’s mind playing tricks on him.
Such disappearances are the difference
between time slips and near death experiences,
which, in afterthought, I regard spiritual journeys

Thanks for your reply but this still doesn't answer my question regarding a TT'er not returning to his original TL. There will be two of him in the TL he arrives in unless he didn't exist in that TL to begin with and that creates it's own problems, as stated before.

Syzygy said:
Time travel is to spiritual journey
what universe, singular or plural, is to heaven,
I see no correlation between time travel and a spiritual journey, nor with the universe and heaven.
Time travel is the moving forward or backward in time.To what end, is up to the imagination of the one who travels.
A spiritual journey is a vehicle for the growth of one's spirit. It has, to the best of my knowledge, always been a forward looking endeavor toward a better spiritual future.

As to the universe and heaven, I have always envisioned heaven as some place "outside" the universe.

Syzygy said:
With Him, all things are possible,
but not equally probable as a result.
I am unaware of any use of time travel by God. I am aware of interpretations of His omnipotence that allows His being in the past, present, and future simultaneously
Syzygy said:
And, insofar as the universe or the multiverse is
concerned, once I imagined a universe within a torus
I couldn’t help but envision multiple universes
strung or loomed like so many beads.
My signature notwithstanding, not everything we can imagine or envision does or will exist.
Thanks for your reply but this still doesn't answer my question regarding a TT'er not returning to his original TL. There will be two of him in the TL he arrives in unless he didn't exist in that TL to begin with and that creates it's own problems, as stated before.
My time slip was too instantaneous to amount
to much more than a ripple in time, unless the
span was much different in an interim TL.
I see no correlation between time travel and a spiritual journey, nor with the universe and heaven.
Time travel is the moving forward or backward in time.To what end, is up to the imagination of the one who travels.
A spiritual journey is a vehicle for the growth of one's spirit. It has, to the best of my knowledge, always been a forward looking endeavor toward a better spiritual future.
The complementary sets correlate physical with incorporeal,
visible with the invisible and knowable with unknowable
much as I correlated two distinct experiences. How you
reconcile the sets of tangibles and intangibles, equally real,
I do not know.
As to the universe and heaven, I have always envisioned heaven as some place "outside" the universe.
Inside and outside are conceptual. On the macro and micro levels,
there are worlds within worlds coexistent--
even ever present as we breathe the breath of forefathers.
[1] I am unaware of any use of time travel by God.
[2] I am aware of interpretations of His omnipotence that allows His being in the past, present, and future simultaneously
[1] Are you always aware of God's will?
His ways often mystifies me. He answers prayers,
sometimes forgotten, in ways unimagined while,
if there be destiny, there are things we are bound
to learn one way or another --
the hard way when we, like Jonah, resist.
[2] We are past, present and, God willing, future.
In regard to God's omnipresence:
He is in you, you are in Him.
[1] My signature notwithstanding,
[2] not everything we can imagine or envision does or will exist.
[1] Speaking of signatures, I decided to change mine
to a fragment of a comment that I made herein...
[2] A human cannot deny the essence of his being
and comprehend that which likewise exists.
A footnote was added to my previous post.